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Colleague- possible charity scammer

This is a good idea. I'll have a quiet word with someone higher up.
Without swearing, it will be a shit or bust type situation. It'll force her hand either way.
And if she produces the proof then her donations will go up as a result, cos everyone near her is suspicious now.
If she still doesn't then we'll know and put her in a huge wicker man in the car park
You don't need to go full wickerman when a necklace will suffice
In fact start with a short letter of praise to a local paper and build up to this. Enjoy her dilemma as the level of attention cranks up to national and she wrestles with the awful truth nearing revelation

“And do you know what’s amazing about her? She puts in all this work collecting huge sums and afterwards there’s no boasting at all. Not even a letter pinned up from the charity saying how much we raised.”
“And do you know what’s amazing about her? She puts in all this work collecting huge sums and afterwards there’s no boasting at all. Not even a letter pinned up from the charity saying how much we raised.”

Nice work.

Quote from a 'proud' colleague in original story, described as a 'duped' colleague in the follow-up, complete with sad face photo and ripped up Pudsey Bear toy
If it’s a forward looking policy no need for her to show anything... lots of big companies limit fundraising efforts to a list of approved charities and monitor it really closely to avoid any issues
When I worked at BBC, there were loads of Red Nose Day and other charity events run by staff, these weren’t part of any BBC official fundraising. It was mainly things like cake sales, sports events and competitions. We always got a manager to check and verify the donations and a week or so later there would always be a poster up saying what had been donated, which dept had raised the most money, so on. Very odd if she’s not showing anything she’s received from charities.
If you can get management to issue a policy on fundraising in the workplace everyone will be clear on how donations are managed

Yep. I'm NHS and rather than do Secret Santa we all bring in small gifts, bottles of wine etc then raffle them off and give the proceeds to a local charity. We always have a verified amount raised and a follow up thank you letter from the charity in question. We donate to relatively small local charities and still get a headed letter thanking us as a team.
In all seriousness, is it possible she hasn't shown you the receipts because she knows you don't like her and it bothers you?

The OP claims that a certain cynicism about the 'charidee' claims are widespread. If everyone else has seen the receipts and personalised thank you letters from the charities involved then that probably wouldn't be the case.

People who like to very publicly raise money for charidee are, ime, very unlikely to not put the 'thank you for raising £X' letter in as prominent a place as possible for as long as possible. That's the nature of such people - it stinks, it stinks like my fucking dog when he's rolled in a dead cat.

Oh, and Harry Smiles - is a thread in the serious bit of Urban where people ask for help, please try and keep the twatty crayoning to the comedy threads. Unless, of course, you'd like others to crayon all over the next thread you post where you ask for help...
Where do you print your's off from? :hmm:

Usually there are emails from the charity.. thank you letters...etc
The total collected is always put up for all to see.
Often times the money is lodged into a charity bank account and the receipt is the lodgement slip. It gets photocopied and given to everyone.
The OP claims that a certain cynicism about the 'charidee' claims are widespread. If everyone else has seen the receipts and personalised thank you letters from the charities involved then that probably wouldn't be the case.

People who like to very publicly raise money for charidee are, ime, very unlikely to not put the 'thank you for raising £X' letter in as prominent a place as possible for as long as possible. That's the nature of such people - it stinks, it stinks like my fucking dog when he's rolled in a dead cat.

Oh, and Harry Smiles - is a thread in the serious bit of Urban where people ask for help, please try and keep the twatty crayoning to the comedy threads. Unless, of course, you'd like others to crayon all over the next thread you post where you ask for help...

Unless the OP is seriously planning on burning her colleague in the work car park, I don't think my twatty crayoning has offended them too much.

The OP says her department don't give anymore but the colleague raises lots from the rest of the building. The other departments may be perfectly convinced, maybe by evidence, that the money is going where advertised
Unless the OP is seriously planning on burning her colleague in the work car park, I don't think my twatty crayoning has offended them too much.

The OP says her department don't give anymore but the colleague raises lots from the rest of the building. The other departments may be perfectly convinced, maybe by evidence, that the money is going where advertised
All correct apart from that I am a male child
The company that I used to work for always had people raising money for charity all the time and quite large sums. Nobody ever made receipts public but, on the occasions Ì did it, I always received a thank you letter or email from the charity.

I would just phone one of the charities and ask if a particular donation had been made. You could ask under the pretext of wanting to know the final amount given as you'd lost track in the office. Then you'd know.
All the charity thank you letters get displayed for a while on our staff notice board. Maybe it could be suggested at your office.

Someone bought in 2 massive pork pies and pickle for their birthday. They left it out on the table and didnt put it back in the fridge and someone had it away.
Food not nailed down is fair game as far as I'm concerned !
I worked somewhere a long time ago with a communal kitchen and fridge. Someone would take a random bite from any old random packed lunch in the fridge and then put the bitten sarnie back as it were. Never discovered the culprit. Never used a communal work fridge since.

Label it 'jizz sponge'.

But for weirdness, who gives a fuck.
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