The public inquiry may reveal some specific details of interest but we dont need that at all in order to form some prety strong conclusions about the response to previous waves.
There are very few questions that require us to wait years to get answers, and when it comes to previous waves we have the death tolls to indicate who was wrong and who was right.
This particular wave is more complicated in some ways, and we have to wait a little bit longer for certain answers. So I have been especially keen to hedge my bets in this wave, and not to stick to all my prior assumptions that served me well in previous waves.
But thats not the same as staying neutral, and we dont have to read many posts to know that neither you or I are neutral. For example whatever happens next with this wave, I do not think it was a good idea to let over a million people get infected, or for the NHS to be placed under this much strain again at a time where it needed to start dealing with backlog in other cases. 805 hospital admissions/diagnoses in England on the 20th July, a fucking disgrace!
It is certainly true that there are possible scenarios in this wave which those who oppose the precautionary stance of Indie SAGE will use to attempt to claim that Indie SAGE was wrong and are extremists that should not be listened to. It will be disgusting 'let it rip', 'if not now then when' extremists who will most delight in making those claims, should that time actually come. The sort of murderous shitheads who have had the luxury of falling silent and walking away in previous waves when their deadly stances resulted in a criminal level of infections, hospitalisations and deaths. They just shrug and think oh well, maybe next time. If this turns out to finally be 'their time', via an early peak, then I will not think any better of these shits, or you for that matter.