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David Icke lecture @ Wembley Arena, October 2012

I'm trying to convice myself that the world is run by those who want the world to be a better place, for the good of humanity. But it's not, it's run by greedy people who couldn't give a fuck about human life, and would much rather they have money instead. This means I hate Jewsish people according to this place.

No, it means you're willing to accommodate arguments that have their basis in anti-Semitism. Now, your willingness to accommodate those arguments may be based on a genuine belief that X = Y, and that only you and a relative handful of other beings have access to this truth, but that doesn't make the arguments you construct your belief from less malign, and it makes you appear as a dupe, rather than someone who's bothered to do the hard work of investigating the basis of their beliefs.
Basically, you're no better than any other religious person, xes. You believe in your belief system in spite of its' lack of basis in reality, just like other "true believers". :)
No, its the childish thicko performance you put on that pisses people off.
you do realise that the whole childishness is a reaction to the cuntery by people like you, don't you? (see how civil I am to people who allow me the same, get a clue innit) And the thickness bit, I guess if you think it's ok to call someone thick, who doesn't know everything, then yes, I'm a big fuck off thicko :)
you do realise that the whole childishness is a reaction to the cuntery by people like you, don't you? (see how civil I am to people who allow me the same, get a clue innit) And the thickness bit, I guess if you think it's ok to call someone thick, who doesn't know everything, then yes, I'm a big fuck off thicko :)

Is that why you misrepresent what people say to you and make yourself look like a wanker?
when you think it is unfair that people can hoard so much money and become rich etc, does that include people like david icke xes/faux pas? I watched a documentary which featured an interview with him a while back. His house is enormous!!! it's somewhere on the isle of whight, in the middle of nowhere. It's got about twenty bedrooms and four or five floors, it's like a palace. He makes all that money from writing his shit racist books and his dvds' and doing his speaking tours and getting the terminally gullible and/or vulnerable people with m/h problems to pay thousands or hundreds of pounds to listen to him. I think it's fucking sick quite frankly.
when you think it is unfair that people can hoard so much money and become rich etc, does that include people like david icke xes/faux pas? I watched a documentary which featured an interview with him a while back. His house is enormous!!! it's somewhere on the isle of whight, in the middle of nowhere. It's got about twenty bedrooms and four or five floors, it's like a palace. He makes all that money from writing his shit racist books and his dvds' and doing his speaking tours and getting the terminally gullible and/or vulnerable people with m/h problems to pay thousands or hundreds of pounds to listen to him. I think it's fucking sick quite frankly.
If he's preaching one thing about the rich being greedy and evil, whilst at the same time hoarding cash to further his own riches, whilst not holding himself to the same standards he wishes others to live by, then yeah, he's a cunt. (I have no idea of his finances, so I'm not going to say wether he does or not)
Don't worry xes. It's lovely how they all cowardly group together and hound you, isn't it, lol.

That's right, it's always the actions of the mass against the brave truth-speakers, isn't it? :D

I would imagine most people wouldn't refer to Icke as anti-semitic or racist...
Actually, plenty of "mainstream" commentators have done so on the basis of his own writings. Do you think that states and territories have banned him on the belief that he's anti-Semitic? Why would they do so unless they had documentary evidence? To do so on hearsay would leave them open to legal action.
You are aware that Icke re-edits his books periodically, in order to remove bits on which he's been pulled up, aren't you? Basically, if you're assessing Icke's corpus of writings, you have to operate with first and last editions - the difference between the two is very informative.

...or would understand his beef with 'Rothchild Zionism' as anti-semitic.

I don't know how old you are, but I've been following Icke for about 25 years, and I've seen most of the modifications he's made to his language along the way. Anyone who's read his stuff (or at least the first editions of each of his publications) can also see how he's trimmed his language to fit the prevailing climate. That's why many of us see his hedging into discourses about "Rothschild Zionism" as disingenuous - because we recall his original formulations about the Protocols and what they meant, about "international bankers", etc.

The hardcore leftests perhaps, but then they've never really been in touch, have they?

And that just plain doesn't make sense, because anyone rational, with the ability to apply Occam's razor to the argument will reach the same conclusions as I have about "Rothschild Zionists", not just "hardcore leftests" [sic].
Extraordinary! Capacity 12,500... wonder if it will sell out?

"David Icke marks his 22nd year of uncovering astounding secrets and suppressed information with his biggest all-day event yet. He will take the manipulation of the human race and the nature of reality to still new depths and levels of understanding and he calls for humanity to rise from its knees and take back the world from the sinister network of families and non-human entities that covertly control us from cradle to grave. David’s new book, 'Remember Who You Are', out in January, 2012, is ground-breaking and life-changing, and the cutting edge is moved by a giant leap. David has indeed moved the global cutting edge so many times since his incredible ‘awakening’ in 1990 and at Wembley Arena, he will do it again -and then some. They used to laugh at David Icke - now they come to hear him in their thousands all over the world. Come and see why. It will change your life."

