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Cardiff City /Cardiff Dragons/ RedBlueDragonBirds 2013-2014, Bluebirds Unite and related chat

I might be extremely drunk and probably shouldn't post in this frame of mind. But I don't understand this hatred of an anonymous group of fans who may or may not have 'clapped along' with the rebranding. As if they're somehow responsible for all the shit that Tan has done to us. I've been to every game this season because I had a season ticket and I'm not rich enough to discard it because of the stuff that happened off the field. So I think I'm a fair position to comment. I think a couple of thousand fans may have initially 'gone along' with the rebrand because...it's really fucking difficult to fight against the immense wealth of 'modern football' and articulate your thoughts against something that deep down you know is wrong (Is Stockholm Syndrome the right phrase?) But I've never doubted that it was ever out of anything but a deep love of the club and its history. I don't think Cardiff City fans are inherently weak-willed, or reacted differently to any other clubs fans faced with identical circumstances. But...I still think the VAST majority really hated it, every one of my friends, family members and colleagues, including most of the people I casually drink with in Canton have hated everything Tan has done from the start. As in, completely despised it. But they've still gone to games, and supported the team, because for most of these people, I mean, Cardiff City are the centre of their fucking lives, and they don't know what else to do on a Saturday....(I certainly don't, what am i supposed to do....go shopping in St Davids 2?!?) I think a lot of fans made a mistake (who doesn't in life) in initially playing down the rebranding and pushing for the premier league, ultimately, no matter what league or level you play at the main aim is to support your team to win and get promoted, it's hard to let go of that mentality...but if you went to any game after the second half of the season you'd see that any support of 'red' or anything to do with Tan had quickly disappeared. Every game was a sea of blue, and there were plenty of protest marches, songs etc...Sure there could've been a stronger response, but has any total boycott of a club and its owners ever happened?

Also, I hate being lectured by fans on other forums/IRL etc saying they would never tolerate it, things would be different, they'd rip up their season ticket and put the owners head on a spike. Like fuck. Again, we're not an inherently worse set of fans. We'll all the fucking same, and we all suffer the same way from the cancer that is 'modern football' (think I'm repeating myself here)

Fuck it, I don't even know what I'm saying any more. I've hated the rebrand and everything Tan has done from day one. But I'm not giving up on Cardiff City. This is the club I've followed since I was 5 years old. They're my local team. The team I use to get ripped the piss out of in a Cardiff High School for supporting, while all my peers followed United/Liverpool/Arsenal/insert premiership team here. It was my Dad's club and my Granddad's club. Both of who's last season was our first year in the Championship after beating QPR in the Millennium Stadium (happier times I'm sure you'll all agree). I've followed them in Division 3 home and away, I've now followed them in the Premier League, and I'll follow them next season back in the championship. With all sorts of dodgy violent fans and even dodgier back-room board antics along the way. And I'll be fucking fucked if some business-cunt from Malaysia is taking that away from me. And I don't give a fuck whether someone supported the rebrand or not, as long as they identify as a Cardiff City fan, they're alright with me. Eventually Tan will fuck off and I hope that we can go start to repair the damage and move forward as a club. If that's in League 1/2, or broke and non-league, so be it.

Apologies for the drunken rant. Feel free to destroy me. With my little pick and shovel etc...:facepalm: :)
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I guess for me it boils down to this: if any cunt had rocked up ten years ago and suggested changing the strip, the badge and the entire essence of the team in exchange for the 'glory' of the Premiership, the fans - and I mean just about all of them - would have told him to get the fuck out.

And if he had kept on trying he would have been met with total resistance to the point where he'd be forced to consult with the fans.

Instead Tan was allowed to stick his fucking evil wedge between fans by waving his wad about, and the end result is what's happened now, with life-long, die-hard fans - the very people who kept the club alive through the darkest hours - giving up on their club. And it only happened because enough fans let it happen. And that is why I gave up on my club, something I thought I would never, ever, ever do.

And yes, I do feel sorry for those fans who gave a shit, and I am as angry as fuck that they were shouted down by the glory hunters.
I guess for me it boils down to this: if any cunt had rocked up ten years ago and suggested changing the strip, the badge and the entire essence of the team in exchange for the 'glory' of the Premiership, the fans - and I mean just about all of them - would have told him to get the fuck out.

