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Change UK: Chuka Umunna resigns from Labour party and launches Independent Group


A brunch

Gosh! Look how normal they all are! Eating in a restaurant that ordinary people might eat at! That's certainly connected with me as an ordinary voter, and clearly demonstrates that they understand the concerns of ordinary people outside of the Westminster bubble. It's especially great how unawkward they all look, being surrounded by ordinary voters. Really, really unawkward.
Gosh! Look how normal they all are! Eating in a restaurant that ordinary people might eat at! That's certainly connected with me as an ordinary voter, and clearly demonstrates that they understand the concerns of ordinary people outside of the Westminster bubble. It's especially great how unawkward they all look, being surrounded by ordinary voters. Really, really unawkward.

I really don't understand the appeal of Nandos. It fails as a restaurant and as cheap and cheerful fast food.
at the end of each meeting the mp was burned in effigy

Last night I got to wind up three of our local councillors who were at a meeting last month, and scurried off half way through, to go vote AGAINST "1 member, 1 vote" for Chuka's CLP. "Didn't work out so well for you, or for Chuka, did it?" and "well, he certainly deserved your faith in him as a Labour Party man" were two of the more genial things that fell from betwixt my lips. I did also throw out the old Lydon classic "ever get the feeling you've been cheated?".
Gosh! Look how normal they all are! Eating in a restaurant that ordinary people might eat at! That's certainly connected with me as an ordinary voter, and clearly demonstrates that they understand the concerns of ordinary people outside of the Westminster bubble. It's especially great how unawkward they all look, being surrounded by ordinary voters. Really, really unawkward.

Once they started dislocating their jaws to swallow large live rodents that Soubry had smuggled in under the table the ‘one of the people’ look was lost.
there are a lot of churches in and around Streatham. I'd be surprised if most are not 'socially conservative'. :(

One of the reasons Chuka jumped ship was "1 member, one vote" being voted in by his constituency party, effectively removing the influence his several thousand "churchy" votes got him with the CLP executive.

And yes, many of them are "socially conservative", insofar as being against homosexuality, abortion, women's rights etc, and might have judged Chuka unfavourably, if what threatened to be revealed during the leadership race, had been (straightforward Portillo-like youthful indiscretions) had come out.
the ship would be a little brighter if they could move Gavin to the back

but he has staked his claim
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