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Coffee drinkers are destroying the planet.

Will you do the right thing and give up coffee?

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Saul Goodman

It's all good, man
Coffee consumption is resulting in millions of acres of deforestation, with a carbon footprint worse than most meats, and it has zero nutritional value. There's also the slavery aspect, which alone should be reason enough not to drink it, yet our coffee consumption is still increasing.
Given the above, will you do the right thing and give up coffee?
I don't know just how genuinely "fair trade" my beans are, but I at least only drink a small amount of the best quality I can get - 16g a day is the average for Italy.
The heaviest drinkers are the Finns at twice that amount.
I prefer tea and usually drink it but I like the odd posh coffee whilst out so whilst I would miss it, it would be a (just about) bearable sacrifice. Mrs Q on the other hand reckons she couldn't get through her day of trying to drill at least a basic understanding of math into the heads of disinterested and easily distracted teenagers without her morning coffee topped up throughout the day. If coffee was banned I would be stood too close to ground zero to survive.
Screw the planet, let it burn.
If they try to ban Twirls there will be ructions. Not related, but the Lady next door who stores her Cups upside down in the cupboard so that the bit you drink from gets dirty is thus a pariah and a deviant.
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If they try to ban Twirls there will be ructions. Not related, but the Lady next door who stores her Cups upside down in the cupboard so that the bit you drink from gets dirty is thus a pariah and a deviant.

Cups go upside down to stop spiders falling in and getting trapped mate.
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