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Could Putin end up in the Hague?

Will Putin end up on trial for war crimes?

  • Yes in the Hague

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Yes in Ukraine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes in Russia by his replacement

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Putin won't go on trial but some lower down underlings will

    Votes: 4 9.1%
  • No he will get away with it all

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • Nothing will happen at all

    Votes: 17 38.6%

  • Total voters


No amount of cajolery...
There has been pretty serious evidence of war crimes in a few places and the way they have targeted Mariupol etc is itself a war crime. I can't personally see him ending up there because ultimately I don't think the west gives enough of a shit but it would be interesting to see if anyone actually does get brought to justice. Thought I'd start this thread to keep track of developments
There has been pretty serious evidence of war crimes in a few places and the way they have targeted Mariupol etc is itself a war crime. I can't personally see him ending up there because ultimately I don't think the west gives enough of a shit but it would be interesting to see if anyone actually does get brought to justice. Thought I'd start this thread to keep track of developments
He totally deserves to be there answering for it all but I wish I could see it happening.
No there is no possibility of Putin ever ending up in the Hague, I don't think there is any real possibility of anyone else doing so either.
The ICC is another of those institutions which only has any authority when it suits powerful nations to let it have some.
short of a complete regime change in Russia where they hand the fucker over in return for lifting of sanctions (which - IIRC - was what happened to Milosevic) - then its vanishingly unlikely he will ever have to answer for what he has done - and is doing. Dispatched by his own side is a more likely outcome - unless the rumours about him dying from cancer or something are true.
Will the world change if/when Putin ends up in the Hague? Will it be the end of war crimes?

The future is uncertain and looks bleak. The fallout from climate change being only one factor in a potential meltdown of the historically untypical and highy contingent security the past few generations became used to. Societies stable for generations are likely to become unrecognisable. We may get the rise of little Putins of our own to deal with the panic/public trauma. Wars will be fought over resources and for a myriad of other excuses. War crimes will inevitably follow. They will follow us to our demise as a species.

This is not to say that present war crimes should not be punished. Those responsible for them in the past should face justice too, as so many banged on about before the world got reduced to good v evil and everybody forgot.
short of a complete regime change in Russia where they hand the fucker over in return for lifting of sanctions (which - IIRC - was what happened to Milosevic) - then its vanishingly unlikely he will ever have to answer for what he has done - and is doing. Dispatched by his own side is a more likely outcome - unless the rumours about him dying from cancer or something are true.
And then you have to believe in God to know that he might be held accountable... :(
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