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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Reception back from June 1st? Really? We're in two minds as to whether we'll send her back seeing as I'm furloughed and Mrs maomao was made redundant in December. Huge risk for six weeks. Social distancing aged five is not really plausible. We'll be in a germ pool with thirty odd sets of parents.

We'll be into the 2nd wave by then, or would be if we'd ever finished the 1st wave.
On the quarantining arrivals thing , he just said he’s ‘giving notice’ that this is coming but didn’t even say when did I remember that right?
what was the gist of the update?

Can we go out more than once for excercise?
Are we allowed to visit one other household as was suggested in the meedya?
This is the kind of advice that's going to kill people.
I had an email from my employer (a London council) on Friday afternoon saying that they had had no prior info on what changes might be announced this evening, so they would be continuing with existing arrangements, those who can working from home, those of us still coming to work continuing with the special distancing etc measures we've been following for the past seven weeks. They're going to take time to assess changes in advice and make sure clear and proper procedures are in place

But I'm sure lots of employers who depend on income through sales etc will be eager to get employees back in ASAP and won't be so keen to wait while safe (or as safe as possible) working practices are worked out and put in place.
i really, really want my kids back at school. and so do they.
just an aside i'm not being funny. my kids rely on the external input they get from school & friends to function. without that input they're quite impressively demonstrating "help-me" type behaviours. that if i were in a position to help with i would have already done.
just an aside i'm not being funny. my kids rely on the external input they get from school & friends to function. without that input they're quite impressively demonstrating "help-me" type behaviours. that if i were in a position to help with i would have already done.
I've amended my reaction emoji accordingly. Gist hard sometimes with text
😁 😁 😁

And yes, UBI solves everything.
Nope but UBI done properly (and I emphasise the last word) is something that I personally am massively in favour of, we're going to need it or something like it as more and more jobs are lost to machines rather than the virus. It would be one positive thing to come out of this crisis if it started politicians (even if reluctantly down this path). But that's a different discussion from how culpable Boris is over his handling of the crisis.
Deliberately confusing messages so everybody else/anybody else can be held to blame for more and more deaths.
It is all about 'politics' and not aout public safety.
It's a horror show.
Yep, it's overall just a refusal to take responsibility for doing the difficult stuff. Johnson isn't interested in difficult stuff, he just wants to be popular. A lot of people are dying for his personality defects.
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