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Child in buggy blown on to London Tube station tracks

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There are no women on Urban or the internet. Just men in dresses trying to groom nerds into basements so that they can chop them up and hide them in fridges. Tru fact and I've been to Urb meets and am therefore expert.

I know you're joking but for the purpose of discussing men and women and their use of the internet, the figures according to the research reported on in the article below are interesting.....



"In at least half a dozen of the world’s biggest economies, men still outnumber women online, sometimes by a considerable margin."


Hope the graphs are visible. ..
It looks like the UK has slightly more men than women going online..
Ireland has more women than men online.
Worldwide though the story is different...with women overall falling well behind. Reasons outlined in the article.
I didn't state it was "unequivocal", I said it was an estimate. Every forum I've had experience with has been dominated by males.

Did you actually read the post I directed you to? The evidence is there.

And what Ed posted had no relevance to the types of websites I'm talking about, and was, as someone else described "marketing fluff".

As for Urban, it isn't the whole internet you know?

nope, it's better.

cause it's a place where the sexist bullshit that is tolerated elsewhere can be called out. not perfect, but certainly better.

this is why it is a place where a lot more of the posters openly ID as women. wheras places that tolerate sexism and the kind of sneering responses you've given when your sexism was challenged, women tend to use gender neutral or male identification, so they can be part of the community without being targeted with unchallenged unpleasentness. your expereinces of the internet as being very male dominated are as much about women hiding their gender as they are about levels of male participation.

and no, the link you gave was not evidence for your 95% assertion. no where even close.
nope, it's better.

cause it's a place where the sexist bullshit that is tolerated elsewhere can be called out. not perfect, but certainly better.

this is why it is a place where a lot more of the posters openly ID as women. wheras places that tolerate sexism and the kind of sneering responses you've given when your sexism was challenged, women tend to use gender neutral or male identification, so they can be part of the community without being targeted with unchallenged unpleasentness. your expereinces of the internet as being very male dominated are as much about women hiding their gender as they are about levels of male participation.

You have a serious problem, and it has nothing to do with anything I have said. You see "sexism" everywhere. I haven't said anything in this forum that can even remotely be construed as sexism - others have said this as well - and yet you keep going on, and on, and on about something that only exists in your mind. You truly are a pathetic person. Does it make you happy to roam around an internet forum throwing ridiculous accusations about? Does it?

You're a person that deserves to be sneered at. Not that there's been any sneering coming from me here. Get a fucking life.

and no, the link you gave was not evidence for your 95% assertion. no where even close.
And why is that? Because you say so?
You have a serious problem, and it has nothing to do with anything I have said. You see "sexism" everywhere. I haven't said anything in this forum that can even remotely be construed as sexism - others have said this as well - and yet you keep going on, and on, and on about something that only exists in your mind. You truly are a pathetic person. Does it make you happy to roam around an internet forum throwing ridiculous accusations about? Does it?

You're a person that deserves to be sneered at. Not that there's been any sneering coming from me here. Get a fucking life.

And why is that? Because you say so?

Woah! Bloody hell!
And you think people are out of order to you.
That is way over stepping any kind of line that some other people might have been wandering around.

And for the record it is not just Toggle. Several other people have said that they can see things in the same way. Including myself.
Emm no slagging match ..at least not from me geniunely.. tbh access for those whom cannot get about easily on the Tube is frankly a disgrace. Access for familes on the whole getting about on the tube is also frankly a disgrace.
Also when you compare the PRICE for getting about on the tube .. it really sticks in the throat when you can compare it to other places. Hell even Prague with its system has better access and that was built during cold war times.
Yes I know the tube is mostly a Victorian built system but surely it would take time but a small functional lift even if only to be used on request for buggies and wheelchair users is not beyond the building technology of the 21st Century to retro fit into the tube system.
The first part of the video is quite astonishing, not least how the buggy neatly turns right 90 degrees as if being driven by an invisible hand. Are we sure it is the wind that pushes the buggy onto the tracks, and not Damien or some other demonic entity? :hmm:
I know Bungle's got a bit of a kicking in this thread but he you Bungle73 don't help yourself.

