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Chris Kaba, 24, shot dead by police in Streatham, Mon 5th Sept 2022

Isn't this all sub judice now?

As long as nobody says, 'the copper is definitely guilty' or anything I think we're good.

Coppers having a public strop about one of their own being charged with murder, that might be heading towards contempt of court. You'd think they of all people would understand about not prejudicing ongoing criminal proceedings.
Agreed -the optics of that are surely detrimental to the fairness of any trial.As a part of the Executive it should be unacceptable.

Soz was commenting on what Frank said.
Once again armed cops threaten to hand back their firearms authorisations in protest at one of them being charged with murder Dozens of Met officers refuse armed patrols after colleague’s murder charge

Let them. Sure the streets would be safer
Those cops are telling on themselves. They can't trust themselves not to let their conscious or subconscious racist biases dictate their actions. They can clearly easily envisage a situation where they might adopt a shoot first, ask questions later approach when stopping a black suspect.

Even if they offer to go back on armed patrol, those officers should not be entrusted to to be in a position to use lethal force. They're effectively asking for a 'licence to kill' like we're living in some kind of regime where extrajudicial killings are sanctioned.

Although given Suella Braverman's record to date, I bet she's creaming her knickers at the thought of legislating to exempt police from prosecution for killing people while on the job.
Indeed. It‘ll more likely be a kind of show case: See, we charged him with murder and did the trial and he got off. End of story, let’s move on.
Agree with this - where is the enquiry into what led up to the shooting? I can sort of see why frearms officers don't feel supported if they're put into shit situations with bad information as in Jean Charles de Menezes - but if the police don't even stop for reflection and just move on.

Agree with this - where is the enquiry into what led up to the shooting? I can sort of see why frearms officers don't feel supported if they're put into shit situations with bad information as in Jean Charles de Menezes - but if the police don't even stop for reflection and just move on.
I see the firearms officers want more legal support.Difficult to see what else can be done short of giving them the 'license to kill' that was mentioned upthread.
Agree with this - where is the enquiry into what led up to the shooting? I can sort of see why frearms officers don't feel supported if they're put into shit situations with bad information as in Jean Charles de Menezes - but if the police don't even stop for reflection and just move on.
The thing is they always act like this when any sort of sanction against one of them is proposed. It is against any form of accountability not for being given better information
Feels like there should be a charge of corporate manslaughter/murder for the met.

Are there actually no any other investigations going on except charging the one officer?
Doubt whether it would be any easier to find a jury willing to send a policeman to prison for life if it was the Chief Constable.
The push back from the Met leadership is outlined here:

Head of Met is clearly taking on board what the armed cops are saying.

In short reform means less accountability.

Like the Police Federation ( the cops union as such) he's asking for time limits on investigations.

Put up the bar higher for scrutiny of police action when for example fire arms are used. Ie weaken the powers of supposedly independent organisation like IOPC.

Also when serious incident takes place police being allowed to put out more of the "context". Sounds to me like pushing out stuff to undermine victim of police actions that go wrong.

All in all head of Met imo has ditched the Casey report. Fallen back to keeping his troops happy.
Officer to be charged with murder.

Good news - but we've been down this road so often without it ending in any sort of justice

Isn't this all sub judice now?

As long as nobody says, 'the copper is definitely guilty' or anything I think we're good.

Coppers having a public strop about one of their own being charged with murder, that might be heading towards contempt of court. You'd think they of all people would understand about not prejudicing ongoing criminal proceedings.

Agreed -the optics of that are surely detrimental to the fairness of any trial.As a part of the Executive it should be unacceptable.

Soz was commenting on what Frank said.

Discussing the nature of murder etc does not create a substantial risk that the course of justice in this case would be seriously impeded or prejudiced.

As if anyone here gave a f*ck about that anyway.

What happens when the Home Secretary, who is also a King's Counsel and a former Attorney General, tries to intervene politically in ongoing criminal proceedings, presumably in an attempt to try and ensure that they cannot proceed fairly?:

Is Suella Braverman in contempt of court over murder case comments?

