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COVID-19 in America

During that time, the number of confirmed cases among Smithfield employees slowly mounted, from 80 to 190 to 238.

By 15 April, when Smithfield finally closed under pressure from the South Dakota governor's office, the plant had become the number one hotspot in the US, with a cluster of 644 confirmed cases among Smithfield employees and people who contracted it from them. In total, Smithfield-related infections account for 55% of the caseload in the state, which is far outpacing its far more populous Midwestern neighbour states in cases per capita. According to the New York Times, the Smithfield Foods case numbers have surpassed the USS Theodore Roosevelt naval ship and the Cook County Jail in Chicago, Illinois.

Those figures were released one day after the first Smithfield employee died in hospital.
Oh dear:

President Donald Trump has appeared to endorse protests against stringent lockdown measures in several states.

In a series of tweets, he said: "LIBERATE MINNESOTA", "LIBERATE MICHIGAN" and then "LIBERATE VIRGINIA".

Protesters say the severe economic restrictions are hurting citizens, but health officials warn lifting them could spread infection.

Poor people must be terrified :(

For Julia, alerting the media was just the next logical step in trying to keep them all healthy, by creating public pressure to close the plant down and keep her parents home. Instead, it marked the beginning of nearly three anxiety-filled weeks during which her mother and father continued to report to a factory they knew could be contaminated, to jobs they could not afford to lose. They stood side-by-side less than a foot away from their colleagues on production lines, they passed in and out of crowded locker rooms, walkways and cafeterias.

During that time, the number of confirmed cases among Smithfield employees slowly mounted, from 80 to 190 to 238.

By 15 April, when Smithfield finally closed under pressure from the South Dakota governor's office, the plant had become the number one hotspot in the US, with a cluster of 644 confirmed cases among Smithfield employees and people who contracted it from them. In total, Smithfield-related infections account for 55% of the caseload in the state, which is far outpacing its far more populous Midwestern neighbour states in cases per capita. According to the New York Times, the Smithfield Foods case numbers have surpassed the USS Theodore Roosevelt naval ship and the Cook County Jail in Chicago, Illinois.

Those figures were released one day after the first Smithfield employee died in hospital.

"He got that virus there. He was very healthy before," his wife, Angelita, told the BBC in Spanish. "My husband will not be the only one to die."

The Smithfield pork plant, located in a Republican-led state that is one of five in the US that has not issued any kind of shelter-in-place order, has become a microcosm illustrating the socioeconomic disparities laid bare by the global pandemic. While many white-collar workers around the country are sheltering in place and working from home, food industry workers like the employees at Smithfield are deemed "essential" and must remain on the front lines.

trump: i'm president and i have all the authority
trump: having asserted that i have all the authority, i am giving it back to the governors by my grace
trump: the governors are not doing what they should which is now their fault, and i'm on board with the great patriots threatening violence to re-open everything

the trump two-step, folks
On Saturday, April 4, at 4 a.m., I was abruptly awoken by God after an encounter with a strong demonic force that came into my bedroom and tried to put a sickness upon me on my chest. I cried out in my sleep three times as I rebuked this demon. I knew it had something to do with the coronavirus. The strange thing was that I went to bed with a communion cracker in my hand, which I never do, and I had been up praying for about three hours before I fell asleep and had this demonic encounter. I took the cracker before the attack.

The next morning my husband told me I had been rebuking demons because he heard me cry out in the night against them while I was in my sleep. This dream was not because I was receiving the coronavirus; it was a warning dream, to tell the people that this virus is a demonic force and there is a way to deal with it spiritually, as well as biologically.
I wonder whether instead of immunity certificates for people who've had cv they should have immunity certificates for being Christians or Trumpsupporters who are therefore immune and so won't want to be hospitalized if they do get it (they won't need it they won't need it) so tying up medical resourses after going to the hairdressers.

One of the things I don’t understand about the American denial of the virus is how they don’t seem to be aware of how the virus has affected any other country on the planet. If they can divert it or conquer it with their evangelical preaching, does that mean that they’ll be able to stop it because the evangelical preachers elsewhere aren't as good as them?

Also, if the virus is part of God’s plan for the endtimes, why are they trying to stop it?

And do they really think they can just go about their business, getting haircuts and so forth? The virus won’t touch them because... what? What do they believe? Italy and Spain and Germany and Denmark and the U.K. were just... what? What makes them immune and us susceptible? What leads them to believe that while the virus ravages New York it will avoid Michigan?

“There is a spirit on media that will exaggerate this virus so badly that you will need to insulate your head in order to keep yourself free from paranoia,” Walnau wrote.

Tin-foil hats all round. :D
American needs to just start shooting. Spray and pray long enough and all the fuxkwits will fullfil their Darwinian destiny

this is the point where the conservative right bible belters are suddenly introduced to hard evolutionary facts. Dumb is not a great survival trait
Suburban America will be fine, since they already practice social distancing by driving everywhere and living in houses on massive plots. It’s the cities that are getting fucked over.

This has occured to me too. And it will support their notion that tham thar ciddy dwellers are just asking for all kinds of trouble by not living the good ol’ republican life.

But they do have gatherings and poverty, not everyone lives on plots of land. Huge numbers eat takeaway food every week (something like 37%), some every day, and there’s much less delivery, it’s mostly drive through or pick up, plus gas stations, coffee stops. And they have towns and cities, schools, cinemas, shopping malls, grocery stores... They love to shop, they love to think of themselves as social, gregarious, hospitable, neighbourly, friendly.
And they’ll deliberately defy social distancing to prove their point.

And they also have grinding poverty everywhere with overcrowding/homelessness, few resources, poor nutritional levels, massive underlying health issues, out of control opioid addiction...

Not to mention the enormous prison population and the also huge numbers of people who live in care homes, sheltered accommodation and assisted care homes. And gated communites will find themselves no safer than the people outside their gates.

They won’t be fine.
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The governor of Washington went on TV last night and said pretty succinctly that Trump was full of shit about "reopening the economy", was being contradicted by his own advisers, and that our state would continue the lockdown for the foreseeable future. It's pretty interesting watching the states form agreements and cooperate among themselves directly during this pandemic because the federal government is doing such a shit job. Individual states have a lot of power in the US and it's easy to forget it in ordinary times.

I think a lot more people are going to get sick if states start opening up again. It is sort of true that a lot of things are more spaced out in America compared to other countries but I'm not certain that makes much of a difference. The disease might spread more slowly than in a dense area but it will still spread if people aren't actively isolating, it's incredibly contagious. Plus the death rate in rural areas is sure to be much higher because of a lack of access to medical facilities due to physical distance as well as not being able to afford it. A lot of people will support starting everything up regardless, and it's hard to blame them because for a lot of Americans it's work or face homelessness.

It's possible that China has already demonstrated the most effective methods for fighting this virus, but such means are likely impossible to implement because of the constitution. The critical factor is having total compliance (and enforcement), you can't have 20% of the population saying "well i don't believe in the virus and it's my constitutional right to go out and cough at a bunch of faces, bye." You can call people breaking quarantine idiots until you're blue in the face but if the state can't act to enforce guidelines there's always going to be some fraction of a population ignoring them, and that's all it takes to keep spreading a virus and hurting everyone. Not that I'm screaming to give up any rights, it's just a thought.

I knew as soon as this virus got here that the US would have the worst response to it of any country. Useless executive and federal government, individualist culture resisting compliance with public health measures, vampire lich capitalist class who will merrily step over millions of bodies to maintain their wealth, poor to nonexistent social services, etc.
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