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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

That's because they don't matter obviously...

There's plenty to criticize it for, that's not one of them I think. Too many different conditions with too many variables to give advice in a briefing to the whole country.
get back to work , say the twat who cant even turn up for a live broadcast.

I'm sorry but I hope he really does get it at some point.

The best thing for the planet would be for him and trump to a become a statistic
Yet again a confused and less than clear menu of what can be done...let's hope there is more clarity tomorrow in Parliament but i doubt it. So we can drive to exercise but no mention of staying local so just to piss off the Derbyshire constabulary half of south Yorkshire and Greater Manchester will be heading to the Peak District next weekend.

They have had weeks to come up with this and again looks like fag packet thinking...
And he’s had to pre-record because he’s even fucking worse when he’s live. Ah, um, err...

Recorded prior to the COBRA meeting today, as I understand it.

Fines for picknickers. No fines for employers, just guidance.
So construction and manufacturing workers are joining the ranks of the sacrificed first, while the Mirror is reporting that the furlough scheme is going to be changed on Tuesday.

If they can avoid public transport, they should - if not, fuck em. :mad:

WTF was that? That's what we've been waiting for? :mad:

Lolling at the newreaders trying to report back on it now... 'erm..' :rolleyes:
You can go outside as much as you want but social distancing must be maintained, is my main takeaway. Doesn't sound like a feasible approach, but I don't know. Not urging people to stay in doors as much as they still can.
Yep no mention of stay home much as you can at all.
Oh go on for entertainment, how did he get away with pretending to have it if that’s what you believe?
I dont really believe anything, just think he had a remarkably quick recovery for someone who was so seriously ill.

Just pissed musings on a sunday afternoon, I wouldnt take it seriously.
I dont really believe anything, just think he had a remarkably quick recovery...
have you seen the state of him? shell of a human being... (i know it's hard to tell, but these are the "after" pics)

This is the kind of advice that's going to kill people.

We said that you should work from home if you can, and only go to work if you must.

We now need to stress that anyone who can’t work from home, for instance those in construction or manufacturing, should be actively encouraged to go to work.

And we want it to be safe for you to get to work. So you should avoid public transport if at all possible – because we must and will maintain social distancing, and capacity will therefore be limited.

So work from home if you can, but you should go to work if you can’t work from home.

And to ensure you are safe at work we have been working to establish new guidance for employers to make workplaces COVID-secure.
That's far too specific to go into there in a briefing for the whole country, people will get more specific info from their GP etc. There's no changes though for the highest categories afaik, still shielded etc. The letters from GPs say at least until the end of June.

I get that he can’t cover every eventuality but he didn’t even mention it. Even to say, for those deemed at higher risk there’ll be detail for you published tomorrow.

There’s a huge group of people who aren’t in the shielding category and have had zero advice from their GP who now don’t know what to do tomorrow. As far as I’m concerned this still means stay at home for me but I don’t actually know. You can’t make an announcement on fucking Sunday night and expect people to act on it tomorrow with no detail.
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