In the eyes of every lawyer I’ve spoken to, Suella Braverman has overstepped the mark
Police could/should of stopped and gave Mr Kaba time to get out of car lay facedown followed by questions at the station. But he wasn't even a suspect .Did the number plate even match up with the audi car that was part of the investigation or was it just the same colour.
You can't just shoot random people through the head who are not even a suspect just because your a police officer.

Reminds me of that poor guy yesrs ago walking through London with table leg in a bag to fix his table when he got home he also was shot dead no questions asked.

Do you think some of these police officers are killing just for the adrenaline buzz
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Do you think some of these police officers are killing just for the adrenaline buzz
No - but I think an officer pumped with adrenaline is hardly going to make a dispassionate decision - any more than if they were full of skunk or amphetamines.
This issue needs to be addressed.
What happens when the Home Secretary, who is also a King's Counsel and a former Attorney General, tries to intervene politically in ongoing criminal proceedings, presumably in an attempt to try and ensure that they cannot proceed fairly?:

Is Suella Braverman in contempt of court over murder case comments?

In the eyes of every lawyer I’ve spoken to, Suella Braverman has overstepped the mark

Mission almost accomplished?:

Decision to charge officer with Chris Kaba murder ‘should be reviewed’
This editorial in the Guardian is spot on. Perhaps Mark Rowley should be given some more time but don't think he's up to reforming the Met and looks like it needs to be restructured.

Well fuck me. After the recent posts on Brixton thread where supporting people filming cops arresting people has been dismissed by certain posters as about selfish gratification and abusing those who are in this situation and those supporting people filming cops are complicit in this abusive self gratification its refreshing to read this Guardian editorial.

Post in thread 'Chris Kaba, 24, shot dead by police in Streatham, Mon 5th Sept 2022' Chris Kaba, 24, shot dead by police in Streatham, Mon 5th Sept 2022

My post earlier on this thread shows Im in agreement with the analysis the Guardian editiorial makes.

Thank fuck for that.

I was starting to think in this section of U75 I was an out to lunch woke liberal. Out of touch with what "normal" people think.

But no. Now Im your average Guardian reader.

What happens when the Home Secretary, who is also a King's Counsel and a former Attorney General, tries to intervene politically in ongoing criminal proceedings, presumably in an attempt to try and ensure that they cannot proceed fairly?:

Is Suella Braverman in contempt of court over murder case comments?

In the eyes of every lawyer I’ve spoken to, Suella Braverman has overstepped the mark

Late yesterday afternoon, a warning:

"The judge in the Chris Kaba murder case has issued a stern Contempt of Court warning over public comments made since a police officer was charged over the fatal shooting ..."

Chris Kaba: Judge issues contempt of court warning in murder case


“The court reminds every one of the obligation on all of us to ensure we comply with the Contempt of Court process and ensure nothing is said which could in any way be thought to prejudice ongoing criminal proceedings.”
The name and date of birth of the Metropolitan Police officer currently known only as NX121 who is charged with murder following the fatal shooting of The Late Chris Kaba will be revealed on 30 January 2024. At the Old Bailey today, the Recorder of London Mark Lucraft KC dismissed the police officer's attempts to have his identity withheld from the public. The Recorder of London Mark Lucraft KC will continue to restrict publication of the address of the officer and any images or drawings of him.
At the Old Bailey this morning, the Recorder of London, Judge Mark Lucraft KC, ruled that the name of the Metropolitan Police officer currently known only as NX121 who is charged with murder following the fatal shooting of The Late Chris Kaba will now be revealed on 1 March 2024 (delayed from 30 January 2024). NX121’s trial for murder has also been put back, from 9 September 2024 to a new date of 1 October 2024.
The anonymity order preventing the naming of the Metropolitan Police firearms officer charged with the murder of the Late Chris Kaba has now been lifted - a week later than previously announced - and he can now be named as Martyn Blake, who has pladed not guilty to Mr Kaba's murder.
The anonymity order preventing the naming of the Metropolitan Police firearms officer charged with the murder of the Late Chris Kaba has now been lifted - a week later than previously announced - and he can now be named as Martyn Blake, who has pladed not guilty to Mr Kaba's murder.
I don't think having his name out there makes much of a difference. He is still going through the same process as Martyn Blake as he was as Mr X.
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