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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

I hate to play devils avocado but whatever message he put out was going to be wrong, and would have been wrong regardless of political affiliation.

People are screaming out to be able to get back to work and back to normality, and others are desperate not to see any more deaths.
That's fine if enough people can that it's safe for those who can't. But that will need to happen by * magic *. It certainly doesn't sound like it's going to happen through any kind of planning.

Sort your own bloody lockdown. Christ.
Well as many as can, should. Those that can’t will have to get public transport. It’s about trying to minimise not eliminate risk by everyone taking sensible precautions where possible. Not every journey or route or situation is planned for, people must use common sense. That’s necessary, and okay.
This was a pretty interesting read btw. If correct it may explain a few things including the wrongness of recent media briefings.

I'd like to know which idiot said this:

“We ditched herd immunity when we got spooked by the Imperial report, by which point the virus had already spread and it was probably too late to get the benefits of lockdown. Now we want to leave lockdown but we have no herd immunity. So we have a vast death toll as well as the perfect storm for an awful second wave,” the MP argued.
Well as many as can, should. Those that can’t will have to get public transport. It’s about trying to minimise not eliminate risk by everyone taking sensible precautions where possible. Not every journey or route or situation is planned for, people must use common sense. That’s necessary, and okay.
It's not really anything to do with common sense. In Paris they're giving people money to sort out bikes, changing traffic conditions to allow for bikes and walking and other things. In other words, whether it works or not, they recognise that this is a problem that needs a solution that is better than saying 'well, avoid the tube' to people who work on the other side of London. The choice for some will be 'keep your job' or 'avoid the tube'.

I don't actually doubt that transport will still be massively down on numbers for a while yet, cos people will be making solutions for themselves as they did pre-lockdown. Apart from those who can't.

But well, you're young and healthy, you'll probably survive it. I did!!! Just stay away from your nan.
Yes. Public transport is going to be one of the big potential vectors for a long time no matter what measures are taken, and regardless of what Mr Johnson says I will be avoiding it - which makes getting around London pretty hard.

Really need to learn to use that scooter.

Yes, impossible to avoid for people who've noe been told they are expected back at work, though.

Schools have also been really clear in needing three weeks notice to even start to think about reopening - SD is impossible in loads of them, even with a reduced intake, with narrow corridors and not enough staff to teach in person, as well as online.
I work in a secondary school kitchen/canteen and there is no way we can SD that I can think of, even if there was some way to get meals to kids who were in (and that's with our grounds being large enough that I can see that a really reduced number of kids in could eat while SD at least). I also have absolutely no trust in my direct manager.

Ftr, my union (GMB) had also come across some silence regarding whether staff and parents would even be told if there were positive covid cases - they've resolved it now, but only after a lengthy argument which stated, incorrectly, that it was usual for schools not to reveal cases of measles or nits.

My bezzer, a SEN TA, has been working throughout, looking after keyworkers kids. They've very normally been working with 4 adults and 16 kids (all the kids in, in a primary setting) in one room.
The unions are very focused on what they can do nationally (I have lolled loads at the constant suggestion that our Tory gov is working in conjuction with the unions) but are pretty much held captive when it comes to individual schools, where the governors ultimately make those decisions.

Schools are also shedding even more cash from their budgets due to this.

I say all this while I am bored shitless and my daughter is, too - but I wouldn't be sending her immediately back out either. Apart from the news about children increasingly presenting with other immune issues (Kawasaki disease etc) I'm not convinced that children are not a huge threat in passing the virus on, too, even if they generally have less severe syptoms (although even then, I read something, which sounded reasonable, about infection measurements being skewed in terms of children, when lots was caused by travel to begin with, so mainly between/from adults).

It's all just really difficult to think about, balanced against other factors - good mental health for eg - when THIS is all we get.
I don't think I'm surprised :D but it's brutally dishonest to have yet another staged Tory performance, while people are dying and while the population as a whole has continued to adhere to every rule set, when there has been no fucking direction and no consideration or care given to those who have already worked throughout.
I'm not getting in a fucking disease ridden metal container just so that the economy can get back to normal - fuck that.

Trains are using social distancing. Obviously if they get full there will be a crunch point but for now they are empty.
Jesus :D then use public transport if you can’t work from home. It’s just not that complicated? :confused:

But, public transport has been cut right back, and they have said once it's back to normal schedules, the buses & trains will only be able to cope with about 10% of normal passenger levels, due to social distancing.

How does that work?
It’s just your bad luck if you haven’t got a car or the kind of job that can be done from your living room. None of this is surprising though is it.
Will be curious to see if national trust open the gates here on Wednesday & if so what about the toilets etc.
It's not really anything to do with common sense. In Paris they're giving people money to sort out bikes, changing traffic conditions to allow for bikes and walking and other things. In other words, whether it works or not, they recognise that this is a problem that needs a solution that is better than saying 'well, avoid the tube' to people who work on the other side of London. The choice for some will be 'keep your job' or 'avoid the tube'.

I don't actually doubt that transport will still be massively down on numbers for a while yet, cos people will be making solutions for themselves as they did pre-lockdown. Apart from those who can't.

But well, you're young and healthy, you'll probably survive it. I did!!! Just stay away from your nan.
We need to make a difficult compromise here or we’re all gonna be out of a job and with no economy, income, or food. So yes some people are gonna have to take a bit more risk. There is no “safe” option, it’s a pandemic. Agree about more practical solutions though, although they may well come. There’s been plenty of practical help offered so far.
It’s just your bad luck if you haven’t got a car or the kind of job that can be done from your living room. None of this is surprising though is it.
Will be curious to see if national trust open the gates here on Wednesday & if so what about the toilets etc.

unsafe workplace!!
Jesus :D then use public transport if you can’t work from home. It’s just not that complicated? :confused:
That is exactly the same position as yesterday so what was the point of today's big announcement if nothing has changed?

That's confusion.
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