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COVID-19 in America

Right-wing scum are probably making a medium-long term calculation too - that no matter how bad the pandemics direct toll, the economic damage will last much longer. And they will want to paint themselves as having been against all that economic damage in the first place.
There is in the second photo one 'protestor' with latex gloves and a mask and a camera - FBI undercover maybe? as he has half a brain cell unlike most of the others.

You can't catch coronavirus from your own camera through the skin on your fingers.
It definitely won't be a tragedy if Alex Jones gets the coronavirus, but while I don't agree with them, I do have sympathy for some of the anti-lockdown protesters in the US, especially the majority who stayed in their cars - unlike people in most countries dealing with major outbreaks, a lot of Americans losing their jobs are also losing their health coverage, which must change their outlook on the benefits of a strict lockdown in a way that's beyond my experience.

It makes it seem even more of a shame that Bernie Sanders is out of the running for the presidency, there's never been a better time for his message on universal healthcare, I don't think Joe Biden and his "Let's Tinker With ObamaCare a Little Bit" policy has much chance of reaching people in the same way.
Sometimes it's just impossible to try to guess whats going on someone's head, like this guy for instance, does he think he's wearing a sort of halloween costume ?
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Probably yes. People dress up for demonstrations all the time. Just a bit of theatre. Just because we may may disagree with the point it doesn't make it any more stupid than people who dress up as Torres or whatever on save the NHS demos.
Sometimes it's just impossible to try to guess whats going on someone's head, like this guy for instance, does he think he's wearing a sort of halloween costume ?
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The fact that they are infantile is a given. Apparently many of them want a "boogaloo". It can't be long before the shooting starts sadly. All egged on by Trump from the sidelines so his crime family can take over the country and restart his real estate and resort businesses.

aaaand another eejit! edit: surely it's fake?

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Sums it up, really, though.

30 years of right-wing media bullshit, and rampant neoliberalism, and we've created a generation (or two) for whom the idea of social connectedness is an irrelevance.

"Why should I wear a mask? I'm not scared of some virus?"

"What do you mean, I am protecting others by wearing a mask or self-isolating? Fuck them, they can do the same as me, and protect themselves - I'm not responsible for their safety."

Of course, when the chickens all come home to roost - and, much as I'd hate to encourage it to happen, a massive US death toll would definitely be roosting chickens - they might discover, belatedly, why acting together for the common good would have been a good idea. Meanwhile, it's all small-picture stuff, and WIFM ("what's in it for me?").

And we shouldn't crow too much - we (collectively, in the UK) are not that far behind the US, and we do seem to be making a habit of electing politicians whose attitudes are straight out of the same neolib Trumpian playbook as the Americans'.
This is really helpful, please read it, on the protests that have received so much attention and who is behind them and why.

"Maybe we should call this one the Ventilator Party, or maybe the Branch COVID-ians."

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