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Cycling Track


Left Of The Dial
Good luck Vicky; you'll need it with Meares but give it one last big effort.
It's getting harder on google to find a pic of this woman with clothes on but here ya go.

Good luck Vicky; you'll need it with Meares but give it one last big effort.
It's getting harder on google to find a pic of this woman with clothes on but here ya go.


Why are you putting pictures up of her with her clothes on. I thought you'd prefer her with them off :hmm:
The British trackies will have their work cut out this time around - it won't be the massacre of Beijing. Should be a fair few medals but the rest of the world has done some catching up and Brailsford's eye has been more on the road.

I'm still angry that the UCI deemed it appropriate to drop the 4k individual pursuit, surely the blue ribon track event. Losing that and the kilo makes a mockery of the programme. If anything drop the Kierin.
Not so much "the rest of the world" as the Australians. The lions share of the medals should go to Australia and GB, as the only two countries who take track seriously. It will be an interesting battle between the two though.
Germany have a decent sprint team too. But yeah, it's the colonies and their former masters for the most part.
Germany have a decent sprint team too. But yeah, it's the colonies and their former masters for the most part.

It's a bit like having a whole bunch of medals in cyclocross, really, so that Stybar and a hundred Belgians can fight over them. Come to think of it, I'd happily watch that. And I'll happily watch the track too, cheering for the underdogs while enjoying the Australia v Britain grudge match.
Germany have a decent sprint team too. But yeah, it's the colonies and their former masters for the most part.

Did you see the picture of Greipel and that German track sprinter comparing thighs? The track dude looks like a mutant. I've never seen anything like it.
Forstemann's the dude's name. The craziest part of it is that it's Andre "the Gorilla" Greipel he's standing next to. It's one of those "this has to be fucking photoshopped" moments.
Would be interesting to see him (Forstemann) doing similar next to Hoy. That would be a proper freakshow.
Indeed - lets not forget Denmark, NZ, Japan, Russia, Poland...

It's not a big deal in Denmark, Poland, Russia etc within their cycling scenes. New Zealand is a good point. Don't know enough about Japanese cycling though. I have a vague memory that it's a gambling sport there.
I don't think that Hoy actually looks all that freakish by the (admittedly high) standards of male track sprinters.

I seem to remember them looking quite freakish in a photo once. Was going to google, but I'm that would involve googleing for pics of a man's thighs and then arguing on the internet about which man had the biggest.
It's not a big deal in Denmark, Poland, Russia etc within their cycling scenes. New Zealand is a good point. Don't know enough about Japanese cycling though. I have a vague memory that it's a gambling sport there.

I'm not talking about how much of a big deal it is - I'm talking about these countries sending medal contenders - and they have them - as do China, Lithuania, Belarus etc. But of course lets not that stand in the way of you being a massively pedantic bore again.
Well if GB and Aus are the only two teams to win any track medals you can be *right* and I'll happily be *wrong* and it won't be 'the rest of the world' it will be 'Australia and Great Britain' and you can shut your bible and come down from your pulpit you dull little man.

I notice how you question your label of a pedant but not of a bore.
Well if GB and Aus are the only two teams to win any track medals you can be *right*

Looks like you're in need of a bit more pedantry here. If you'd read the thread before ascribing opinions to others in your usual delightful manner, you'd have found that I predicted Britain and Australia to take the lion's share of medals, not to win them all.

Sigmund Fraud said:
I notice how you question your label of a pedant but not of a bore.

I think you'll find that I didn't bother to question either.
Looks like you're in need of a bit more pedantry here. If you'd read the thread before ascribing opinions to others in your usual delightful manner, you'd have found that I predicted Britain and Australia to take the lion's share of medals, not to win them all.

Your usual backpedalling I see. This is a track thread though, you can't backpedal on a fixed gear.

First 'better management' made the Tdf results closer, then it was the absence of drugs.
Then Froome gifted the tour to Wiggins and then he didn't.
Then you come over all indignant about doping when Wiggins wins the tour where previously you had been an ostrich on the subject.

Now the track cycling world consists of Australia and GB...then it doesn't again...at least you're consistent in your idiocy. Did you even bother to look at the team pursuit or sprints podiums from Beijing? No, because you're an arrogant bore who gives chapter and verse to anyone who'll listen on your 'expert' analysis in the most patronising way possible.

BTW Australia won 1 silver at Beijing, to save you looking in your almanac.
Just about every view you've attributed to me above is a product of your vivid imagination. I'm never really sure whether your problem is dishonesty or simple stupidity. Here for example you accuse me of "backpeddling"... when I repeat the very first statement I made in this thread. If you were just dishonest, I'd have to expect you to do a more convincing job, so I'm beginning, a little reluctantly, to drift towards stupidity as an explanation.

Australia and GB will dominate the track results here, because those are the two countries where track is currently a big deal within their cycling set ups. Only on this thread - and by that I mean only when dealing with an arsehole like you - could this be considered a controversial statement. But we'll see in a few days.
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