It was sexist his thing about stupid woman. Fucksake, you don't have to be Andria Dwirkin to see that. Not massively sexist but in that casual assumption, pramb, baby, = woman... Fair enough we all make incorrect assumptions. But then to compound it by talking about 95% of forum users are male. LOL. Seriously, that was some self pwnage there. I know you probably only post in trains and cars and similar forums. (Why they're so male dominated I dunno.) But have you never just, you know looked around the other forums. Taken in anything other posters have said. Remarkably unobservant. Go to an urban pub meet... Oh you didn't mean here, just the rest of the internet. Even the scifi / fantasy Facebook group I meet up with (Yes I'm a would be nerd) are not disproportunatley male. Most of them are writers, the women and men. I just go for the beer and chat...

It's the way you tell 'em. As others have said, even when you're a bit right, you're um, so easy too wind up and seemingly obsessive over the sorta teadious minutia no one else really gives a fuck about. But then throw around made up stats with such lack of self awareness. It's kinda funny.

I think Bungle's a twat. But he's not a total cunt. :thumbs:
I didn't state it was "unequivocal", I said it was an estimate. Every forum I've had experience with has been dominated by males.
Considering you thought toggle was a man are you sure it is not just you assuming posters are male unless they make their gender clear to you?

I have no axe to grind with you, maybe you can be a really decent person but frankly and this thread and the other transport threads I have seen you post on you really do come across as a massive fucking bellend of epic proportions, the platonic form of bellends in fact.
The first part of the video is quite astonishing, not least how the buggy neatly turns right 90 degrees as if being driven by an invisible hand. Are we sure it is the wind that pushes the buggy onto the tracks, and not Damien or some other demonic entity? :hmm:

Perhaps it isn't platform-edge doors that are needed, but rather an exorcist. :hmm:
Woah! Bloody hell!
And you think people are out of order to you.
That is way over stepping any kind of line that some other people might have been wandering around.

And for the record it is not just Toggle. Several other people have said that they can see things in the same way. Including myself.

Out of order? Fuck Off I am sick and tied of that bitch and her fucking accusations that she keeps going on and on and on and on about that are fucking ridiculous. How do you expect me to react?????????

I know Bungle's got a bit of a kicking in this thread but he you Bungle73 don't help yourself.

It was sexist his thing about stupid woman. Fucksake, you don't have to be Andria Dwirkin to see that.

FFS I am seriously thinking of leaving this forum because I am sick and tired of the internet bullies who constantly start on me, and then start blaming me for it - a classic bully technique btw. And then there's the people who have a go at me for daring to get angry at this treatment. And now I've got people accusing me of things I have not done, but apparently I'm supposed to just take that as well. Fuck off.

I've been a member here since since 2008; congratulations for driving me away.
You have a serious problem, and it has nothing to do with anything I have said. You see "sexism" everywhere. I haven't said anything in this forum that can even remotely be construed as sexism - others have said this as well - and yet you keep going on, and on, and on about something that only exists in your mind. You truly are a pathetic person. Does it make you happy to roam around an internet forum throwing ridiculous accusations about? Does it?

You're a person that deserves to be sneered at. Not that there's been any sneering coming from me here. Get a fucking life.

And why is that? Because you say so?

I posted here to support you because I don't like to see posters getting ganged-up on. But you know what? Bollocks.

The initial "sexism" thing about the woman and the brakes had calmed down a bit. All you needed to do was admit that you pulled the 95% number out of your arse and this would likely have gone away, but no, you feel the need to come out with shit like this.

It's like pulling a drowning man out of a lake only for him to jump back in again.

Splash away.
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I posted here because to support you because I don't like to see posters getting ganged-up on. But you know what? Bollocks.

The initial "sexism" thing about the woman and the brakes had calmed down a bit. All you needed to do was admit that you pulled the 95% number out of your arse and this would likely have gone away, but no, you feel the need to come out with shit like this.

It's like pulling a drowning man out of a lake only for him to jump back in again.

Splash away.
How had it "calmed down"? She was still going on and on about. I'd had enough.

And I already said the "95%" was a guess...........................................
Out of order? Fuck Off I am sick and tied of that bitch and her fucking accusations that she keeps going on and on and on and on about that are fucking ridiculous. How do you expect me to react?????????


FFS I am seriously thinking of leaving this forum because I am sick and tired of the internet bullies who constantly start on me, and then start blaming me for it - a classic bully technique btw. And then there's the people who have a go at me for daring to get angry at this treatment. And now I've got people accusing me of things I have not done, but apparently I'm supposed to just take that as well. Fuck off.

I've been a member here since since 2008; congratulations for driving me away.

You need to step away for a while, geezer.
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