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Coventry solutionaries


Blokes name, birds body.
This video is not just about Coventry, it's UK wide, and if you listen to at least the first five minutes of the video, you will see that more and more people are gathering together all across the UK, not just some weird fringe groups by the sounds of it.
Post Edited as I had put the wrong video on.
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I don't think that we, as a country, should be training angry conspiraloons to kill. Is there a way of weeding them out in advance?
I don't think that they are conspiraloons.
E2A, I didn't catch the bit about sending conspiraloons out to kill, except we do send innocent but ignorant soldiers out to to the dirty work of these infinitly rich and powerful people.
I might have put them down as conspiraloons if it was 2006 or something, but not now.
That's just the problem, when people try to raise awareness of things, they always go through a phase of being ridiculed before anyone will listen, just look at people throughout history.
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I don't think that they are conspiraloons.
I might have put them down as conspiraloons if it was 2006 or something, but not now.
That's just the problem, when people try to raise awareness of things, they always go through a phase of being ridiculed before anyone will listen, just look at people throughout history.

Did you put the right video in the right post? I was talking about the angry ex-squaddie who'd gone for Youtube rather than Glassdoor to review his previous employer unfavourably. There was only one of him, though, and he didn't sound very Coventry.
Was this the one you meant panpete? It's off that bloke's channel:
I got a fair way into his (ETA the bloke in your first post I mean) rant and he definitely did go conspiraloon - ISIS fake beheadings etc, and his subscriptions are to that sort of stuff. Not watched the thing linked above but has your title.
If the bloke in the second vid is Tony Sayers as it seems to say he's a right one too by the looks of it: Tony Sayers
"pointing out the mass mind control techniques that are being used on humanity to keep us enslaved"
I don't think that they are conspiraloons.
I might have put them down as conspiraloons if it was 2006 or something, but not now.
That's just the problem, when people try to raise awareness of things, they always go through a phase of being ridiculed before anyone will listen, just look at people throughout history.

Sorry but its completely rational to label people as conspiraloons when they go on about toxic skies & start ranting about people needing to wake up.

Even if they also include stuff that is sensible, and have genuine and heartfelt emotions, you have to get rid of the bullshit in order for people to take it seriously.

Generally I recommend that people spend plenty of time talking about what they stand for, rather than just what they are against. So we can judge their politics properly and make sure they aren't drooling right-wingers who'd dump us in worse shit than capitalism and the state already do.
This video is not just about Coventry, it's UK wide, and if you listen to at least the first five minutes of the video, you will see that more and more people are gathering together all across the UK, not just some weird fringe groups by the sounds of it.

I can't bear to watch much of that poor man's tirade, but I might use part the vid the next time my students want to talk about how much British people say fuck, fucking, fuckers, cunt etc.

I don't think that we, as a country, should be training angry conspiraloons to kill. Is there a way of weeding them out in advance?

No, not in advance. He was probably a fairly normal young man before he was sent off to some hellhole to fight a pointless war in which his friends were blown to bits in front of him.
Was this the one you meant panpete? It's off that bloke's channel:
I got a fair way into his (ETA the bloke in your first post I mean) rant and he definitely did go conspiraloon - ISIS fake beheadings etc, and his subscriptions are to that sort of stuff. Not watched the thing linked above but has your title.

I think that the ISIS vids are fake. Sorry but somethign doesnt look right about them.
I think that the west spawned ISIS and lots of disenfranchised slightly delusional youths joined them.
ETA that was the vid I meant, I am sorry, I didnt clear my pasteboard from the other thread.
I don't think that we, as a country, should be training angry conspiraloons to kill. Is there a way of weeding them out in advance?
I don't think it's about killing, and i wish that word 'conspiralloon' would be consigned to the wastebin of history, as it is old fashioned.
OK there are a fringe group of weirdos who have whacko views, like the reptillians etc, but people are "As mad as hell!!!! and they aint gonna take it anymore!!!" Quoted from film Network 19, 1976
Sorry but its completely rational to label people as conspiraloons when they go on about toxic skies & start ranting about people needing to wake up.

Even if they also include stuff that is sensible, and have genuine and heartfelt emotions, you have to get rid of the bullshit in order for people to take it seriously.

Generally I recommend that people spend plenty of time talking about what they stand for, rather than just what they are against. So we can judge their politics properly and make sure they aren't drooling right-wingers who'd dump us in worse shit than capitalism and the state already do.
I used to think that chemtrails were contrails from planes, but as time has gone by, I now think that my view was naiive.
I think that the ISIS vids are fake. Sorry but somethign doesnt look right about them.
I think that the west spawned ISIS and lots of disenfranchised slightly delusional youths joined them.
ETA that was the vid I meant, I am sorry, I didnt clear my pasteboard from the other thread.
Despite the various documented stuff about Western agencies' role in the emergence of the current form of militant Islamism there's no way you can get that sort of movement up out of whole cloth so you're left with a lot of political questions even if that's acknowledged. As in, it's perfectly possible for various of the agencies who supposedly work for us to be up to all sorts of no good without that meaning everything's just some puppet show with some cabal on the strings. Similarly there's no reason to doubt ISIS does behead captives so what's the mileage in making a thing about the way the videos look?
I don't think it's about killing, and i wish that word 'conspiralloon' would be consigned to the wastebin of history, as it is old fashioned.
OK there are a fringe group of weirdos who have whacko views, like the reptillians etc, but people are "As mad as hell!!!! and they aint gonna take it anymore!!!" Quoted from film Network 19, 1976

Have you seen the film Network? The character who said that was having a massive mental breakdown. That his rant had some powerful truths mixed in did not detract from the fact that his state of mind had gone horribly wrong. For bonus giggles, later parts of the plot involved the usual exploiters working out how to take advantage of his rants and make profit from them, also neutering any risk airing such views might have in terms of revolution, subversion etc.
I think that the ISIS vids are fake. Sorry but somethign doesnt look right about them.
I think that the west spawned ISIS and lots of disenfranchised slightly delusional youths joined them.
ETA that was the vid I meant, I am sorry, I didnt clear my pasteboard from the other thread.

