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It asks for your dob though?
It’s not just over 50s. Says these are eligible to fill in that form.

You can only use this service if any of the following apply:

  • you are aged 50 or over
  • you are at high risk from coronavirus(clinically extremely vulnerable)
  • you have a condition that puts you at higher risk (clinically vulnerable)
  • you have a learning disability
  • you get a Carer's Allowance, get support following an assessment by your local authority or your GP record shows you are a carer
For the record I've just booked both jabs despite what the site says. I'm not 50 yet.

Was a but awkward cos if you can't book the second it won't let you book either, so you may need to change time or date or even location of your second. Mine are at different places, six weeks apart.

Worth a try, eh.

ETA got the heads-up from a hospital worker. It's over 45s
Based on people being so desperate to sit in a cold beer garden that they actually went to pubs that opened at midnight last night, I'd say yes. Really cannot see the attraction in going to sit in a freezing bus shelter while dozens of strangers breathe all over you, just for the privilege of paying far too much for a beer.
Yeah, me too. I'm not on the 'official' shielding list but have been working from home due to health issues that covid could make more serious. I got a temporary psychological feeling I might emerge into the world a bit after my first jab. However if I went in a pub garden now, I suspect I'd have nagging thoughts along the lines of 'did they wash that glass'. Not quite the recipe for a relaxing drink, particularly as there's the rigmarole of booking a table etc.

It's hard to know when that feeling of being able to socialise or shop normally will kick in, if ever. When it comes to the flu, there's a psychological scenario where you know it can be serious, but short of seeing someone coughing and sweating, you don't change your behaviour at all. Going to be a while before we get to that with Covid.
Shops open, pub exteriors and cafe pavements not, here in Wales.
Given that Swansea is the second biggest Welsh city, I was idly wondering how mad it might become.
'Idly' because I'm no shopoholic at all -- the reverse! :)

So we also did the 'walking into town to see what it's like' thing this afternoon.

Very far from busy overall.
Queue outside Primarks, but not all that long. No other queues.
I'll be ultra-selective about which pubs I go to when the exteriors of them open in Wales (Monday 26th April onwards).

There's not a lot of pubs anyway in or near Swansea that have outdoor areas.
There'll be a maximum of two (three at a stretch) that combine having enough outdoor space with having good quality beer. :cool:

The latter is the main (only?) reason why being able to go to a pub will mildly rock my world**.
I'm with mx wcfc on the attraction of pub-drinking.
I do get why some Urbans can't understand why people have been doing it in such chilly conditions today :hmm:, but pubs aren't only about alcohol -- the socialising thing has got to be just as important for many.
(The opening at midnight stuff does seem out-and-out insane though, admittedly!! :eek: )

**Plus it should be warmer towards the end of April!! :D :thumbs: :beer: :)
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pubs aren't only about alcohol -- the socialising thing has got to be just as important for many.
That's partly the point, though - you shouldn't be going to the pub to socialise with a bunch of people from outside your household/bubble really. Even though it is "outdoors" (and a lot of the types of outdoor seating being shown on the news clips barely qualify, IMO) if you're sitting around a pub table, all facing each other, speaking loudly to be heard over everyone else doing the same thing, laughing and happy, there's going to be a not-insignificant amount of Covid getting sprayed all over you.
That's partly the point, though - you shouldn't be going to the pub to socialise with a bunch of people from outside your household/bubble really. Even though it is "outdoors" (and a lot of the types of outdoor seating being shown on the news clips barely qualify, IMO) if you're sitting around a pub table, all facing each other, speaking loudly to be heard over everyone else doing the same thing, laughing and happy, there's going to be a not-insignificant amount of Covid getting sprayed all over you.

Is it any safer doing it in someone's garden or in a park? Its just that you seem to be suggesting that there should be no mixing of households at all?
Answer sounded less than convincing; said that as more folk were out and about, more would go in for surge testing; (also the justification for no door-to-door testing in the area affected).

Even during periods with tougher restrictions I would never claim we had a system that could hope to genuinely contain variant strains. The surge testing etc is more of a slow things down a bit and survey the situation type exercise than an effort in genuine containment.

As such we are reliant on a combination of that system and plenty of luck and various characteristics of the new strains themselves. A variant that has a big advantage would be expected to thrive, as happened with the Kent variant. In a vaccination era that relies more on immunity to do the protection than other measures, any mutations which can bypass immunity are going to have a big advantage.
Impossible to book in my area as there are no 2nd dose slots available :mad:

I had that problem as well so had to change 1st dose location. I'm guessing you tried that but worth putting it out there anyway. I'm in London so have a fair bit of choice, I appreciate not everyone has that luxury. I spoke to a woman on twitter who had the same problem but she was on the IoW so not a lot of options.

eta: I think Gen X crashed the website as well a couple of times so the word is well and truly out.
I had that problem as well so had to change 1st dose location. I'm guessing you tried that but worth putting it out there anyway. I'm in London so have a fair bit of choice, I appreciate not everyone has that luxury. I spoke to a woman on twitter who had the same problem but she was on the IoW so not a lot of options.

eta: I think Gen X crashed the website as well a couple of times so the word is well and truly out.
Yes I was trying to book in Morecambe as that's 3.5 miles away and I can get there on my bike. I've managed to book two doses in Ingleton in N Yorks instead which is 16 miles away.
It's probably realistic (read the thread).

I can't read that thread, not sure why.

Is there any data out there to suggest the p1 variant is more deadly in younger ages than other variants. I get that being more transmissive (is that a word?) is a very bad thing in itself but being more deadly in younger people would be very very bad.
I can't read that thread, not sure why.

Is there any data out there to suggest the p1 variant is more deadly in younger ages than other variants. I get that being more transmissive (is that a word?) is a very bad thing in itself but being more deadly in younger people would be very very bad.
According to that thread, mortality rate in 18-45 group is trebled (I think).
Is it any safer doing it in someone's garden or in a park? Its just that you seem to be suggesting that there should be no mixing of households at all?
I'm suggesting that risk is not a binary, and the more you pile riskier behaviours on top of each other - a semi-enclosed space, packed with people that you don't know, all shouting directly into each others' faces, lots of hand-to-face contact, sharing packets of crisps - the sillier a choice it seems just for the sake of being able to have a drink.

Gardens and parks would seem much safer - more spread out, fewer people, quieter, and also cheaper.
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