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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

They Lady Cillers - A team of double-glazing accessory installers fall out with their fenestral comrades when they arrive on site to find only MDF windows boards have been ordered.
Tain Peaks - weird goings on in Scotland as the body of a young lassie is found in the Tain.
The Lady Illers - A group of women from a local church get together with the intention of pretending to be more ill than their unfortunate fellow parishioners so as to make said parishioners feel better than they might otherwise feel.
Toe Lady Killers - A posse is raised to hunt down a particularly nefarious witch who beguiles her victims by exhibiting her transcendental toes earning her the nickname the Toe Lady.
The Mean Mac Zine

1337 h4xxor Burt Reynolds goes to prison after being caught breaking into the Apple mainframe; he gets his revenge by starting up an irreverent IT newsletter with his fellow cons
Dirty Barry a film about how local government cuts are affecting sanitation services in a Welsh town.
Tea Lady Killers - a group of small time villains murder female workers on an Darjeeling plantation.

Tie Lady Killers - a group of small time villains murder women with neck wear.

Tee Lady Killers - a group of small time villains murder women with small items of golfing equipment.

Thee Lady Killers - a group of small time villains murder women to the accompaniment of a 60's inspired garage rock soundtrack.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Inglourious FAS Turds

Tarantino tackles Ken Loach territory with this downbeat tale of an alcoholic pregnant woman and her scatological problems
Old Toy

murderous mayhem ensues as an Action Man - imprisoned in the toy box for 20 yrs - finally escapes and tools up to dispense bloody vengeance
The Third Nan - (Bollywood remake)

... suspense/thriller about a mass murdering owner of a takeaway that laces sundry items with poison ...
Wanking in the Air

Classic animated porn movie shown on dark web chatrooms at Christmas, ideal for those with snowman fetishes
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