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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

missed the main bit. Guy now saying hospital admissions are women 20-40 reflecting their jobs and roles in society.

also if spread is within households rather than between households (not sure which) is the main issue then what? Do they support households by providing hotel space for some household members?
...and given we've just had "science" on the national broadcaster saying if we don't do something now we're fucked, it seems a little odd that the PM is leaving us all hanging in the face of impending doom.
I kept thinking he was on the verge of a smirk today when talking about comparative death rates.
The question is how fast, and how hard, lockdown 2 will be.

Short, sharp, shock or faff about with pubs and garden parties for another fortnight?
I strongly suspect it will look like the Bolton restrictions, applied nationally. You might think of that as more like the latter of your two possibilities, I don't know.

I agree. There's some suggestion that doing it this way was to scare the cabinet members & Tory back benchers that are against any further restrictions, and allow it to sink in before Johnson comes forward to announce further restrictions.
It looks very much like this to me.

The pair of them very publicly standing there and saying that without further restrictions hundreds of people will be dying every day in just over a month feels like it's aimed at bouncing the government into action rather than just informing people of where we are.
The measures haven't worked in Bolton. They will have to be different to make a difference.
'Haven't worked' is complicated. The week-on-week trend is currently flat. But yeah, if you or I were in charge of this, we would probably agree that it's insufficient. This doesn't mean that new restrictions will be any tighter.

Current measures started on September 6th, I think.



Scotland's doing alright but needs to take more measures to avoid a full lockdown. Do your bit for the collective good, WFH if you can can, download the app. Then the usual reiteration of current rules.

Goes without saying that it's much more coherent and personable than any of our English equivalents.

It's not like Scotland are doing much better* really, but she's clear, consistent and doesn't have to lie all the time to cover corruption and actions that fall short of mediocre, let alone world beating promises.

*maybe they are doing a bit better than a snapshot suggests, if you remember school went back earlier than in England.
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