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Diane Abbott suspended as Labour MP.

As I say I don’t know how popular she is locally. But the procrastination is making him look weaker. He should let her stand Rather than throw a seat away by parachuting some Choice candidate in. Let her stand to let the news story move on the mall he dithers, the more embarrassing for him it is.
I'd have thought the sensible thing to do right now would be to let her stand and publicly back her, praising her constituency work, noting her place in history and other such guff, and in the process force her to publicly back him. In his scheme of things, surely she isn't that important.

But while he may be totally lacking in principles, he also appears to be tactically useless. His politics are terrible and he's a terrible politician.

How the FUCK is he set to be the next PM????:facepalm:
Dianne says she hasn't been selected.
Starmer says that hasn't been decided.

So then he can use this against her. She will be seen as calling out the leader and going against the party and by virtue of not actually doing aything Starmer gets to kick her out on a technicality. Nothing to do with the issue of her letter. Odious

Strictly speaking, it appears that Starmer may be correct

The NEC, Labour's governing body, will formally approve the party's full slate of candidates on Tuesday. It may decide not to endorse Ms Abbott and impose a different candidate instead. She could also be called interviewed by an NEC panel before the cut-off date.

Starmer can claim that the final decision isn't his but rests with the NEC, even though if they do turn her down it will be fairly obvious that they're doing his bidding.
The SCG is well intentioned but it's politically weak with little political nous and has offered very little opposition precisely because its in the Labour Party. With better leadership and politics it should have split away some time ago.
Broken record as I am on this, it also goes back to the failure of Momentum and the left to build something outside the walls of Labourism. Or, to put it another way, 'how many legions does the left have?'
Yeah but saying "Jewish people are not subjected to the same racism as some other minorities" is quite the line to cross. I mean after everything Labour had gone through re: antisemitism, on top of her previous, she handed that one to Starmer on a plate.

Personally speaking, I don't compare the racism I face to the racism others do, but what Diane Abbott said was NOT anti semetic.

It was an opinion. She accepted Irish, Jewish and travellers faced racism and discrimination but said it was not the same as racism faced by non whites. This is true (imo) but "not the same" does not mean it is less serious. Her mistake was not to make his abundantly clear and she immediately apologised.

Her carelessness made it seem like she believed that there is a hierarchy of racism which is both bollocks and unhelpful. In the same way I would not dream of saying the racism I face is worse than sexism or homophonia as this would be saying other forms of discrimination and oppression is less serious.

Starmer and his supporters would be better served examining their reasons for not calling for an immediate ceasefire when around 10,000 civilians had been slaughtered in Palestine but changing their mind when the number hit 15,000.

That is a fucking huge fuck off attitude that has no place in any decent party. Like what exact number of civilian deaths was unacceptable to these fuckers????

It's clear (when you compare their attitude to Russia's attacks on the Ukrainian civilians) that non white life's are less politically important to these cunts.

No way will I vote for these scum in the election. They are worse than Blair and Co by quite a distance and I couldn't stand them.
Personally speaking, I don't compare the racism I face to the racism others do, but what Diane Abbott said was NOT anti semetic.

It was an opinion. She accepted Irish, Jewish and travellers faced racism and discrimination but said it was not the same as racism faced by non whites. This is true (imo) but "not the same" does not mean it is less serious. Her mistake was not to make his abundantly clear and she immediately apologised.

Her carelessness made it seem like she believed that there is a hierarchy of racism which is both bollocks and unhelpful. In the same way I would not dream of saying the racism I face is worse than sexism or homophonia as this would be saying other forms of discrimination and oppression is less serious.

Starmer and his supporters would be better served examining their reasons for not calling for an immediate ceasefire when around 10,000 civilians had been slaughtered in Palestine but changing their mind when the number hit 15,000.

That is a fucking huge fuck off attitude that has no place in any decent party. Like what exact number of civilian deaths was unacceptable to these fuckers????

It's clear (when you compare their attitude to Russia's attacks on the Ukrainian civilians) that non white life's are less politically important to these cunts.

No way will I vote for these scum in the election. They are worse than Blair and Co by quite a distance and I couldn't stand them.
And linked to this, any party that is remotely serious about racism should be able to distinguish the forms it takes (prejudice and discrimination; socioeconomic and material inequality etc.). She didn't achieve that debate and I wouldn't go with her formulation, but it was a legitimate component in that debate. But of course, Starmer's bullying of Abbott also serves to shut down discussion.
And linked to this, any party that is remotely serious about racism should be able to distinguish the forms it takes (prejudice and discrimination; socioeconomic and material inequality etc.). She didn't achieve that debate and I wouldn't go with her formulation, but it was a legitimate component in that debate. But of course, Starmer's bullying of Abbott also serves to shut down discussion.
It's unfortunate that she expressed it so badly (and it was bad) but it was gleefully leapt on as evidence of anti-semitism by a bunch of bad faith actors. Abbott herself should have known better of course. But yeah, it's obvious that discrimination takes place on different levels and in different ways for different groups of people. You don't get followed around shops by security or pulled over by the police for driving a fancy car or stopped and searched 'at random' just for being Jewish.
Personally speaking, I don't compare the racism I face to the racism others do, but what Diane Abbott said was NOT anti semetic.

