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A quick question for those who continue to regularly use Take away food shops despite the increased risks involved...Why?

It sort of baffles me a bit as applied to the great majority of people doing so I absolutely do not buy the excuses of lack of cooking facilities or time, I've lived in many bedsits through my yoof and never been in one without at least a couple of rings to cook on and as for the time thing, I notice it takes a fair while for people visiting my local chippie to queue to get in and served which combined with travelling time easily blows the time excuse out the window..so come on, Why do you do it?
I’ve been using the takeaway more. Takeaways are treats and we’ve have been needing lots of treats.
Question/thoughts wrt the steep increases in Kent/London and schools.

Schools have been open with little mitigation against virus spread (despite schools and teachers best efforts, I hasten to add).

It's been known right from the start that school age children and teenagers are more often asymptomatic, lightly symptomatic or differently symptomatic than the Big Three symptoms.

We currently have got at least two urbanites children tested positive, picked up through testing that would not qualify them for symptomatic testing.

It was highlighted (sorry to bang on about my man Christian Drosten again, but that's were I got the info from) that this could very easily to an outbreak running undetected through a school for a long period (don't quote me on the time- let's say two weeks).

So when you pick up the first case via a "classically" symptomatic person - parent/student, this could have long been seeded into different year groups via siblings. Basically by the time you spot it, it's long run out of control like wildfire. Isn't that possibly exactly what happened here?

And it's suddenly so visible compared to the north of England because cases in the SE were relatively low for a while. And in the north, schools were already running with just a couple of year groups in school because everyone else was isolating (anecdotally heard from urban parent), so cases had a chance to level off or drop off.

Could that not lead to the exact picture we are seeing without the virus necessarily being more transmissable per se(among young people or otherwise)?

Not wedded to this idea, just thinking out loud.

Also thought it was very interesting what kenny g noted with the spread along commuting routes (could of course be correlation not causation, but thought it was worth investigating, especially given how little we really know about spread on public transport).

One of the hugest failures (in an admittedly extremely crowded field), has been imo to define the symptoms for suspected covid so narrowly. Fair enough if there needs to be some gate-keeping for testing, because these can't be scaled up indefinitely, but given that IT HAS BEEN KNOWN SINCE ABOUT APRIL (pardon the caps) how differently this can present, especially in younger people, this has been absolute insanity.

I nearly fell off my chair when irc Hancock said something about we need to learn to distinguish between covid and just a cold sometime in September. Probably because he was worried about people "shirking" school and work. Do we fuck!, I wanted to scream. No, we needed to learn to stay the fuck at home with any sore throat, unusual headache or muscle ache, or gastro symptoms!

(A fresh and unhappy reminder was at work on Saturday when a colleague told me, just by way of conversation, about her sore throat with a very hoarse voice. And I was like, mate, have you got covid, I think you should go home. It then came to the absurd situation where my manager and I were arguing - she was nice about it, but I was very upset - about company policy which was basically following government policy on the Big Three, surrounded by throngs of Christmas shoppers in the street. Only for the whole thing to be locked down an hour later anyway. AND THAT'S WHY YOU FUCKING CUNTS! (pardon the caps, again).
Great, you saved a couple of days sick pay. Well done.

I seem to be angry again.
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Just rewatched what Grant Shapps said about the lorries yesterday..."There were about 500 lorries on the motorway...I checked before I came here and this is down to 170...174 now, with a few more in a holding pen called TAP but the main message is..."
A quick question for those who continue to regularly use Take away food shops despite the increased risks involved...Why?

