Slouching towards Billingham
In terms of the relaxing bit, I agree in a general sense. Trouble is, the government have no roots in the community and have been unable to get a clear message out at an operable level in real places. That get's even more so when the message is 'stay alert.. you can go to that shop... you can meet those people but not that many people... '. It's not a viable relaxing, it's a chaotic loosening. and then as you say, there's the school thing which in itself is more serious - but putting the schools into the mix also adds to the chaotic nature of what people think they are expected to do, obligated to do, what might be sensible for themselves, what might be sensible for the 'herd'. The whole lockdown started with a high level of self interest, merging into community preservation. By their idiocy, the government have reduced it to 'sort it yourself, let your anxieties take you where they will, let your self interest take you where it will'. We've all got our own new normal type thing.I'm guardedly ok with relaxing lockdown on the super lockdown cases, which I always thought were a bit indiscriminate anyway.
I'm more concerned about trying to open schools tomorrow which is fucking insane. Literally the last thing you do when you are sure the situation is manageable. It's worse than the encouragement to go back to work, but it fits right in to the neoliberal thicko gameplan.
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