I didn't think it was anti-Semitic either, for the record. It was just the latest of her clumsy remarks on race, which given how toxic the whole Labour/anti-Semitic thing had become in recent times was hardly an insignificant gaffe.
As I say I don’t know how popular she is locally. But the procrastination is making him look weaker. He should let her stand Rather than throw a seat away by parachuting some Choice candidate in. Let her stand to let the news story move on the mall he dithers, the more embarrassing for him it is.

have they decided that the possible loss of a seat (or more likely reduction of majority in a safe seat) is worth the possibility of getting a few more votes off potential tory / refuck voters in marginal seats elsewhere?

mandelson was open about the 'where else will they go?' approach to working class voters in the blair years (although that didn't work in 'red wall' seats in 2019).

it looks as though they are taking the same approach to black / muslim voters now - will black people vote for the tories if labour are seen as nearly as racist as the tories? will it make much of a difference if black people don't vote / vote for a fringe party?
Strictly speaking, it appears that Starmer may be correct

Starmer can claim that the final decision isn't his but rests with the NEC, even though if they do turn her down it will be fairly obvious that they're doing his bidding.

Strictly speaking they both could be correct.

What Starmer keeps trying to divorce himself from ("it's up to the NEC") is the fact he is on the NEC. And they are likely to do what he wants.
I didn't think it was anti-Semitic either, for the record. It was just the latest of her clumsy remarks on race, which given how toxic the whole Labour/anti-Semitic thing had become in recent times was hardly an insignificant gaffe.

Particularly when rather than just being an off-the-cuff remark, or a tweet, it was a letter which she wrote for publication in a national newspaper.
Particularly when rather than just being an off-the-cuff remark, or a tweet, it was a letter which she wrote for publication in a national newspaper.
It was spectacularly misjudged. I don't think anyone disagrees with that.

FWIW it also puts forward a definition of racism that I don't think is helpful at all, but that bit could be part of a genuine debate.

But let's not pretend Starmer didn't weaponise it against her. He has forgiven far worse from his supporters.
I'd have thought the sensible thing to do right now would be to let her stand and publicly back her, praising her constituency work, noting her place in history and other such guff, and in the process force her to publicly back him. In his scheme of things, surely she isn't that important.

But while he may be totally lacking in principles, he also appears to be tactically useless. His politics are terrible and he's a terrible politician.

How the FUCK is he set to be the next PM????:facepalm:
at the very least get her elected, win the election, then kick her out. Not endorsing that, but starmer is tactically inept
Wouldn't surprise me if they do let her stand now, particularly after Rayner's comment above. An omnishamnles entirely of sir kieth"s making.

Edit, having now read her comments, she really looks to be pushing the dignified exit line. You can stand if you want to, but...... don't.
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Dianne says she hasn't been selected.
Starmer says that hasn't been decided.

So who's telling the truth here?

Hmmm I wonder?


"Who's telling the truth?"
Something has got to give with our ancient regime....a Labour landslide perhaps not the best conditions for it to happen though...its got to be broken one day. Nick Bastard Clegg royal missed the open goal to have a referendum on PR - it was one of their conditions for the being in the coalition. Hard to imagine when another opportunity will arise like that.
Cleggy nanaged to wangle a referendum on the Alternative Vote, and it was rejected by the electorate.

PR doesn't give those European entities that use it particularly wonderful regimes, look at Sweden or the Netherlands; and in most systems you end up voting for a party list headed up by the grandees.
Hah Diane must be gutted, was ready to retire, looks like she's going to have to stand again on principle!

It does not appear that Diane Abbott "was ready to retire" when she posted the following message on Twitter (now known as "X") at 4.26 p.m. on 1 August 2022:

"Humbled by the support I received in my constituency to fight the next general election for Labour. Thank you all for your support. Let's take the fight to the Tories!"

It now seems that her 'retirement' may well have been invented for consumption by a complaint and unquestioning media by the Labour Together Party within the Labour Party, which is headed by Morgan McSweeney, boss of Sir Keir Starmer KCB KC, once the truth about the so-called "ongoing investigation and discplinary process" was made public by a BBC journalist.



(Source: Sunday Times)

Who's "gutted" now?
Cleggy nanaged to wangle a referendum on the Alternative Vote, and it was rejected by the electorate.

PR doesn't give those European entities that use it particularly wonderful regimes, look at Sweden or the Netherlands; and in most systems you end up voting for a party list headed up by the grandees.
PR isn't a magic wand, and there is no perfect way to do it, but the system the UK has is so undemocratic that parties can govern with majorities, sometimes for decades at a time, without ever getting more than 45% of the total vote share. FPTP gave us the extremism of Thatcher.

And for the vast majority of my voting-age lifetime, I have effectively been disenfranchised. Nobody who stands the remotest chance of even one seat standing for anything I remotely believe in. There are millions like me.
It now seems that her 'retirement' may well have been invented for consumption by a complaint and unquestioning media by the Labour Together Party within the Labour Party, which is headed by Morgan McSweeney, boss of Sir Keir Starmer KCB KC, once the truth about the so-called "ongoing investigation and discplinary process" was made public by a BBC journalist.

Yes that's possible - I hold my hand up to going along with that story - though that part of the rumour wasn't widely out there.... would need an insider to find out the truth.
PR isn't a magic wand, and there is no perfect way to do it, but the system the UK has is so undemocratic that parties can govern with majorities, sometimes for decades at a time, without ever getting more than 45% of the total vote share. FPTP gave us the extremism of Thatcher.
PR keeps Likud and the Israeli farRight fringe in power, it puts the Swedish Democrats into government, and it gives that vile Dutch cunt, who I won't soil my fingers to Google a seat in the cabinet of the Netherlands.

In the Federal Republic of Germany it kept the Nazi infiltrated Free Democrats in coalition governments for three decades after the end of WW II. As for Italy corrupt and criminal governments with minor parties pushing for their "special interests" for 80 years
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