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Diego Maradona Dead at 60

That goal he didn't even score but set up for caniggia at the Qf against Brazil in 1990 was phenomenal
I don't know why tbh. I don't care about his life, i don't care about napoli, i just don't care - even if there's an interesting story, i have many other interesting stories i could crack on with. It may just be the reverse of people who say i don't like football but found this interesting. To me, it ends with him on the pitch - and he was beyond amazing. Not the slightest inclination to learn anymore. Sounds weird now i say it.

The football bits in Italian stadiums are worth watching for a different level of fan hatred (Napoli being hated for being southern and poor - and for being victims of typhus from decades back). And the football on the pitch. Hadn't quite appreciated before what he did for Napoli. And just how much your star needs to rise (or something) to become useful to the Mafia.
The football bits in Italian stadiums are worth watching for a different level of fan hatred (Napoli being hated for being southern and poor - and for being victims of typhus from decades back). And the football on the pitch. Hadn't quite appreciated before what he did for Napoli. And just how much your star needs to rise (or something) to become useful to the Mafia.
I have esp noted napoli people saying stuff about helping them bringing about self-repsect then the next step of them then demanding respect of others. Not just in football of course.

Edit: and this isn't a joke, the way people in leeds see bielsa as wiping away so much that's not just to do with the club. A news leeds.
I don't know why tbh. I don't care about his life, i don't care about napoli, i just don't care - even if there's an interesting story, i have many other interesting stories i could crack on with. It may just be the reverse of people who say i don't like football but found this interesting. To me, it ends with him on the pitch - and he was beyond amazing. Not the slightest inclination to learn anymore. Sounds weird now i say it.

No, not weird.

I don't need a story to appreciate beautiful football, but I did find that I watched it differently when I had a sense of his struggle with himself and how he escaped that when totally in the moment in his mind and his body on the pitch. The psychological demands were also there in his football, the way he played, I think. I found that fascinating.
The football bits in Italian stadiums are worth watching for a different level of fan hatred (Napoli being hated for being southern and poor - and for being victims of typhus from decades back). And the football on the pitch. Hadn't quite appreciated before what he did for Napoli. And just how much your star needs to rise (or something) to become useful to the Mafia.
And a different level of fan adoration too. My mother used to go on about the hatred of many Northern Italians for the Southern (her mother was from the South and this stuff persisted over here) and I always thought she was exaggerating. This did make me wonder if she wasn't so much.
He was certainly the best player i ever saw - i can't talk for pele etc as never saw live. I think he is better than messi as he wasn't always surrounded by world class players, he had to drag so many teams into greatness - which he did time after time. Whilst being a dick.

I guess that’s how you see yourself, apart from the dick part, which is what the rest of us think
Naples will be in mourning this evening. I was there pre covid for a weekend and there are murals of him everywhere.

Bit before my time though, i was only 8 years old when i watched him getting booted out of the World Cup in 94 (my dad wouldn't really explain why), so i have no real affection for him as a person or a footballer.

Thats not to say i dont understand that he was clearly a genius of a footballer, and quite the character off the pitch. Shame he's gone.
He was brilliant but the teams (and let's not forget he had to have DECENT players around him at least, and Argentina in 1986 had some very good players) he played with were all set up around him.
That's the thing though - neither team had any really god players, bar Maradona. Naples weer a nothing team without him. Argentina '86 had Valdano and a clapped-out, once great Passarella., plus burruchaga was a willing runner, Argentina '90 had Caniggia. And that was literally it. The rest were average - to put it mildly.
Of course they built the team around him - they had no other options.
(Also, you mentioned Barcelona. he was injured half the time, thanks to being constantly kicked all around the pitch - but he still scored 38 goals in 58 games).
fantastic player to watch. Not going to dwell on his demons. plenty of that going on in the media now. kicked to shit by those unable to cope with him & it wrecked him.
Diego Maradona is blessed with every attribute possible to gift a player - low centre of gravity, which he leverages through formidable lower and upper body strength; great balance; sublime ball control, vision, etc. He also has the pasión of an Andean Puma in stride, and he knows how much it means to his countryfolk to avenge their loss.

But for all his wealth of ability, Diego has one shortfall (no pun intended). He stands only 5'5".

So when, in the vital match at the vital moment, he swerves past two England defenders and nudges the ball forward for a one-two, and an under-pressure Terry Fenwick (I think it was him) mis-hits the ball towards him, Diego probably looked at his creator and said 'Why God?'.

Why? When I've fought tooth and nail, turned past one and then two, placed the ball beyond their reach, and then burst past their final defence - why do you mock me by looping the ball up into the one part of this pitch I cannot control? Where is your natural sense of justice anyway?

In fact, you know what? Fuck you God. I'm going to score this anyway. The universe bloody well needs this. My people need this. It's all too beautiful to let go of. I'm sorry for your narrative, but I have other plans. In fact, if you don't mind giving me a hand...

And so it went.

RIP - The greatest of all.
Always loved this photo.

View attachment 240415
It's the sort of photo that looks like it has a perfect symmetry, with the inverted triangle. Then you look again and you notice Maradona himself seems to be spoiling that symmetry. But ah, no, you were right first time - it's the ball at the point of the triangle that persuades you are seeing something balanced.
It's a shame he was a drugs cheat, and a general cheat on the field. Not to mention his tax dodging, threatening people with guns and throwing his toys out of the pram when he didn't get voted the all time number one player by FIFA.
Wasn't there some sort of fix where Maradona won the public vote but FIFA decided it had to be Pele so an additional jury vote was added at the eleventh hour? Or something like that. I remember it being a controversy.

ETA: Yes, that's pretty much exactly what happened, so toy-throwing probably in order.

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