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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

That is exactly the same position as yesterday so what was the point of today's big announcement if nothing has changed?

That's confusion.
Listen again. Some things have changed. For example, if you have a job that can’t be done from home you should go back to work. And the bare bones of how those changes will progress if conditions are met was outlined.
I'm really not looking forward to that. I can see trains going to pre-booked tickets only with seat reservations. There would be chaos if trains got busy and people are refused travel.

Part of the amazing plan for that, if recent reports are to be believed (which isnt a safe bet given the amount of rubbish in the press about lockdown easing recently), is that there will be some great new apps that let the public see when their public transport hubs and services are too full. I imagine the experience will be similar to trying to get an online supermarket delivery slot, most of the time there would be no difference between a fancy app with accurate data and a static message saying 'you've got no chance'.
Do you do a job that can’t be done from home? Cos if not don’t worry.
Come on Edie you cannot be this naive. You don't think that there is going to be significant pressure on both businesses and employers to re-open. Many, many people are going to be forced to take public transport.

I've tried to avoid getting trapped in the simplistic anti-Tory nonsense but todays message just seemed absolutely confused. I mean whatever you think about the Welsh and Scottish measures to me they came across as at least reasonable
I don’t think what I’d be prepared or not to do is of any significance tbh.
Ok, not personally about you, but people are now potentially going to be pressured by employers into going back to work via a means that will likely not be safe unless it stays at current levels of use.

The government has said go back to work if you can't work from home. What does that mean for furlough?

Can people refuse to go back to work if their route isn't safe? What happens to their jobs if they refuse?
No one should be forced to use public transport until this thing is well and truly gone
Maybe you’re right. I dunno. It gets complicated really quickly tho if you start making it conditional. ‘You can stay at home on 80% pay if there’s no way of you getting to work without using public transport and you personally don’t want to take the risk but are happy others are doing so to support the economy’. Maybe it should be personal choice?
That's a question nobody has answered yet, and one I though of immediately during Johnson's speech.
Yes. It's one of many glaringly obvious unanswered questions that make tonight's (this afternoon's/whenever) performance even more of a weasly shit show.
Public- facing jobs (food Hair retail sport tourism etc) are not expected to go back so it’s office jobs that for some reason can’t be done from home
, factories building sites agriculture basically? I don’t know. Maybe it’s picked out with an idea it won’t overwhelm the public transport?
No one should be forced to use public transport until this thing is well and truly gone

This thing won't ever be well and truly gone. It'll just join flu and other transmissible diseases that we learn to live with. Sorry to be so pessimistic.

The gov position is that trains can run at 10% capacity while allowing social distancing. That is virtually impossible to reconcile with getting the economy back to full. I have no idea how this will be dealt with, but I'm sure Boris is the wrong person to be working on it.
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