I hate the rebranding but not quite with the same venom as many here. As Gromit says, I see it is a rough patch, and I’m sticking with them for now. Crazy owners come and go and eventually our ‘red’ season(s) will be a footnote in history. I actually disagree that we’ve become a laughing stock. I think most genuine football fans feel sorry for us, it could happen to anyone in modern football. I can accept the banter because I know I’d dish it out if Bristol/Reading/Leeds were forced to play in a different colour. I haven’t actually heard anything from away fans yet either. The badge is proper proper shit, but then so was Hammam’s, again we’ll switch back eventually. I’m trying to rationalise it by pretending we’ve just switched our home and away shirts.
I’m not even thirsty for success, I’ve never been bothered by the premiership ‘dream’. It already stretches my finances, but I’m quite happy in the championship.
I keep being reminded by that thread ‘what do you support about your football club’. What do we really support, the players, the manager, the stadium, fellow fans, an idea, tradition? It’s something slightly different for everyone. I could never answer that very well. But I guess my response to this whole debacle is that I care less about tradition/history that I thought.
Most of my enjoyment just comes from having a laugh on a Saturday with my friends, watching live football home or away, enjoying comedy fan chants and celebrating goals. All that is still there for me, I really genuinely enjoyed Saturday’s game, I think the beer also erased any guilt, I didn’t even think about the shirt colour until I got home.
However, I fully understand how different aspects of following a club mean more to each person. I do believe our tradition has been trampled over, so I can understand Ed and PaulD’s reaction, I respect their opinion on the matter and wouldn’t want you to censor it, or attempt to change you mind if that’s what you believe.
I guess I most hate how divisive it has been for fellow fans, that reason alone makes me hate the rebranding more than anything else, let’s hope we can be reunited under blue as soon as possible.