It is with regards to the NHS whose resources haven't kept pace with the dramatic increase of the population. The great British public consider the NHS to be sacrosanct, therefore it cannot be consigned to the annals of history overnight, nevertheless, as has been the case with civil liberties, it is being disassembled./run down piecemeal.
One only has to look at the significant rise in the private healthcare sector to perceive where successive govs. over the past 30 odd yrs. are heading. Prior to this, it would have been unthinkable for an ordinary person to consider taking out private healthcare insurance, now its a common place occurrence. The likes of Harley St. physicians would have been the preserve of the rich and famous, most notably the monarchy and their entourage, paid for of course by the peasants, now its anyone above the rank of dish washer who can afford the insurance premiums. People are being given incentives and covertly coerced into patronising the private healthcare sector.
The NHS used to be up there with the best healthcare system on the planet, now its way, way down the list, despite the dedication of its staff, some of whom are also employed in the private sector.