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Colleague- possible charity scammer

"can you show me proof of your charity donations, I know it's a bit shitty me asking but people are doubting your honesty and It'd be fab if you could give them a great big up yours wouldn't it"

Follow up the proof with the charity, explain to the charity that it's just a suspicion so you don't want to make it official (yet)

I expect most charities get this kind of request and are used to dealing with it.

If she won't supply any proof tell her you'll be taking it further cos if she really is stealing from causes people care enough about to donate to, she deserves no leeway at all.
I worked somewhere a long time ago with a communal kitchen and fridge. Someone would take a random bite from any old random packed lunch in the fridge and then put the bitten sarnie back as it were. Never discovered the culprit. Never used a communal work fridge since.

Coffee all over screen :mad:
I wouldn't do anything that points a finger at her without absolute proof. Cakes? Not worth making an issue. Charity dress? Not worth making it a jobsworth issue.
Money to charity? Definitely jobsworth issue but you have no proof and do you really want her to lose her job?

It's a case of damage limitation now to be honest. Get a policy going on charitable collections. Tell management you're all sick of all the collections and then work on the policy yourselves.
Make sure that there is an agreed number of charities and collections per year. And that all moneys must be accounted for and sent via company cheque to the charity. That way she never gets to touch the money...
Also...ensure charities give your company a receipt.

Going after her for a charity dress and cake sounds petty tbh.
Shut down the whole charity collection stuff by regularising it and controlling it...from management down. That will sort her out...fast.
The other stuff is a red herring but if she is collecting thousands for charity then not providing any sort of thank you letter stating the amount, even when specifically asked to produce one, then that is suspicious, and if she is pocketing the money that's pretty shitty. Probably even, yunno, criminal.
I wouldn't do anything that points a finger at her without absolute proof. Cakes? Not worth making an issue. Charity dress? Not worth making it a jobsworth issue.
Money to charity? Definitely jobsworth issue but you have no proof and do you really want her to lose her job?

It's a case of damage limitation now to be honest. Get a policy going on charitable collections. Tell management you're all sick of all the collections and then work on the policy yourselves.
Make sure that there is an agreed number of charities and collections per year. And that all moneys must be accounted for and sent via company cheque to the charity. That way she never gets to touch the money...
Also...ensure charities give your company a receipt.

Going after her for a charity dress and cake sounds petty tbh.
Shut down the whole charity collection stuff by regularising it and controlling it...from management down. That will sort her out...fast.
Tbf the dress and cake stuff was just to build up a general picture of character and circumstantial evidence, m'lud
She could be embezzling charity money, you can't just turn a blind eye to that, it's proper low.

You need to work on the proof and frankly if that is what she's doing fuck her.

No proof though is there?
Individuals pursuing her off their own bat may lead her to an unfair dismissal case and she will point the finger at all her colleagues who claimed she stole their charitable donations. ...without a shred of proof.
Those charities were not given anything in a company name. Guarantee you that if she gave money she gave it in her name.
If you really want to delve into it and are 100% certain that she is taking the money for herself then contact those charities. But if you're wrong she can she the pants of you all for bullying, defamation and harassment...and she may well add stress and damages.

Be 100% sure of what you're doing.
Tbf the dress and cake stuff was just to build up a general picture of character and circumstantial evidence, m'lud
It's civil service so huge monolithic organisation in which no one really gives a fuck, and wants to make life easy for themselves.
When asked she either ignores email or once said "I can't be bothered to bring it in"
As there's clearly no love lost, why don't just say 'what's to stop you giving the money to a different cause then? I've donated and I want proof it's gone where you said it would? '
When asked she either ignores email or once said "I can't be bothered to bring it in"
That's enough evidence then. Let's burn her now...

No proof though is there?
Individuals pursuing her off their own bat may lead her to an unfair dismissal case and she will point the finger at all her colleagues who claimed she stole their charitable donations. ...without a shred of proof.
Those charities were not given anything in a company name. Guarantee you that if she gave money she gave it in her name.
If you really want to delve into it and are 100% certain that she is taking the money for herself then contact those charities. But if you're wrong she can she the pants of you all for bullying, defamation and harassment...and she may well add stress and damages.

Be 100% sure of what you're doing.

Someone needs to find the proof before it does go any higher by speaking to her and then speaking to the charity without naming names.

I'm not suggesting telling the bosses or the police I am suggesting communicating concerns people have with her to her.

If that was me I'd be like "shit, is that what people think? " then give them the receipts from the charity and walk about with a great big smug hat on for weeks.
Find a charity that she has 'given' a reasonably large amount to, ring them and let them know of your suspicions. I'm sure if you did it outside of work and asked to be kept out of it they would be able to check without involving you publicly.

I would definitely do something though, that's proper low. I can't imagine any reason that if you have gone to all the effort to raise loads of money you wouldn't want to show off how much was raised, and it's pretty much guaranteed that the charity has given her the posters etc detailing how much was given, charities love that. You don't need proof, you are suspicious, let the charity work out if she's been scamming them.
Get a policy going on charitable collections. Tell management you're all sick of all the collections and then work on the policy yourselves.
Make sure that there is an agreed number of charities and collections per year. And that all moneys must be accounted for and sent via company cheque to the charity. That way she never gets to touch the money...
Also...ensure charities give your company a receipt.

See if you can get the company to match, or add 20% of campaigns upon receiving a charity receipt.

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