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Deaths reported following twin shootings in the Dutch city of Rotterdam, 28 Sept 2023


Some shitbag has been on a killing spree, but it seems that he might now be in custody:

  1. Deaths have been reported following twin shootings in the Dutch city of Rotterdam
  2. A gunman opened fire first at a house and then a large university medical centre, said police
  3. Staff were seen fleeing the medical facility as police raided the building
  4. The authorities confirmed there had been fatalities but did not specify numbers
  5. A 32-year-old has been arrested - he was reportedly taken into custody under the helipad of the medical centre
A medical student with previous convictions for animal cruelty. There seems to have been some investigation as to whether he was fit to earn a degree in medicine, as the convictions don't seem to have been an automatic disqualification.
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