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Diane Abbott suspended as Labour MP.

I liked this from National Health Action Party email about the election:

4. Islington North seat and Hackney North and Stoke Newington Seat
As you may be aware, Jeremy Corbyn is standing as an Independent candidate in Islington North. Diane Abbott may also be standing, either as a Labour candidate is she is re-admitted to the Labour Party on time, or as an Independent candidate otherwise.
Some of you may wish to volunteer to deliver leaflets or doorknock for one or other of these two MPs as Independents. We will give you details of how to do so in our next newsletter.
From the Guardian
The Guardian understands that the party could make a renewed push to exclude her from standing again for her Hackney North and Stoke Newington seat after she liked a post on X by Jeremy Corbyn’s wife, Laura Alvarez, about his decision to stand as an independent candidate.
Fucking hell they're petty if that's true.
I'm not sure. Corbyn has a streak of sheer bloody-mindedness in him, but I'm not sure Abbott does. She's more likely to actually think about what's best for her constituents, which isn't her running as an indy and then getting thoroughly ignored in Parliament.

As opposed to running as an out of favour Labour candidate and being a thoroughly ignored backbencher.
She's loyalist to a fault with an eye for her legacy (which tbf is not an awful motivation - she's a historic figure for black women entering Parliament and not leaving under a cloud has symbolism), most likely it's been negotiated before the announcement.
I'm really praying that Corbyn and Abbot retain their seats as independents and that Andrew Feinstein bloke unseats Starmer. Plus maybe Greens gain a few seats and SNP and Plaid do ok.

Tories wiped out but Labour Right Wing also humiliated would make election day a joyful moment.
The LP right are not going to be humiliated; they will argue that their electoral victory vindicates their ruthlessness
Nah. It's been cobbled together in a panic because the media found out that the investigation that had been dragging on actually ended six months ago.
Oh I don't disagree, but that doesn't preclude them making a panic offer.

She's loyalist to a fault with an eye for her legacy (which tbf is not an awful motivation - she's a historic figure for black women entering Parliament and not leaving under a cloud has symbolism), most likely it's been negotiated before the announcement.
If she feels it's the best outcome available to her in the circumstances, then fair enough, but fucking hell it's a sad situation, and fucking shitty way to behave by the party.
I don't see why they would need to negotiate with her, though. Particularly since offering her the whip back is offering her fuck all.
She's been party for 40 years, and had expected to see out her time as a respected grandee. Giving that back may mean little to you or I but it's not fuck all to a lifetime member, and it solves a headache for them.
I'm the same, I have always been very critical of the Labour left including Corbyn and Abbott. It says something about the political shift on these boards that I now end up defending them from the centrists. At the end of the day their criticism isn't just about them it's with anyone who identifies as daring to think that some form of change than the mediocre ambition of Starmer is possible or even desirable.
Yes, same as you in terms of Urban's very own Overton Window. But at a personal level I feel more sorry for her than Corbyn. He's certainly had decades of abuse at the point the political merges with the personal. Whereas she's had those same decades where that politics has played out at the deepest imaginable layer of the personal. Shame on you to all the filthy racists and misogynists. :(
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