And if he had kept on trying he would have been met with total resistance to the point where he'd be forced to consult with the fans.

Instead Tan was allowed...
What accounts for such a change? "He was allowed", indeed, but why?
Apologies for the drunken rant. Feel free to destroy me. With my little pick and shovel etc...:facepalm: :)

If only I could capture sober what you've captured drunk.

It's bang on the head what the real majority of the lifelong fans feel.

Though I'm a 1st generation Cardiff supporter as my father didn't do football and my grandfather only ever showed passing interest in Non league Hartlepool results.
Thanks. Yesterday was really painful. We've been utterly humiliated, especially in the second half of this season.
I've felt humiliated ever since Tan rode into town.

I'll never forgive him for what he did, just like I'll never forgive those glory-hunting dickheads who attacked the real City fans fighting for Cardiff to stay blue.

Yes. I am still angry about it.
Spot on, Supporters Trust:
Statement from Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust following the club’s relegation from the Premier League:

Chair Tim Hartley said: “The relegation, which many of us expected, was confirmed at Newcastle yesterday. A season that started with such optimism is all over bar the shouting with the Bluebirds starting again in the Championship in 2014-15.

“The season’s end provides an opportunity for the club owner, Vincent Tan, to build a new era with the supporters of this football club.

“This means starting a regular and meaningful dialogue with fans and supporter groups. The new season also provides Mr Tan with an opportunity to wipe the sheet clean and build severely damaged relationships with supporters.

“One immediate action he should take is to announce that blue will once again be the colour of the home shirt and the traditional club badge will also be restored.

“If Mr Tan continues to ignore the wishes of its long-standing supporters, it is inevitable that protests will continue next season, deflecting from efforts to return to the Premier League at the first opportunity.

“If Mr Tan has learnt anything from this season it is that he can no longer ignore his customers – the fans of Cardiff City, many of whom have followed the club through thick and thin over decades. We look forward to meeting Mr Tan at the earliest opportunity.”

A little optimistic, perhaps?


On a different note, is "Tan's choice" Ole Gunnar Solskjaer officially the worst manager Cardiff have ever had?
Good piece on the BBC:

There were already clouds on the horizon. Promotion had been tainted for many supporters including myself by owner Vincent Tan's controversial rebranding of the club's 100-year-old colours from blue to red that season.

There were many who decided it was a price not worth paying and stopped going despite following the club through two decades of near total failure in much of the 1980s and 90s.

I hated the rebrand - and would not dream of buying any club merchandise in the "wrong colour" - but, call me a glory seeker, I was not willing to stop going because of it. I still looked forward to the excitement to the Premier League....

The club's handling of the sacking of popular manager Malky Mackay, the man who finally took Cardiff back to the top division after so long, was widely derided.

Despite his inability to sign a decent goalscorer with the millions of pounds at his disposal and his spectacular falling out with Tan, surely he deserved better treatment than the email which he said warned him to resign or be sacked?

Most infamously, after Mackay's head of recruitment Iain Moody was sacked, an unknown 23-year-old who was formerly on work experience was employed in his place.

The chaos brought protests in support of Mackay which, since his eventual sacking in December, have turned into protests calling for the return of the club colours to blue.
I've been saying this headline from the start.

Tan said get behind the change and I'll convert debt.

Well we didn't get behind the change.
The fans have been in continual unrest.
On pitch performance has been affected by off pitch atmosphere leading to failure.

My only surprise is the possibility that he still might convert any at all.
I've been saying this headline from the start.

Tan said get behind the change and I'll convert debt.

Well we didn't get behind the change.
The fans have been in continual unrest.
On pitch performance has been affected by off pitch atmosphere leading to failure.

My only surprise is the possibility that he still might convert any at all.
so it is the FANS fault???? :eek:
fucks sake man
"if only everyone had behaved and listened to the man with the money" :(
so it is the FANS fault???? :eek:
fucks sake man
"if only everyone had behaved and listened to the man with the money" :(

Not what i saad.

Is it the fans fault that he doesn't want to covert debt? yes.

Is it his fault that the fans acted this way? yes.
Not what i saad.

Is it the fans fault that he doesn't want to covert debt? yes.

Is it his fault that the fans acted this way? yes.
yeah that was really clear from your post!

move the goalposts anymore and they'll be in Swansea!!
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