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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Journalists knew how to try to pin him down, eg by saying stuff to the effect of 'if lack of test capacity was your excuse and the big issue, why under those circumstances did you still sign off on the hospital discharge plan'?

The discharge plan was an obvious disgrace but it was also no surprise that they did it, and that other parts of the establishment would have advised that it was the only option. This sort of thing is one of the reasons I spread my criticisms broadly when it comes to the establishment and this pandemic. Doesnt let Hancock off the hook though, some of the bucks stop with him.
Harries got in on the family deaths club too, and then went on about how low a proportion of care home deaths were caused via the hospital route. Its true that care home staff not being tested either was thought to be a large factor, but I'm still not impressed.

And, of course, agency staff spreading it between various care homes.
Indian variant now 50-75% of new cases - Hancock

I'm probably over-simplifying, but this is essentially down to Johnson not wanting to ban travel from India because he was due to fly out there to negotiate a trade deal with the Indian PM, isn't it?

Yeah. Even with better timing the holes in the system may have let some cases of that variant in anyway, but the number that get in makes a difference to how well seeded the new variant is and how easy it is for it to take off everywhere.
I've still not been called up for my 2nd jab, despite being over 50 and in the North West.

Not sure whether to ring GP or what. Do people get emailed or texted to go for them?
I wouldn’t rely on your GP texting you. i’ve only had my first jab but no messages from the GP. Booked it myself online.

If you booked on the NHS website for the first jab, I don't think you would get a text from your GP for your second jab, the NHS & GPs [private contractors] operate different systems.

I had my first jab at a GP hub, and got a text from the GP about moving my second appointment forward.

My brother had his first at an NHS site, and got a text from the NHS about a week after I had mine from my GP.
And, of course, agency staff spreading it between various care homes.
That's one of the worst aspects of this whole sorry saga imo - putting the people running and working in care homes in this awful position.
I remember how freaked out I was not just by the possibility of contracting the dreaded virus (despite nominally being pretty low risk), but of passing it on to someone else, and that was from the safety of my socially distanced furlough. :(
If you booked on the NHS website for the first jab, I don't think you would get a text from your GP for your second jab, the NHS & GPs [private contractors] operate different systems.

I had my first jab at a GP hub, and got a text from the GP about moving my second appointment forward.

My brother had his first at an NHS site, and got a text from the NHS about a week after I had mine from my GP.

It seems to really vary; I booked mine through an NHS site and went to a hospital hub vaccination site and had the date for my second given to me on the day of my 1st dose. I then got a call from my GP a month before my 2nd dose was due saying I could for it that day if I wanted as there were spares at the local hub they were using. My mate had her invite letter from her GP and several weeks on has still not been able to book as there are never any appointments available.
A few friends of mine (aged between 28 and 34) managed to wander into a Boots today and get an AstraZeneca jab with no appointment or anything. Not sure if they specifically had to confirm that they were happy to get AZ given they should have had Pfizer, but they were so desperate to get done I don't think they cared.
Update to this - all four of them had the worst night they've had in ages, shivery, nausea, dizziness. I'm now laughing at them telling them they should have waited for Pfizer :D
Hope you can get one booked.
Absolutely fucking useless. Went on the website, but you have to cancel first before you can rebook, without sight of the dates, and I didn't wanna take a chance on cancelling the 14th June one only to find there aren't any until the end of June (or later). Rang GP, on hold for 20 fucking minutes, to be told that I can go onto the website and do it, but I'd have to cancel first. They won't book me one :confused: Said I'd be as well just waiting for the 14th.
This seems positive.

The average age for someone testing positive for coronavirus has dropped to its youngest age yet.

The median age now stands at 29 as of the week ending May 19, which is down from 35 at the start of April and 41 at the beginning of the year.

It appears to show the success of the vaccination programme, which has been rolled out down through younger age groups as the year progresses with people in their early 30s being offered the jab this week.

And analysis from The Times shows two-thirds of people in hospital with Covid-19 are now under 65.

Absolutely fucking useless. Went on the website, but you have to cancel first before you can rebook, without sight of the dates, and I didn't wanna take a chance on cancelling the 14th June one only to find there aren't any until the end of June (or later). Rang GP, on hold for 20 fucking minutes, to be told that I can go onto the website and do it, but I'd have to cancel first. They won't book me one :confused: Said I'd be as well just waiting for the 14th.
I was nervous about this too. Mrs BassJunkie took the plunge first and got a sooner date. So I had a go - my second was meant to be on the 30th June. I managed to get it moved to the 9th June. But yeah, it's a bit of leap of faith.
I was nervous about this too. Mrs BassJunkie took the plunge first and got a sooner date. So I had a go - my second was meant to be on the 30th June. I managed to get it moved to the 9th June. But yeah, it's a bit of leap of faith.
Yeh, I really don't wanna take the chance. I'm meant to be visiting my lass in Scotland at the end of June, and don't want anything to get in the way of that, or take the chance I'll get a much later appointment.
Breaking news, the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen single dose vaccine has been approved for use in the UK.

They were hoping this could increase take-up in the younger age groups, as it's more convenient having just one jab, but there's been reports of possible blood clotting events associated with it, so maybe it will be restricted like the AZ one.

A single-dose Covid vaccine made by Janssen has been approved for use in the UK by the medicines regulator.
The vaccine, which was 85% effective in stopping severe illness from Covid-19 in trials, has met expected safety standards.
Twenty million doses have been ordered for the UK and will arrive later this year.

Janssen single-dose Covid vaccine approved by UK
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