It sort of baffles me a bit as applied to the great majority of people doing so I absolutely do not buy the excuses of lack of cooking facilities or time, I've lived in many bedsits through my yoof and never been in one without at least a couple of rings to cook on and as for the time thing, I notice it takes a fair while for people visiting my local chippie to queue to get in and served which combined with travelling time easily blows the time excuse out the window..so come on, Why do you do it?
I wouldn't say I have takeaways regularly - maybe once a month max - but my local chippie has a serving hatch so you don't need to actually go in at all. And if you do need to physically go in, you're not there for as long as you are in Tesco. Anyway, food is food. Chippie fish and chips may be commonly considered a luxury rather than a necessity, but it's still an edible, substantial meal with loads of carbs and protein, and that makes it food. It would be a bit of a slippery slope to decide which foods people do or don't need, because where do you draw the line? What's non essential to you could make someone else's life so much easier. I think Wales tried that with the shops that were still open (stopping people buying what they deemed non essential items) and it just caused more disruption. A shop is either safe to open or it's not. Policing what people buy once inside isn't going to stop the spread of the virus, all it'll do is screw up the economy even more than it's already been, prolonging the recession and causing even more unemployment, poverty, depression and suicides. And back to takeaways, we all need little pleasures from time to time. In these miserable times, the odd treat is what a lot of us need to break routine.
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This has a video of the moveable barrier on the M20 that the government are so very proud of and were telling us about yesterday.
It is pretty cool, but what a sad thing for engineering minds to be set to work on.
It’s almost as if schools going back was a fucking stupid idea from the very start.

Said more succinctly than me. ;)

But, there have been lots of voices from parents and teachers that really have found this very important.

What does drive me insane is that not only were schools not supported but actively scuppered and threatened for decent safety concepts.

I think it was Thora whose school had a great two-week on, two-week off concept as early as re-start of school after summer. Imo the best way to put in immediate breaks into the chain of transmission. And they were told flat out "no".
Said more succinctly than me. ;)

But, there have been lots of voices from parents and teachers that really have found this very important.

What does drive me insane is that not only were schools not supported but actively scuppered and threatened for decent safety concepts.

I think it was Thora whose school had a great two-week on, two-week off concept as early as re-start of school after summer. Imo the best way to put in immediate breaks into the chain of transmission. And they were told flat out "no".

Unfortunately the govt have made keeping schools open a hill other people have to die on.
I know of 3 mates who have been cookerless over the last couple of weeks. I run a food project and several households are down as having 'limited cooking facilities' it's not that unusual.
And what about people working long shifts?

I couldn't even be bothered answering HD's assumption laiden and judgey toned post. But yeah, a copule of minutes thought could have answered it for themself.

e2a fucking drafts.
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Said more succinctly than me. ;)

But, there have been lots of voices from parents and teachers that really have found this very important.

What does drive me insane is that not only were schools not supported but actively scuppered and threatened for decent safety concepts.

I think it was Thora whose school had a great two-week on, two-week off concept as early as re-start of school after summer. Imo the best way to put in immediate breaks into the chain of transmission. And they were told flat out "no".
There have also been some absolutely idiotic guidelines. 'Wear your mask in the corridor but not in the classroom'. That's the wrong way round you thick fucks, the evidence says we should be doing the opposite. But yeah, secondary schools in particular should never have gone back.
This happened here in North West Wales where we have one of the very lowest rates. My son had to isolate twice, his cousin three times. God knows how it will be when Covid19+ arrives

Possible it's already there in S Wales. Friends who are both teachers, different schools, there have had it. Reports of whole yers going home etc. Been like that for a few weeks.
Govt info about the new variant states 'The way to control this virus is the same, whatever the variant. It will not spread if we avoid close contact with others. Wash your hands, wear a mask, keep your distance from others, and reduce your social contacts.' If this is true, and given the little we know about the new variant re transmission it may well not be, it can only be spreading as these rules/advice/guidance (i am not really sure of their standing) are not been followed. Or am i being much too logical??? No Xmas break for the scientists me thinks...
A quick question for those who continue to regularly use Take away food shops despite the increased risks involved...Why?

It sort of baffles me a bit as applied to the great majority of people doing so I absolutely do not buy the excuses of lack of cooking facilities or time, I've lived in many bedsits through my yoof and never been in one without at least a couple of rings to cook on and as for the time thing, I notice it takes a fair while for people visiting my local chippie to queue to get in and served which combined with travelling time easily blows the time excuse out the window..so come on, Why do you do it?
Saves on washing up for starters
There have also been some absolutely idiotic guidelines. 'Wear your mask in the corridor but not in the classroom'. That's the wrong way round you thick fucks, the evidence says we should be doing the opposite. But yeah, secondary schools in particular should never have gone back.
That's not to stop transmission, it's to be able to take bubbles out of the educational establishment if anyone in the bubble gets COVID. With a bit of performative prevention in there too
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