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Cyclist legally shoots scumbag motorist

I never knew that the Nazis were also responsible for the invention of suspension forks. So not entirely bad
Oh god! Here we go again. The pro cyclist/anti car brigade will soon be out in force saying how wonderful a thing it is that someone tried to murder a driver.

But it isn’t. It never is a good thing to try to kill another person, whatever your chosen weapon is, car, gun, knife etc.

That won’t stop the anti car brigade lauding this situation though.
also Hitler was a cycle courier in ww1 :cool:

Was he really? I knew he was a trench runner but I thought that was mostly legging it around delivering messages and trying not to die. A bike doesn't seem particularly practical in the swamp that was trench warfare.
Was he really? I knew he was a trench runner but I thought that was mostly legging it around delivering messages and trying not to die. A bike doesn't seem particularly practical in the swamp that was trench warfare.
Hence the suspension forks - let's not forget there were no tarmacced cycle lanes back then. Presumably they also ran tubeless so as to facilitate lower tyre pressure without the risk of pinch flats .
Oh god! Here we go again. The pro cyclist/anti car brigade will soon be out in force saying how wonderful a thing it is that someone tried to murder a driver.

But it isn’t. It never is a good thing to try to kill another person, whatever your chosen weapon is, car, gun, knife etc.

That won’t stop the anti car brigade lauding this situation though.
Boring post. More dead drivers please.
Oh god! Here we go again. The pro cyclist/anti car brigade will soon be out in force saying how wonderful a thing it is that someone tried to murder a driver.

But it isn’t. It never is a good thing to try to kill another person, whatever your chosen weapon is, car, gun, knife etc.

That won’t stop the anti car brigade lauding this situation though.

The solution is pretty obvious - ban those weapons from public places. We are most of the way there in the UK - guns and knives aren't allowed on the street and it's just cars that we still need to get rid of.
The solution is pretty obvious - ban those weapons from public places. We are most of the way there in the UK - guns and knives aren't allowed on the street and it's just cars that we still need to get rid of.

Wrong, anyone can carry a gun or a knife on the street if they have a lawful excuse. Why should it be different with cars?

Bikes on the other hand can be weapons in the wrong hands:

Wrong, anyone can carry a gun or a knife on the street if they have a lawful excuse. Why should it be different with cars?
Indeed. Motorists should need a lawful excuse to use their cars. Not just zooming all over the place killing people because they feel like it.

Annual gun and road deaths per in the US are more or less equal, just under the 40,000 mark. The difference is that more than half the gun deaths are suicides.
Indeed. Motorists should need a lawful excuse to use their cars. Not just zooming all over the place killing people because they feel like it.

Annual gun and road deaths per in the US are more or less equal, just under the 40,000 mark. The difference is that more than half the gun deaths are suicides.

It is actually lawful to drive about the place, and it's actually unlawful to set off with the intention of killing people, so I'm not sure what you think should change?
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