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COVID-19 in America

I put this on the conspiracy thread but thought it should go here as well.

Anti vax/Gates/MSM rubbish plus support for the protests. 2.1 million followers on Twitter. I've seen articles about the majority of Americans being concerned about lockdown being lifted too soon so hopefully this sort of stuff isn't too damaging but the anti lockdown thing does seem to be growing.

Candace Owens Is Dangerously Misinformed about Vaccines - Quillette
I’m waiting for the British anti-lockdown rally, it’ll be amusingly pathetic as usual, handful of NatIonal Action types and a few teenage MAGA weirdos, taking their cues from actions in America because they haven’t got the wits and imagination to come up with an idea for their own protest.
Watching Trump. He's mad and stupid. He just talks and talks and none of it makes sense or is true, it's hilarious and alarming
Just a constant stream of non-sequiturs, word salad and stream of semi-consciousness
Leaving aside the real-world horrors it has resulted in, I am genuinely sort of fascinated by this. What are his supporters hearing that I'm not?

I understand in the cases of a single sentence that I may find insincere while they find it sincere, based on our biases going in. But when it's his incoherent string of ramblings, I honestly don't understand how they take that and think "yup, that's all good, that all makes sense, I'm happy this man knows what he's doing" :confused: Or, perhaps, how they ignore it.

I really do want to sit down with some of his supporters and some tape of his mess and go line by line asking, "ok, so how does this sentence connect to this sentence? What has he said in the past 30 seconds, what was the substance, the point he was making? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??".

Probably never will, though.
What was the eventual peak ventilator situation in NY in terms of numbers? Was Cuomo correct, Kushner, neither, or something else?
What was the eventual peak ventilator situation in NY in terms of numbers? Was Cuomo correct, Kushner, neither, or something else?

According to Cuomo, everybody that needed a ventilator got one - nobody died from the virus due to any lack of vital medical equipment.
sadly this is being made by (fox news and other related MSM outlets as an infringement of american first amendment rights*

it the vinegar days for most gun nuts, preppers and trump supporters

hopefully the second wave starts with them

tbf a large section will think Money will somehow protect them

the rise of this sense of complaint is a week or 2 from the united kingdom

why Boris is suddenly worried about an early end to the lockdown
Leaving aside the real-world horrors it has resulted in, I am genuinely sort of fascinated by this. What are his supporters hearing that I'm not?

I understand in the cases of a single sentence that I may find insincere while they find it sincere, based on our biases going in. But when it's his incoherent string of ramblings, I honestly don't understand how they take that and think "yup, that's all good, that all makes sense, I'm happy this man knows what he's doing" :confused: Or, perhaps, how they ignore it.

I really do want to sit down with some of his supporters and some tape of his mess and go line by line asking, "ok, so how does this sentence connect to this sentence? What has he said in the past 30 seconds, what was the substance, the point he was making? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??".

Probably never will, though.

I was thinking about this earlier, trying to work out what’s going on with the way he talks.

When he’s talking I have this feeling of being simultaneously repulsed by the droning meaninglessness of it but also feeling somehow compelled by it. I think what’s going on is that because it doesn’t make sense it’s like waiting for the beat to drop; there’s enough syntax to keep me waiting for the sense to become apparent, but it doesn’t make sense so I keep listening to it. And because his delivery is smooth and measured and monotonous it has a kind of mesmeric almost hypnotic effect that draws you in. And because it has no meaning it’s a blank canvas onto which people can just lay their own expectations.
People in Canada: "Look at those stupid Americans ignoring social distancing guidelines to protest lockdowns."

Also people in Canada: "Let's have a parade of emergency vehicles down one of Toronto's biggest streets to thank first responders. It's heartwarming how many people turned out to show their support."

, "somebody mentioned" that these protests popped up, when "certain people " were made aware that CV19 adversely impacted "other people" who didn't look like them

"I wouldn't know"
The Jehovah`s haven`t been around since this whole thing started :(. After a quick google I learned that they are no longer "witnessing" due to covid19. You know shits gotten real when the jesus freaks have gone into hiding.

True, they'd have difficulty witnessing from across the other side of the street.
I’m waiting for the British anti-lockdown rally, it’ll be amusingly pathetic as usual, handful of NatIonal Action types and a few teenage MAGA weirdos, taking their cues from actions in America because they haven’t got the wits and imagination to come up with an idea for their own protest.

This. It'll be as hilariously pathetic as those pitiful pro-Brexit demos and attempts to emulate the Gilets Jaunes.
interesting tweet and replys on republicans reopening states
Georgia @GovKemp
announces that the following businesses can reopen this Friday...
Fitness centers
Bowling Alleys
Body Arch Studios
Barber shops
Hair designers
Nail salons
Massage therapists
He also says that restaurants and movie theaters will be allowed to reopen on Monday as long as they meet social distancing guidelines.
Terra LeMay

This is not going to end well. And as the owner of one of these types of businesses, this decision demolishes our ability to negotiate with our commercial landlord about easing the rent during the pandemic. He'll expect us to re-open on Friday and pay rent in full a week after.
into Dust

Business owners will take on all of the liability (unsafe work environments, overhead costs, decreased demand for services) while banks still get a payday and politicians escape their responsibilities. This is what trickle down economics really is.
One reason they are doing it is to be able to reject unemployment claims...”Who says you can’t go to work?”
It also green lights gyms and movie theaters with subscription plans to begin collecting fees again whether customers will use them or not.
under no circumstances should a business reopen if they cannot follow CDC guidelines for 'safe distancing' in their business. Your 'liability' insurance will not cover you.
You need PPE to cut hair.
Exactly! You’re open so pay your rent, pay your liability insurance, pay your payroll taxes, pay your utilities and yes, do it all while seeing marked drops in business because not all your customers are going to jump into the fray with you. But any leverage you had will be gone.
Perhaps these anti shutdown protests should be seen in the light of which state they are occurring in, and whether urban or rural situations. I don't think I have seen protests in NY, and NY has seen a massive death toll from this virus. Perhaps New Yorkers know the impact covid-19 has and therefore support lockdown out of an understanding of the severity and of self interest.

I can imagine for Americans living in some of the vast less populated states the NY experience is not something they have had and thus they don't see why their lives and incomes should be so impacted as they are by a shutdown. And I also don't know the level of economic pressures there are on these people. Perhaps they don't have the support from government that workers in the UK have?

I wondered if this was an evidence of lack of society, because it does seem healthy people saying we don't need your shutdown, while those that are ill languish in hospital or the morgue. But that can't be the case, America does have society but perhaps it is evidencing itself differently according to regional variations?
I was thinking about this earlier, trying to work out what’s going on with the way he talks.

When he’s talking I have this feeling of being simultaneously repulsed by the droning meaninglessness of it but also feeling somehow compelled by it. I think what’s going on is that because it doesn’t make sense it’s like waiting for the beat to drop; there’s enough syntax to keep me waiting for the sense to become apparent, but it doesn’t make sense so I keep listening to it. And because his delivery is smooth and measured and monotonous it has a kind of mesmeric almost hypnotic effect that draws you in. And because it has no meaning it’s a blank canvas onto which people can just lay their own expectations.
That's the best analysis of Trump I've ever read. He has some demonic X-Factor like most demagogues.
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