I'm having a real knitting frenzy at the moment, having not done any for ages.
I had a frantic knit against time of the second baby cardigan for my sister's twins when they turned up early - that was a double knit fairisle pattern which is quite nice, except that it's annoyingly vague with the instructions for knitting up the button and buttonhole bands and I ended up with one about half the length of the other and had to unravel and start that bit again. I'm not sure I like knitting for babies, I felt like such a stereotype.
I've also been knitting flower corsages with the pattern moose sent me - they're great because you can do one in an evening, but I do think there's a knack to getting them right. My second attempt keeps coming back to haunt me on my best friend's coat and I keep looking at it and wincing.
And I'm in a bit of a quilt situation again with my mother's Xmas present (ie still not finished). This is a big stoley scarfey type thing in
kidsilk haze and a lace stitch. It's my first go at lace knitting. The nice lady in the wool shop told me I didn't need to get a pattern for a rectangular scarf, just find a lace stitch I liked and multiply. I'm using a stitch called fir cone. I tried a few different stitches out of a book from the library and got very confused with some of them. This one I'm finding fairly easy, once I'd got the hang of "yarn forward" which I'd never come across before, and it's pleasingly repetitive after the baby jumper, which I had to look at the pattern for about twice a row. If anyone wants the stitch, I'll post it up.
I'm having a bit of a love affair with kidsilk haze at the moment. To cheer myself up today I bought some in rose pink to make
this shawl ("Birch" from Rowan) as my next major project, although I need to make myself a hat in between really. I'm not quite sure how to tackle that - I want to make a beret with this thick/thin wool a friend brought me back from China, but it's not a standard weight, so I'm not quite sure what pattern to use or how it'll work.