Take a H-icke
Be worth going along for a laugh . . . if you could get in without paying. Icke's turquoise shell suit trousers must have deep pockets with tickets starting at £40.
Be worth going along for a laugh . . . if you could get in without paying. Icke's turquoise shell suit trousers must have deep pockets with tickets starting at £40.

Thing is, if you seriously believe (and some of these people really are "true believers") what Icke's selling, then £40 is a small price to pay to have your worldview validated, isn't it? Especially when you're alongside so many other members of your faith. How can you not be right? How can you not be a person with the inside track on stuff the other poor dupes know nothing about?
I went watching Thin Lizzy at the weekend. That confirmed my view of myself as an old git, in the company of other old gits. :( At £30 it was at least cheaper. Anyway, even with all the harmonic resonance of the planet, Icke's vibrato is rubbish. :)
Thing is, if you seriously believe (and some of these people really are "true believers") what Icke's selling, then £40 is a small price to pay to have your worldview validated, isn't it? Especially when your alongside so many other members of your faith. How can you not be right? How can you not be a person with the inside track on stuff the other poor dupes know nothing about?

Oh yes, and they'll take the high price as an indicator of quality. Icke includes the notion of 'going to the next level' as part of the event's marketing. This is a hallmark of New Age or cult-style sales talk.
As well as all the obvious stuff that pisses me off about these conspiracy theories that I have ranted about many times before, I also get upset that some people indulge in this stuff because the alternative, proper institutional analysis and generally having a clue, looking at lots of history and ideologies etc, is deemed to be too dull or tedious.

Well, considering the rich nature of the tapestry of human life, encompassing everything from human emotions and wants, to all that has gone before us, to a wide range of differing belief systems and the ebb and flow of ideologies, how can this be dull? WHy the hell would I want to replace all this stuff with a shrivelled worldview that only has room for a badly caricatured cabal in the seat of power? In what way do you think that imagining power as only being gained, maintained and applied by a small group of 'a certain kind of person' is going to help anybody navigate their way through this life, doing better for their families, friends colleagues and humanity as a whole along the way?

By all means if the horrors of this world and the way we manage it sometimes leave you needing to react by pointing to a man behind a curtain, go ahead. Just be aware that there are many curtains, and best be careful how you label them because one of the curtains has you behind it. Yes, your lazy beliefs are not with out consequence, if enough share them then the beliefs become one of the multitude of forces that has some influence on proceedings.
And as for the sanctimonious attitudes that often ooze from those who have come to wake us with the words of Icke or Jones, thats always a hoot too eh.

How come they don't notice that the last thing the world actually needs is another persons poor reaction to change, uncertainty and fear? Another misjudged quest for truth that only resulted in shitting the bed.
As well as all the obvious stuff that pisses me off about these conspiracy theories that I have ranted about many times before, I also get upset that some people indulge in this stuff because the alternative, proper institutional analysis and generally having a clue, looking at lots of history and ideologies etc, is deemed to be too dull or tedious.

Can't see an end to some people being attracted to conspiracy theories tbh. They offer a sense of deep and exclusive understanding of the world to those with active imaginations but not much in the way of analytical intelligence.
Can't see an end to some people being attracted to conspiracy theories tbh. They offer a sense of deep and exclusive understanding of the world to those with active imaginations but not much in the way of analytical intelligence.

Yeah, I don't expect them to end either. I feel like I am practicing ranting about them in case, in troubled times ahead, one of them ever gets enough traction to become a player on the political stage.
A serious question for Jazz, faux pas etc: what would convince you that your view of the world being run by elites, families and bloodlines was wrong?
Jazzz has in the past said something along the lines of any evidence that contradicts his beliefs must, by it's nature, be wrong :facepalm:
when you think it is unfair that people can hoard so much money and become rich etc, does that include people like david icke xes/faux pas? I watched a documentary which featured an interview with him a while back. His house is enormous!!! it's somewhere on the isle of whight, in the middle of nowhere. It's got about twenty bedrooms and four or five floors, it's like a palace. He makes all that money from writing his shit racist books and his dvds' and doing his speaking tours and getting the terminally gullible and/or vulnerable people with m/h problems to pay thousands or hundreds of pounds to listen to him. I think it's fucking sick quite frankly.
If he's preaching one thing about the rich being greedy and evil, whilst at the same time hoarding cash to further his own riches, whilst not holding himself to the same standards he wishes others to live by, then yeah, he's a cunt. (I have no idea of his finances, so I'm not going to say wether he does or not)
I haven't heard him say "all rich people are evil" and doubt very much he would say anything like that.

This is just such trollop. The man actually jacked in an extremely lucrative TV Presenter job (this is a very highly paid position frogwoman) so he could spend years being jeered at in the street and lecture to tiny audiences where he would have to set the chairs up himself. Out of all the mindless accusations against the guy, "he's in it for the money" is the most absurd. Of course the racism one is utterly absurd too. No matter that Icke says we should completely ignore divisions of race, religion, or whatever as they are simply labels, as we are one consciousness. How can you be racist if you say that? It's the only way you truly cannot be.
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