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Colleague- possible charity scammer

You don't have to do all that shite - just plan then do a decent walk, and ask people to sponsor you. There are loads of fantastic 3 or 4 day walks in Scotland...

Stick a thread up with pictures - I'll stick £30 in for starters.
Yes this is obviously the sensible thing to do. I’m just not overly confident with being in the country I guess. And there’s something fun about doing it in a group with other people, you could have interesting conversations! (Although the obvious downside of that is being trapped in a group of ‘charity skydivers’ for two days :D ).

Anyway I also don’t have any of the kit. Plus there’s the small matter of being a single mum and not being able to just leave the kids for two or three nights just cos I fancy a walk :thumbs:

Thanks tho everyone that made me laugh on a Friday night plus it’s good to have a dream :)
Back in the day, doing a sponsored walk just meant you picked a route and (generally via backing from a school, youth group, scouts/guides or charity), got the participants to ask people to sponser them to complete the walk. I regularly did 10 mile walks for charity throughout my childhood until the arthritis got too bad.

No-one paid £1, let alone £800 to do a walk to raise money, unless I have misunderstood the issue.
...Including from other sections where she doesn't know anyone...
That's actually less rude that off her own team's birthday cakes. :D

You should start deliberately leaving small, low value, shiny things around for her to steal. She probably can't control the urge to pilfer, but a bit of forethought and you may be able to misdirect it harmlessly.
And some colleagues are 100% certain she's on the take.
So now you know which colleagues are as well, or would be if they thought they could get away with it.

As mentioned earlier in the thread, a no fingers pointed change of office policy regarding charity donations would be appropriate. She's possibly struggling with kleptomania, but there could also be someting else going on - e.g. domestic violence or fuck knows.

At the end of the day, unless you are sure she's doing worse than pocketing a few stale buns it's not really on to apportion blame. For all we know some of those "100% sure" colleagues are actually rinsing the place - safe knowing it can all be blamed on the cake shuffler if it comes on top.
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Leave a box of mini rolls in Church Lady's friend's stealy space with this slipped inside

What if she has a load of other income or savings and has matched whatever she raised ten fold or something.

Maybe she's not a thief just doesn't want everyone all up in her financial affairs.

Even if she could be a thief, grassing her in at work is poor poor form, cant believe people have seriously suggested that.
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What if she has a load of other income or savings and has matched whatever she raised ten fold or something.

Maybe she's not a thief just doesn't want everyone all up in her financial affairs.

Even if she could be a thief, grassing her in at work is poor poor form, cant believe people have seriously suggested that.
Really? If she was matching the donations 10 fold I 'm pretty sure she'd be letting everyone know about it because that's usually what people are like. She has taken money from other people so that is not her financial affairs is it?

I think the suggestion of getting management to clearly set out and enforce the rules going forwards is probably the best way to deal with it but it does need to be dealt with.
What if she has a load of other income or savings and has matched whatever she raised ten fold or something.

Maybe she's not a thief just doesn't want everyone all up in her financial affairs.

Even if she could be a thief, grassing her in at work is poor poor form, cant believe people have seriously suggested that.
The point is that this shouldn't BE her financial affairs - she is collecting money from third parties, ostensibly for a charity. It's not her money, and those donating it have a right to know where it's going.

And I don't buy this "grass" nonsense - that's just playground politics. There are situations where it is perfectly reasonable to report someone, and this would seem to be one such.
And I don't buy this "grass" nonsense - that's just playground politics. There are situations where it is perfectly reasonable to report someone, and this would seem to be one such.

Exactly, that's the important distinction. Grassing to me would be petty complaints about stuff that doesn't affect anyone else or their work. Suspected theft is very serious, and should be investigated. She might be innocent of any wrongdoing, but there's too many red flags to ignore, and it needs to be looked into. If she hasn't done anything wrong, someone needs to explain to her why it looks like she might have, so she can follow proper procedures next time and not alienate colleagues.
Exactly, that's the important distinction. Grassing to me would be petty complaints about stuff that doesn't affect anyone else or their work. Suspected theft is very serious, and should be investigated. She might be innocent of any wrongdoing, but there's too many red flags to ignore, and it needs to be looked into. If she hasn't done anything wrong, someone needs to explain to her why it looks like she might have, so she can follow proper procedures next time and not alienate colleagues.
Yep. And it's not just "theft" - it's a particularly nasty kind of fraudulent theft that's about trading on people's good intentions and trust.
Exactly, that's the important distinction. Grassing to me would be petty complaints about stuff that doesn't affect anyone else or their work. Suspected theft is very serious, and should be investigated. She might be innocent of any wrongdoing, but there's too many red flags to ignore, and it needs to be looked into. If she hasn't done anything wrong, someone needs to explain to her why it looks like she might have, so she can follow proper procedures next time and not alienate colleagues.
I agree with this absolutely.

I really hope it isn't the case, that she has been giving it to her church.
A lot of colleagues think badly of her because of all this, so it would be nice to put an end to that.
I agree with this absolutely.

I really hope it isn't the case, that she has been giving it to her church.
A lot of colleagues think badly of her because of all this, so it would be nice to put an end to that.
It may be useful for someone to be able to say this to her - "all this uncertainty about where the donations have gone is creating bad feeling, so if there is anything you can do, any documentation you can produce, that will lay those fears to rest, now would be a very good time to do that. Whether or not you think people should be able to just trust you, it's not working out that way, so you need to do something, if you don't want the situation getting worse."

My guess is that, if push comes to shove - and assuming she can't just produce some paperwork - she's going to profess outraged innocence and go on the attack. It's probably about all she's got.
Agree with existenialist, but also I would contact some of the charities involved, you are not snitching, you are raising a valid concern. They will either investigate and find that she's not donated anything in which case they or your work will need to be informed but then at least you will know for sure.
Nothing. But they are so secretive in my workplace.
Some guy got escorted out and handed over to the constabulary a few months ago, and we've heard nothing regarding that. They took a personal mobile phone from his locker. The rumour mill went into overdrive over that one, as you can probably imagine.

But as for the charity scammer I have a feeling they'll just make her adhere to the rules in future, now we know them .
Yes this is obviously the sensible thing to do. I’m just not overly confident with being in the country I guess. And there’s something fun about doing it in a group with other people, you could have interesting conversations! (Although the obvious downside of that is being trapped in a group of ‘charity skydivers’ for two days :D ).

Anyway I also don’t have any of the kit. Plus there’s the small matter of being a single mum and not being able to just leave the kids for two or three nights just cos I fancy a walk :thumbs:

Thanks tho everyone that made me laugh on a Friday night plus it’s good to have a dream :)
Didn't you once point out that you're from the city while on a walk? (Vagus memories in the back of my mind)
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