Smelling the rat is the easy bit. Identifying what the rat really is, what really matters, who the players are and what they are actually up to, is the hard bit thats quite a challenge even at the best of times with the best of methods and sources.

Generally people aren't very good at it, for reasons including the state of our own minds, the types of stories and theories we are personally attracted to and that are compatible with our own worldviews and politics, and the amount of propaganda,misinformation and paranoid bollocks that is shared between people.

ISIS is a complex phenomenon that is certainly being used for various purposes by various players. That doesn't mean its a fiction, or that staring at visual evidence and getting a funny sense of something being wrong is going to shed a jot of light on the complex reality, or offer any meaningful solutions or hope for people.
'The system' (man) as we know it coming close to collapse in those few days in the autumn of 2008, and the aftermath, seems to have had a weird effect on a percentage of the two generations who had grown up with really bad stuff only happening in far-flung places via their TV screens and laptops. Unable to believe that civilization has always been a precarious construct, and capitalism always prone to disasters, they began looking for scapegoats. Those who are in charge being largely untouchable, and most of the population being unwilling to 'touch' them anyway in case something worse is accidentally induced, they began to point the finger at phantoms who have it in for them and their mates personally.

I blame skunk and cocaine. And probably ecstasy too.
What a load of cobblers. It is annoying cobblers too because the speakers don't seem to be saying anything even if you skip through to get to the point of what they are trying to say. I have looked at the two videos by the bloke in the green shirt who seems to have dipped his hands in flour or something. I got even less out of the one with the girl in grey who spoke even more hesitantly and with no message. Oh such drivel. :confused:
Have you seen the film Network? The character who said that was having a massive mental breakdown. That his rant had some powerful truths mixed in did not detract from the fact that his state of mind had gone horribly wrong. For bonus giggles, later parts of the plot involved the usual exploiters working out how to take advantage of his rants and make profit from them, also neutering any risk airing such views might have in terms of revolution, subversion etc.
Hi, yes, I know he was. I did watch the film, very recently, and it makes things like this make even more sense to me.
It is, in my view, a very cleverly written, multi layered story, because it shows the callousness of the corporation.
The network wanted to make a story within a story, a self-shooting, due to being overwhelmed with the bullshit and that he "Was as mad as hell, and he wasn't gonna take it anymore!!!!" *I haven't yelled it out of my window, the asterisk is there to say that those who watched the film will know what I mean.

Yes, his mind has fucked up, but within this fucked up-ness of his mind, there were subtleties that did make sense.
Anyway......then, as ratings started getting lower again, the corporation shot him, and I thought that twist at the end was especially clever.
Did you put the right video in the right post? I was talking about the angry ex-squaddie who'd gone for Youtube rather than Glassdoor to review his previous employer unfavourably. There was only one of him, though, and he didn't sound very Coventry.
Thanks for bringing that to my atttention, I have now put the correct video.
The video was shot from covernty and the audience were from there, but those are the only things in comomon with it.
Apparently, meetings like this are going on throughout the UK, although I have not heard of any such meetings.
I do have some facebook friends that I have known years, who I can discuss things like this with, as they have got their ears and eyes open and are aware that something is not right, and has not been right for a lifetime.
Anyone can attend these meetings, if they find out about them, you have a choice, to go, or not to go, and both are fine.
Have you had a look in the conspiraloon forum on here yet pp?

Hope it debunks some of the stuff you believe and doesn't encourage you to believe more unfounded crap
I don't think it's about killing, and i wish that word 'conspiralloon' would be consigned to the wastebin of history, as it is old fashioned.
OK there are a fringe group of weirdos who have whacko views, like the reptillians etc, but people are "As mad as hell!!!! and they aint gonna take it anymore!!!" Quoted from film Network 19, 1976
How is conspiraloon old fashioned? Seems like a modern type of word that describes people into a range of 'conspiracies' quite well
Was this the one you meant panpete? It's off that bloke's channel:
I got a fair way into his (ETA the bloke in your first post I mean) rant and he definitely did go conspiraloon - ISIS fake beheadings etc, and his subscriptions are to that sort of stuff. Not watched the thing linked above but has your title.

To be honest, I never watched the videos, as they would have made me vomit, if there were beheadings on it, but I think there are other fake videos of threats and Allah speak.
I saw one. Something didn't look right about it. There were no beheadings on it. I am far too squeamish to watch a video of someone being beheadded.
The group, ISIS are real, but I am open to the idea that they were created by the west, who stirred up religious trouble among various groups of musllims in the countries they wanted to de-stabilise, setting them against each other, forming extremist groups, some members of certain groups see fit to behead another person.
I did put the squaddie vid on here, it must have still been on my pasteboard, from when I last posted on another thread, so I 'printed' the wrong video on. Its now sorted.

Ive not yet read the rest of this thread, so i will crack on and read it
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