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Compulsory Work for Benefit Claimants in Denmark

. I myself am one and concepts such as social cohesiveness are next to impossible without language skills. For people to maintain that it isn't necessary are being ignorant
Ignoring for the moment your inability to write in coherent sentences, if this is all about social cohesion why not focus on the large numbers of people working in financial services and other international industries who don't speak English? They could introduce a higher tax rate for foreign workers who can't pass a Danish test. Why the constant focus on poor immigrants rather than rich ones?
It’s a charming 70s kids book which I somehow had as a kid, bought for me in a charity shop by an eccentric neighbour. I plan to pass it on to my Nieces in due course. The money boxes are issued by one of the Danish banks, believe they also own one of the NI banks. There’s also a statue of Pondus in Copenhagen zoo. Thread derail over.

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That’s so cute!

Not really a detail though. If Pondus lived in Copenhagen they’d be an immigrant (from the Southern Hemisphere obvs) and presumably, being a penguin, would be unable to speak Danish or work. Therefore the OP would want to withdraw his fish…
That’s so cute!

Not really a detail though. If Pondus lived in Copenhagen they’d be an immigrant (from the Southern Hemisphere obvs) and presumably, being a penguin, would be unable to speak Danish or work. Therefore the OP would want to withdraw his fish…
He was provided herring by his keeper. He did speak quite good Danish I think as he talks to other zoo visitors as well as his keeper.
I think the crux of this whole thing - and maybe this thread - is the determination of many governments to divide those in need of support into "deserving" and "undeserving". Huge amounts of effort seem to go into driving that particular wedge home, and I can't help but suspect that the effort is out of all proportion to the benefits, beyond giving right-wing types a figleaf to excuse their evident desire to make life as miserable as possible for anyone who finds themselves dependent on the state.
Divide and rule.
Soz, yeah I heard off a bloke who's mate works in the Danish Ministry for Bacon that very immigrant to Denmark gets handed an iPhone 13 Max as they walk off the aeroplane. They only get the big telly the next day.
Mind you, I was told that the big telly translates EVERYTHING into the language of your choice, so you never even need to learn Danish or any other language ever at all.
Not at all. I still miss alot of words, because I'm playing translation catchup in my head. And although my school reports confirmed me as a relatively bright child, there is somthing about the construct of language that just fries my brain. I actually warn people, "my Danish is shit, I understand but I may respond in English" - "mit Dansk er lort. Jeg forstår, mens jeg skal svar i Engelsk. er det ok?", and generally this is ok. And where it isn't, we get by. Speaking slower, using synonyms. Also, onomatopoeia occurs frequently in Danish. Dont know the word for something, know the noise it makes? It will do.
Also, it's ok to be quiet :thumbs:
Pronounciation is difficult as us Londoners dont use those parts of our moufs know what i mean. Translation tools make you lazy. Why spend an extra 10 minutes reading a news story slowly when you can just google translate that mofo.I do know people who have been here for longer than myself who dont speak any Danish whatsoever, children in International schools., other "expats " as friends. Personally these people grate on me a little more, but thats a class thing.

I did do lessons for a while, but they needed more time as I progressed. Think I got to level 4 before tapping out. I had a young family and a fulltime job. I didnt see the value in it at the time. I had to put my education time towards work skills.
Often Danes would point out to me that Princess Mary (arrived the same time as me from Tasmania where she was looted from - old habits die hard), could now speak fluent Danish. I pointed out I had a real job.
If they had locked me up in a castle for breeding Im pretty sure I would have found the time too.
Ignoring for the moment your inability to write in coherent sentences, if this is all about social cohesion why not focus on the large numbers of people working in financial services and other international industries who don't speak English? They could introduce a higher tax rate for foreign workers who can't pass a Danish test. Why the constant focus on poor immigrants rather than rich ones?
Here we go with the comparisons...

I don't think my question could have been more focused.

And where are you getting my supposed narrowing to poor immigrants from?!
I'm going there in a couple of weeks and will report back.

(By which I mean I'm in the country for about 24 hours and most of that time will be spent hanging around on trains.)

So, I went there, came home and I've come back again. I've not seen a lot of people dressed in any kind of Islamic clothing. Don't know what the fuss is about.

I think Galoppen is great. The whole country smells of cinnamon, which is less great. Probably okay if you like it, though.
So, I went there, came home and I've come back again. I've not seen a lot of people dressed in any kind of Islamic clothing. Don't know what the fuss is about.

I think Galoppen is great. The whole country smells of cinnamon, which is less great. Probably okay if you like it, though.
What were the trains like?
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