Lord Glasman's largely worthless attempt to ingratiate Labour with the working class falls into a deadly trap. Just because the working class believes something that does not make it right. Because they are poor, they are badly educated; because they are badly educated, they are suspicious of change, foreigners and intellectualism.
The solution? Well, any social democrat would agree we need to make them richer and give them a better education.
Not so Blue Labour. It tries to implement what working-class people think without asking why they think it. The effect is to ignore their real problems and focus on those trumpeted by the Daily Mail.
Most of the ideas are taken straight from the Powellite handbook: anti-immigrants, anti-Europe, pro-class, pro-religion. This is the same as the big society, though not as left wing.
The economics is also rather suspect. Glasman seems to believe international finance capitalism can be regulated by Neighbourhood Watch committees.
Glasman has abandoned the left and abandoned Labour. His theory is a bad pun based on a PR wheeze by the opposite party. Ed Miliband embraces it at his peril.
Robin McGhee
St Anne's College