Gimme All Your Lovin’
Pickmans is a hippy?
Pickmans is a hippy?
Pickmans is a hippy?
Hence the question mark in post 2009. Pickmans is a metalhead not a hippy. Thanks for clearing that one up.What hippy? Those gentlemen in the picture are quite clearly metalheads.
A brunch
What Nandos is that?
Looks like Sasaferrato is heading to the South Atlantic canal network too...
Gosh! Look how normal they all are! Eating in a restaurant that ordinary people might eat at! That's certainly connected with me as an ordinary voter, and clearly demonstrates that they understand the concerns of ordinary people outside of the Westminster bubble. It's especially great how unawkward they all look, being surrounded by ordinary voters. Really, really unawkward.
at the end of each meeting the mp was burned in effigy
Gosh! Look how normal they all are! Eating in a restaurant that ordinary people might eat at! That's certainly connected with me as an ordinary voter, and clearly demonstrates that they understand the concerns of ordinary people outside of the Westminster bubble. It's especially great how unawkward they all look, being surrounded by ordinary voters. Really, really unawkward.
there are a lot of churches in and around Streatham. I'd be surprised if most are not 'socially conservative'.
no comment necessary
Soubry's face
Yeh now the gay hussar's closed down and rules was booked outYou just know that as soon as the photo-op was over, they upped sticks to The Ivy.
I really don't understand the appeal of Nandos. It fails as a restaurant and as cheap and cheerful fast food.
Looks like she always does when a camera catches her in the evening...half cut.
I really don't understand the appeal of Nandos. It fails as a restaurant and as cheap and cheerful fast food.
Ah, this will be why I've only ever been onceIf you are with a group
Have to say, spending the evening in Nando's with that shower is really not on my 'fun things I'd like to be doing' list.You are all just jealous you aren't able to join them...
Who can tell..?Do they look like they're doing it for fun..?
Although, and I can't believe this has only just occurred to me... isn't the idea of a 'group of independents' a bit oxymoronic?