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Dealing with Covid Asnomia symptoms


hopefully not gimboid
So my ex tested positive on Monday morning on an LFT after feeliing a bit poorly on Sunday evening.

Yesterday she develloped asnomia and now says a lot of food taste like dog shit, can anyone who went through this recommend some food she could have/try?
for info: she cooked a lovely pie and soup which she couldn't eat but I have been enjoying, she was OK with some bread and cheese and pickle

Should she go for bland food?

e2a: bonus question: how long did your asnomia last?
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I would make lots of liquidy food like soups and stews using the ingredients she does like or can tolerate. Also make sure theres some good protein in every meal. When youre ill or recovering nutrition is v important.

Im sure it'll improve with time.
So my ex tested positive on Monday morning on an LFT after feeliing a bit poorly on Sunday evening.

Yesterday she develloped asnomia and now says a lot of food taste like dog shit, can anyone who went through this recommend some food she could have/try?
for info: she cooked a lovely pie and soup which she couldn't eat but I have been enjoying, she was OK with some bread and cheese and pickle

Should she go for bland food?

e2a: bonus question: how long did your asnomia last?
I'd probably keep it simple to be honest. It made cheese taste way to strong for me was really weird. It went after a few days.
I tasted nothing. Nothing at all for 2 weeks there abouts. Eating/food was a chore.
Bit unhelpful really. Eating healthily makes sense.

With regards to getting the sense of smell taste back it highly likely it will come back but you can nose train.

Daily sniff strong smelling substances (lemon, vinegar, perfume) and try to imagine the smell. Do this a few times each day. These people had lots of useful info
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