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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

I thought he said ' tomorrow ' re going back to work. Which would be Monday, but he didn't say the word Monday. But I'm not 100% sure and haven't got the will to watch it again.

He didnt (I used part of a transcript to check last night, and Starmer also made reference to this vagueness today). But the message was all about psychological pressure, they wanted to create a sense of immediacy and pressure, and being vague or creating the impression that they meant Monday was probably done deliberately to serve this cause.
I havent seen much of his parliament performance today but honestly, I've seen that look from him plenty before. During various stages of his Brexit show he did not look at all comfortable in parliament, did not seem to enjoy being questioned, was moody etc.
Meanwhile I was waiting to see how long it took for people to do serious estimates of how many lives would have been saved by locking down earlier, and for the media to report on it. Well now here we go, Scotland leads the way again!

More than 2,000 coronavirus deaths could have been prevented if Scotland had locked down two weeks earlier, according to a new study.

A team of epidemiological scientists at University of Edinburgh produced the findings, which feature in a BBC Disclosure investigation.

They suggest the death rate in Scotland could have been reduced by about 80% with earlier action.

Experts also told Disclosure the UK as a whole should have acted earlier.

I havent seen much of his parliament performance today but honestly, I've seen that look from him plenty before. During various stages of his Brexit show he did not look at all comfortable in parliament, did not seem to enjoy being questioned, was moody etc.

He seems very comfortable with the new online format where the questioner has no opportunity to reply and he doesn't get barracked. Once or twice it was a simple 'No' and then he just sat down again.
I fear that may not play out as he hopes it will. Another month or so of this clown show and even the likes of Kuenssberg will be forced to climb at least part of the way back out of Johnson's arsehole.
Oh christ. And I'd only just managed to get rid of this as an earworm :facepalm: :D

Face coverings. The only clinical studies I've seen about cloth face coverings say they've made things worse for clinical staff vs nothing at all.

And I dunno about anyone else but if I've got something covering my mouth and nose my glasses immediately fog up. So I'm at slightly less risk of coronoavirus, but much greater risk of getting run over by a bus because I can't fucking see where I'm going.
It's an odd situation for johnson, the ultimate position of strength in parliament, opposition in disarray, fawning backbenchers on his own side, no obvious scenarios as to how any of that will change (at least pre virus). But then he's clearly fucking things up and pretty much killing people in the name of business-as-usual-neoliberalism. This should be the point where an alternative opens up (well, at least at the end of the crisis, next year), but I don't see any of the things you'd need in place for that to happen. I really don't take it as read that this will strengthen anybody even vaguely on the side of the angels. :(
Also I can go the park with my household and socially distance 2m from a household of strangers subathing next to me.

But I cannot go to the park and socially distance 2m from a household of relatives or friends. I have to go by myself and socially distance from 1 other person if they are known to me. But I can be in the park socially distancing from an entire household of strangers.

Have I understood that correctly?
Also I can go the park with my household and socially distance 2m from a household of strangers subathing next to me.

But I cannot go to the park and socially distance 2m from a household of relatives or friends. I have to go by myself and socially distance from 1 other person if they are known to me. But I can be in the park socially distancing from an entire household of strangers.

Have I understood that correctly?
Yes completely.
Also I can go the park with my household and socially distance 2m from a household of strangers subathing next to me.

But I cannot go to the park and socially distance 2m from a household of relatives or friends. I have to go by myself and socially distance from 1 other person if they are known to me. But I can be in the park socially distancing from an entire household of strangers.

Have I understood that correctly?
Just getting my head round that myself. He really didn't know what the fuck to say to Scott .
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