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Your most underwhelming critically acclaimed multi award-winning films

I actually hadn’t heard about it supposedly being shocking- maybe for American audiences. But it was just underwhelming as fuck snd rather boring in places.
I found the hetero relationships as interesting as the gay one, and if you don't expect it to be shocking, it's still a decent story, beautifully shot. Didn't like it much when it came out, but it's grown on me.

One thing that really annoyed was people referring to it as "the gay cowboy film". Found that to be lazy and disrespectful.
LOTR. Seen Part 1 but still haven't watched Part 2 or 3
Shawshank Redemption. There was an article a few years back in the papers where a survey found people admitted to lying having watched it because it was the "in" thing to say that you liked it.
Godfather. Still haven't sat down and watched all 3. Only 20 minutes here and there.
LOTR. Seen Part 1 but still haven't watched Part 2 or 3
Shawshank Redemption. There was an article a few years back in the papers where a survey found people admitted to lying having watched it because it was the "in" thing to say that you liked it.
Godfather. Still haven't sat down and watched all 3. Only 20 minutes here and there.
Regarding LOTR. I thought it was less boring than the books.
Still haven't seen Cabaret. Not that am trying to avoid it, it's just never shown over here, not on any of the streaming services and can't find it on YouTube. Years ago set the video to record it and failed to tape. Twice!
is it safe?
I've had no problems on my mac.
It will often re-direct you to another site - bookmakers etc..
I just click away from that.
The film will eventually start..
Good site for many things..
But there are plenty like this out there as I'm sure you are aware..
If you don't feel comfortable then obviously don't use :)
Enters thread, sees people picking on There Will Be Blood on page one.

Makes the point that PTA is a brilliant film writer. One of the best.

Exits thread.
Flixtor is my go-to streaming service.

Been using it for years with no issues. Tons of free content but if you sign up for a VIP account (about £20/quarter) you can get rid of all your other subscriptions because it has everything, even new stuff. A nice UI, and perfectly stable HD streams.
I also use Flixtor on occasions - found all the Barney Miller episodes!
Anatomy of a Fall.

Ok, the lead woman's acting was good but as a courtroom drama the film was dire.

She's prosecuted on absolutely no evidence whatsoever and the courtroom scenes are laughable, with prosecutors massively leading witnesses in an attempt to convict her on wild speculation. If that's representative of the French justice system and the film was intended as an indictment of it, then fair enough. Otherwise, it was ridiculous.
I see Saltburn is up for a few Baftas. I thought it was crap. The odd good bit, lots of bum notes, lazily plotted, and with crude concessions for an American audience.

ETA: How to Have Sex, a far superior film, only gets a nomination for best newcomer, best British film. Awards are a load of bollocks.
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not a fan of Sunset Boulevard at all. or Heathers (very different from Sunset Blvd, just wanted to add it anyway). both movies were just incredibly boring to me and were just super underwhelming for the hype they got.
I thought these were generally acknowledged as being shite. :(

I don't know, they all seem beloved of plenty of people, but more to the point
Titanic won a fuckload of awards
So did Avatar
The Greatest Showman, not as many as I was thinking but still quite a few.

In general, the more awards a film wins** the less I'm likely to bother watching it deliberately. Though I end up seeing most 'big' films in the end because people want to see them and I hang out with people.

** the awards that will tend to attract my attention are the Cannes 'un certain regard' awards. I've seen some really good films that have been recognised that way.

(Sorry for the delay in replying, I got sidetracked...)
The last two thirds have been sitting on Amazon waiting to be watched for months. I’ve never found a Scorsese film remotely tedious before now.
Glad it’s not just me. Wish I’d seen it in the cinema - maybe i just didn’t give it enough attention. I cannot remember a single scene from it, no lines, no looks, no action, nowt but people sitting at tables and frowning
Citizen Kane
Get Shorty
It's A Beautiful Life (how the fuck has that become a classic?)
Blade Runner 2049
Interstellar (not only was it boring it made fuck all sense)
Les Miserables (A truly brilliant stage show turned into a truly dire film, everyone involved with it needs to be shot)
The Golden Compass (the TV show was loads better)
Glad it’s not just me. Wish I’d seen it in the cinema - maybe i just didn’t give it enough attention. I cannot remember a single scene from it, no lines, no looks, no action, nowt but people sitting at tables and frowning
I saw it in the cinema and paid attention but 🤷‍♀️.
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