one of Maxwell's demons
Who's claiming that? It's bollocks. By most estimates, we've had 50k deaths with perhaps 10 million infected here. That still leaves another 55 million of us to go. On course for the initial estimates of perhaps 300,000 dead, in fact, if we had just let it rip. That particular model by Imperial is looking more and more like the right one, sadly, and could still hold some future terrors for the world.elbows I've seen some claims recently on the lines of 'herd immunity is the strategy of every government' and I don't see how that can be when countries like New Zealand and South Korea are making such an effort to stamp out the virus, unless there's something I've missed. Do you know what could be meant by that? Surely the strategy of every government isn't to make everyone catch it until there's a vaccine?
Obviously having had it does give you some partial immunity but I don't see how the aim of every government can be herd immunity lol when policies have been introduced which seem to want to get rid of it entirely.
There's no guarantee of any vaccine, but best hope long term may be that the virus itself evolves to become less deadly, which could very well happen, as it has happened before with other viruses. If that happens, killing a few hundred thousand people to give herd immunity to one of the common cold viruses will look rather silly.