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Dalek vs. R2-D2: Who'd win?

T & P

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I finally got to watch Star Wars episode III last night and noticed R2-D2 can now fly (apologies if has already flown on previous SW films- I've spent the last few years trying to erase ep. I & II from my mind).

This got me thinking: could an R2 unit be a worthy opponent to the mighty dalek? It certainly has more speed on the ground and the capability to hack into any network/support system and control it to its advantage.

Not of a lot of offensive weaponry sadly, other than a built in Swiss army knife-like array of tools for cutting and grabbing.

I'll say the dalek would still win... that cosmic ray business is too powerful a weapon to overcome.
You'd have a tough job getting either the BBC or olywood to allow a storyline that ends with R2 being melted by a dalek. So it's R2D2.
Nah - R2D2 would always win!

Most Star Wars vs anything else (mostly Trek) arguments I've heard have been lost to Star Wars by the line "And R2 would come along & stick his thing in it" Seems that is the ultimate Sci-Fi clincher.
T & P said:
I finally got to watch Star Wars episode III last night and noticed R2-D2 can now fly (apologies if has already flown on previous SW films- I've spent the last few years trying to erase ep. I & II from my mind).

Daleks can fly too now can't they? :confused:
Davros could beat r2d2, a normal Dalek could not :p
Daleks could hover in Peter Davisons time I'm sure?
Seeing all the Daleks coming out from the masterships in the last episodes of Chris Eccleston was fantastic :)
silentNate said:
Davros could beat r2d2, a normal Dalek could not :p
Daleks could hover in Peter Davisons time I'm sure?
Seeing all the Daleks coming out from the masterships in the last episodes of Chris Eccleston was fantastic :)

I thought they first flew in Sylesta McCoy's era? In fact I'm fairly certain. It was the one when Ace smashed a Dalek's casing in with a baseball bat, taking her cue no doubt from Woodie Allen.
daleks have been seen in areas where they would have to hovered to get too for a long time but i do belive it wasn't explicitly shown untill remeberance

also they do have hoverbouts

also is this a grunt dalek or say a black dalek or perhaps even the emporer dalek?
If Daleks couldn't fly they wouldn't be much cop in the intergalactic terror stakes. Oooooh I'm being attacked by a Dalek, how can I escape?

zed66 said:
If Daleks couldn't fly they wouldn't be much cop in the intergalactic terror stakes. Oooooh I'm being attacked by a Dalek, how can I escape?

I remember a programme about the history of Dr Who, and that certainly used to be a joke for years. In case of dalek attack, run upstairs. Eventually in one of the latter series the Daleks were seen negotiating a flight of stairs by flying/hovering above them with the help some rockets or jet propulsion system coming from the base of them.
they were shown hovering unaided in remeberance of the daleks and i belive that was the first time they may have been shown useing other devices i can't remeber but even as early as "the chase" they have been shown in areas they must have got too by navigating stairs

ahh aparently there was some evidance of hovering ability in Revelation of the Daleks
Shippou-Chan said:
daleks have been seen in areas where they would have to hovered to get too for a long time but i do belive it wasn't explicitly shown untill remeberance

also they do have hoverbouts

also is this a grunt dalek or say a black dalek or perhaps even the emporer dalek?

What about a special weapons dalek?

'Remembrance of the Daleks' with Sylvester McCoy was the first time the Daleks were seen hovering up stairs.

The thing with R2D2 is that there's only one of him and there are millions of Daleks. Also Daleks can do that 'hacking' thing that R2D2 does, and they're all total bastards.
r2 d2 survived the clone wars and the rebelion and countless other adventures with only one major rebuild :) . Iwouldn't want to go up against
him . Plus depending on when you go up after him will have a jedi knight slightly upset :)
ok... in the admittedly shite SWepIII, wasn't R2D2 (or possibly some other R2, but at least an R2) zapping imperial battle droids with some electric ray thing left right and centre?

i remember a scene with him(?) emerging from a huge pile of "dead" ones...

also doesn't the Dalek Death Ray work by "reversing the polarity of proteins" or something like that, ie it's one of those "kill organic life without damaging buildings or machinery" kind of deals? so a droid might not be affected by it...

it's been too long since i've seen a Dalek in action, tbh (somehow i missed all the Dalek-featuring episodes of the latest Dr Who)...

btw what with everyone on here demonstrating their knowledge of specific Who storylines, does anyone know if "Genesis of the Daleks" is available on DVD? it's the only "classic" one that i really want to see again, but have never seen in a shop...
Genesis of the Daleks is definitely out on VHS, not sure about DVD though. They started reissuing all of them on DVD but aren't finished yet...
strung out said:
Genesis of the Daleks is definitely out on VHS, not sure about DVD though. They started reissuing all of them on DVD but aren't finished yet...
Not yet available on DVD but an excellent Dr Who adventure nonetheless... Should be available on t'interweb somewhere ;)
Daleks would probably win but R2-D2 is a crafty little bugger! both would have c-3po for breakfast!
Look how many times do I need to tell you Daaleks run this joint! They be the shiznit! They roll 40,000 deep and they are grimey, dark and ruthless mofos who will stop at nothing to put a cap in yo' punk ass.

Daleek, 4 life - beeeeeeeooootch!
Slightly off topic but I can't resist.

Waaayyyyy,! Look I'm a cyber man!!!.

Now look I'm mates with K9!! Sweet!

There is a broken Dalek in the back there, does that count?
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