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Carol Vorderman... good or bad?


Another day on that hamster wheel we call life
Always had her down as a Tory based on working with Cameron's government, flogging rip-off loans on daytime TV etc but now she seems to be a constant critic of them on Twitter. Thoughts?
carol vordeman got me through many many afternoons whilst a student in the afternoon. I suppose we all grow up and she's meant to be a bit on the right these days. Was all different in the eighties in Yorkshire
Carol Vorderman probably worked through several afternoons while I was not working in the morning, while in a different time zone.
I really don't know much about this celebrity's politics (if she has any) but I heard her interviewed on LBC (in a car - not mine) a week or so ago and she did seem very angry about the overt corruption of this present troy administration. Also seemed keen to talk up her childhood poverty/single parent back-story.
I really don't know much about this celebrity's politics (if she has any) but I heard her interviewed on LBC (in a car - not mine) a week or so ago and she did seem very angry about the overt corruption of this present troy administration. Also seemed keen to talk up her childhood poverty/single parent back-story.
Sneaky way to admit to stealing a car without it being noticed.
Why would anyone care what an assistant telly show presenter thinks about stuff outside their public competence? Does Tomasz Schafernaker think Kier Starmer is sort of alright? Does Naga Munchetty dislike fog?
Came from poverty and done alright for herself given what seems to be a natural talent for maths. Seems to have empathy for those less fortunate than herself. Probably considers herself to be a bootstrap puller and wonders why others don’t do similar. Better than Rachael Riley is as much as I can muster of an opinion…
People I knew years ago who’d encountered her in the pub next to Yorkshire telly on Burley Rd said she was nice, but Whiteley was a bit of a cunt apparently.
I saw her doing a TV piece at the Troy Autopoint garage in Headingley in the late 80s. Being very much in lust with her at the time, I waved and shouted “Hiya Carol!” and she waved back. I was the envy of my friends for weeks. I came down to earth with a bump after that appearance on QT since I hadn’t factored a right wing Carol into my fantasies and it rather put me on the slack if I’m completely honest.
As for Whiteley, my former boss knew him from his local Tory club and said he was a conceited loud mouthed bastard.
If I was doing a quiz of some kind, and there was the question "name the Countdown presenter who is notable for her reactionary contributions to British politics", Carol Vorderman would not be the first name I'd think of.
Bloody Suzy Dent and her word of the day satire
I once met her, outside Kings Cross when I was pilled up. She was lovely and we had a nice chat and she signed an autograph for me. We didn't discuss politics though and it seems she talks a lot of shit these days. Still a far better person that that clown who took over from her.
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