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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Its mostly correct, and only ends up slightly misleading in places because it omitted certain things. For example in regards things happening elsewhere, they mention 'very few governments chose to act' but then just go on about the UK inaction without the context of what many others were doing (or not doing). [. . .]

Thanks for your reply elbows, I appreciate the well-informed posts you've been adding here on the subject.
"Current death statistics are from hospitals only, and from tomorrow the ONS will begin collating whole-UK figures including deaths in the community on a weekly basis." - from this morning's lobby briefing. Hopefully they will break them down, otherwise trying to keep track of what's going on, and compare with other sources of data, becomes very difficult.
BBC News saying that the plan is now to test people that die at home to see if they had covid-19 and if so their numbers will be added to the national tally.

...Libby Nolan, a senior nurse currently assigned to an intensive treatment unit (ITU) in south Wales, told the Guardian that some healthcare workers have begun preparing letters to be used in case they die, putting into writing how they were told to work without adequate PPE. She said they were “thinking ahead for insurance and litigation purposes” to ensure their families receive sufficient compensation....
BBC News saying that the plan is now to test people that die at home to see if they had covid-19 and if so their numbers will be added to the national tally.

Yeah, the ONS are supposed to report on these deaths on a weekly basis, I dont know when the first of those is due to be published.

Given issues and lag of death stats, and problems with test capacity affecting number of confirmed cases on any given day, the numbers I would actually like to see on a daily basis in order to track the epidemic are related to hospital admissions and intensive care rates.

After all, its those sorts of numbers that the experts use to tell us they see some signs. How about giving the public that data?


He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “In the UK, we can see some early signs of slowing in some indicators. Less so in deaths because deaths are lagged by long time from when the measures come into force.

“But we look at the numbers of new hospital admissions today, for instance, that does seem to be slowing down a little bit now. It’s not yet plateaued as the numbers are increasing each day but the rate of that increase has slowed.

from Coronavirus: UK spread shows early signs of slowing – key adviser
See if they 'had' or see if they 'died of'?

Quite a significant difference.

Given the amount of quibbling and uncertainty on that front, I would count them all, and then people can argue about whether all of them were valid later. This is still vastly preferable to leaving people with a sense the undercounting is distorting the numbers.
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A team including Mercedes F1 have produced a breathing aid on which they are now hoping for approval, based on a modification to an existing design, Mercedes F1 say they could produce thousands a day once they have the go ahead. Apparently this equipment can be used before a patient needs a ventilator.

And a consortium including Airbus and RR is awaiting approvals on a new ventilator which they will then manufacture.
I'm still being driven mad by the fact I seem to have to rely on local media republishing info they got from the Press Association about the days NHS deaths.

Anyway, partly as a result of that I discovered this quite handy PA article about UK death statistics, it goes into quite some detail about various issues and changes to the stats the ONS will provide.

Given the amount of quibbling and uncertainty on that front, I would count them all, and then people can argue about whether all of them were valid later. This is still vastly preferable to leaving people with a sense the undercounting is distorting the numbers.
Yep. There's going to be a ton of comorbidity so we're never going to separate everything out. But someone with, say, cancer who dies from c19 cos they're weakened by the cancer has still been killed by c19 in my book.
Yep. There's going to be a ton of comorbidity so we're never going to separate everything out. But someone with, say, cancer who dies from c19 cos they're weakened by the cancer has still been killed by c19 in my book.

It sounds like the ONS figures will be based on coroners making some mention of Covid-19.
So, JCB CEO was on the news, assuming approval, they will be make 1,000 a day (or more) of a housing for the ventilator consortium which includes Dyson.
I need data help.

It seems likely that the daily figures from NHS England, which breaks them down by hospital trust and includes dates of death, are being sent out as a press release which is not published online. I need this data. Sometimes, via the PA, local newspapers are publishing all the info in full, but I cannot rely on this happening every day and its messing up my ability to collate local data. If anyone can provide me with this data, or knows of someone else who is collating it online with the proper date of death info intact, please get in touch.
It sounds like the ONS figures will be based on coroners making some mention of Covid-19.
Yes it does. Latest release stated that just four out of 159 of the latest deaths didn't involve underlying conditions. Of course that could range from final stage cancer to mild asthma or type 2 diabetes...
A team including Mercedes F1 have produced a breathing aid on which they are now hoping for approval, based on a modification to an existing design, Mercedes F1 say they could produce thousands a day once they have the go ahead. Apparently this equipment can be used before a patient needs a ventilator.

And a consortium including Airbus and RR is awaiting approvals on a new ventilator which they will then manufacture.
I think the Mercedes thing is a hack on the CPAP machines they use for people with sleep apnoea, etc...
The government need to get better public information films. Some people may think that Chris Whitty is just a weird-looking science teacher type so no need to pay attention to what he says. Advertising agencies have decades of experience making people worry about germs and hygiene.
Report back on my daily walk. I passed a few places today that I passed last week and most of the construction/road work that was going last week has stopped this week. I'm very pleased to be able to report that. :)

Any idea why the construction industry has been so slow? It's not like anyone us going to be moving into the space in a hurry.
Jesus wept they cant even manage to show us the bloody slides that Vallance is talking about in the press conference.

edit - oh finally they manage to, after we've already missed 2.
I need data help.

It seems likely that the daily figures from NHS England, which breaks them down by hospital trust and includes dates of death, are being sent out as a press release which is not published online. I need this data. Sometimes, via the PA, local newspapers are publishing all the info in full, but I cannot rely on this happening every day and its messing up my ability to collate local data. If anyone can provide me with this data, or knows of someone else who is collating it online with the proper date of death info intact, please get in touch.

Is it worth contacting a local paper and asking them to share?
Any idea why the construction industry has been so slow? It's not like anyone us going to be moving into the space in a hurry.
Some sites need to be made safe before shutdown but a lot carried on working because they are outdoors.
Any idea why the construction industry has been so slow? It's not like anyone us going to be moving into the space in a hurry.
They weren't obliged to stop, I don't think, but it does appear that many have now stopped. Don't know if pressure was applied.

It hasn't all stopped, mind you.
This is quite a sweary video with a very angry woman. She's pissed off at people in hazmat suits coming round scaring people by saying that someone had died, when they hadn't. She'd seen the person being handled by the police and taken to hospital (drunk, not covid) a few minutes previous, they had been told he was dead a few hours before.

This is quite a sweary video with a very angry woman. She's pissed off at people in hazmat suits coming round scaring people by saying that someone had died, when they hadn't. She'd seen the person being handled by the police and taken to hospital (drunk, not covid) a few minutes previous, they had been told he was dead a few hours before.

Weird. Found this on the HA's website but it begs more questions than it answers.

We were concerned to hear that a man who was sleeping rough in one of our buildings became ill with suspected coronavirus symptoms and was taken to hospital on Thursday evening. We were initially told that the man had sadly passed away and we acted quickly to instruct a deep clean of the building as a precaution. The reason we wrote to residents was not to create panic or spread fear but to notify them that we had organised cleaning of the building and to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our residents and staff. We are very sorry if this has caused distress and we apologise unreservedly for the mistake. We have urged residents to notify us or Street Link if they see anyone sleeping rough so they can get the support they need.
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