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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

The facts are:

From midnight tonight US time anyone arriving from the Schengen Zone will be turned back if not a US citizen or lawful US resident. Further the US will only accept flights from (and therefore to) the Schengen Zone in to approved airports; Atlanta, Dallas Ft Worth, Detroit, Newark, Honolulu, JFK, LAX, Chicago O'Hare, Seattle, San Francisco and Washington Dulles.

Anyone arriving from a non-Schengen Zone country will need to declare that they have not entered the Zone in the past 14 days. Same as from China (not Hong Kong and Macau) and Iran.
Ah. So we can expect them to self-isolate for 14 days in the UK, then. Or at least say they did. That's fine :thumbs:
Of course it's arbitrary, but still nowt to do with brexit.
Trump likes to reward things he likes and punish things he doesn't like. He likes brexit britain and he dislikes the eu. We've already seen how he's used the pandemic to push things like, say, his wall, despite zero evidence that it's in any way linked. I think you overestimate him if you think he couldn't be this petty in a serious situation.
Have been told - slightly more officially (but not fully) is that there will be an announcement over the weekend and to take my laptop and other materials away with me on Friday.

Which could be great because I have a stinker of a job I don't really want to do lined-up for Monday morning! :D
Looks like the post-COBRA meeting press conference is coming up soon, BBC1 has dropped their normal schedule to take the News channel's output.

ETA - Having taken over BBC1 at 4.15pm, they have just taken over BBC World too.

What do they know? :hmm:
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Looks like the post-COBRA meeting press conference is coming up soon, BBC1 has dropped their normal schedule to take the News channel's output.

ETA - Having taken over BBC1 at 4.15pm, they have just taken over BBC World too.

What do they know? :hmm:

They know there is a government press conference, and that it hasnt started yet.
I think it's pretty clear that they've already leaked to the BBC that there won't be school closures, they're all very definitive about that not happening (this week at least).

Sturgeon, having been in the COBRA meeting, has already had her press conference & explained there's no plan for school closures in Scotland yet, so I think it's safe to say the same for the rest of Britain.

They know there is a government press conference, and that it hasnt started yet.

They didn't take-over BBC1 & BBC World for the last press conference, clearly they think or have been briefed that this is going to a much bigger story.
Wales vs Scotland 6 nations is going ahead. I can't see any risk in not only having a massive stadium jam-packed in a city centre, but also the thousands of people who tend to travel into Cardiff to get arseholed watching the matches all day, with a high percentage of older folk involved. FFS Welsh government.
They didn't take-over BBC1 & BBC World for the last press conference, clearly they think or have been briefed that this is going to a much bigger story.

Well there was a major COBRA meeting and they already told the press that the delay phase would be triggered. Which means new measures that they will want to communicate to the public ASAP. Sounds like the BBC have already got details, school trips abroad banned, old people and people with underlying health conditions told not to go on cruise holidays, self-isolate if you have symptoms.
As well as upping the testing regime for anyone with suspected cv, they should be doing random testing to get even a vague sense of community transmission (not just the extent, but also the routes and probable methods of transmission). There are clearly a minimum of several thousand infections in the UK at the moment, but Johnson et al just don't want to know. Cunts.
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