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Cardiff City /Cardiff Dragons/ RedBlueDragonBirds 2013-2014, Bluebirds Unite and related chat

This doesn't look good:

Cardiff City: Malky Mackay's future as manager remains unclear
Malky Mackay's future as Cardiff manager remains unclear after he failed to attend Friday's news conference.

I'm not sure how they square the headline on that story with the opening line - "The 41-year-old was given an ultimatum on Monday by owner Vincent Tan to resign or be sacked."

That seems fairly clear to me.
I'm not sure how they square the headline on that story with the opening line - "The 41-year-old was given an ultimatum on Monday by owner Vincent Tan to resign or be sacked."

That seems fairly clear to me.
Maybe because that cunt Tan has a record for saying one thing and doing the opposite?
Maybe because that cunt Tan has a record for saying one thing and doing the opposite?

Seems that the only reason Mackay is still there is cos Tan can't bear the thought of paying him off. But he surely will soon and set his lawyers to disputing the amount.
Household name at another British club. Is that a reference to Scotland then or what? Whoever it is, they're either really stupid or clever enough to be happy to get scaked after a year with a pay-off.
So he sacked Dave Jones (who was easily one of the best managers we've had for decades) and now he;s going to sack another excellent manager. The twat.

Surely Tan has to sack Mackay pronto. Someone just made point on Radio 5 that if Cardiff go to Liverpool and beat them 3-0* it's going to be almost impossible to sack him.

* unlikely but by no means impossible in the circs
Good piece in the Guardian:
Out went a hundred years of tradition, the blue shirts became red and the Bluebird was replaced by a dragon "to show the fusion of Welsh and Malaysian cultures".

The scarf giveaway was the last straw for my teenage son. One look at the stadium wrapped in free red scarves and he was off, never to return. He now goes to watch Hereford instead. It split us as a family. My wife and I had taken him to watch "The City" as a babe in arms. His room was a shrine to players present and past. We even arranged our family holidays around the pre-season friendlies. Not any more.
Tan has invested heavily in the club (albeit through loans attracting 7% interest) and, through the hard work of Mackay, delivered Premier League football to Cardiff. But the ultimatum to Malky in an email to "walk or get sacked" could be the last straw for many supporters. There was a protest at the stadium on Friday and there are rumblings of more at Saturday afternoon's game at Liverpool.
It is not so much what Tan does but the way he goes about it. Despite several requests I have only met Tan Sri Vincent Tan – to give him his honourable Malaysian title – once, at a reception in London to celebrate our promotion to the Premier League. Mackay was there too. It was a night of smiles and handshakes. I cornered Tan. "You could be the greatest man in this club's history," I told him, "just compromise with us on the colours." Tan was not for turning. "Find yourself a new owner," he said politely but sharply, "and convince him."

I'm thinking Boxing Day may prove more interesting than I expected.
How does foreign club ownership in the PL compare with other European leagues? I can't imagine it being nearly as common in the likes of Germany, France or Spain as it is here.

It is a big fucking problem in fact.
The Malaysian take on things.....

Why allow Vincent Tan taxpayers’ money to embarrass Malaysia? – Ee May Lee
December 21, 2013

At a time when our Prime Minister touts that the government is doing all it can to curb our spiraling deficit, it seems puzzling that they were more than eager to splurge RM15 million to aid Vincent Tan in his sponsorship for Cardiff City.

Furthermore, when queried over why our government was willing to waste RM15 million of taxpayer’s money on this, Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz stated that the deal covering one season would help the ministry gain global “publicity and public relations” benefit and to attract high-end tourists from the United Kingdom and other Western European nations to Malaysia.

However, instead of achieving the latter, Vincent Tan’s latest stunts at Cardiff City only brought embarrassment to our country. With Twitter trends like #TanOut, a huge lambast by Liverpool FC manager and even non-Cardiff City fans protesting against Vincent Tan, this debacle serves to smear the name of Malaysia more than it has to aid it.
Heard from a friend of a good source close to Mackay that the issue is down to both a mixture of Tan's megalomania and his utter lack of understanding of the game. Apparently it's taken as read that when given a transfer budget a manager sees that as the up front cash for purchasing players, and that additional monies, such as bonuses, agents' fees and other overheads are taken as read as being an extra. Tan didn't understand this, and apparently Mackay was unaware of this ignorance when he spent up to the £30m allocated , and hence all the shrill bleating of going significantly over budget.

The source also asserts that Tan is 'completely mad', which I'd imagine would come as no surprise to anybody.
clip of Malky leaving the field and City fans chants

so messed up if he is got rid of

Who are the (approx) 14 dickheads wearing red shirts?

Regardless of whether you've accepted the colour change or not, everyone going to that match today must surely have known that it's either Tan or Malky. A chance to almost literally nail your colours to the mast.

Cardiff is depressing :( I'm a Spurs fan, seeing what's going on with this utter cunt has made me realise that to my shame I was nowhere near anti enough to the Stratford move. So glad we came out of that at WHL, here's hoping Cardiff come out blue. Supporters Trust owned with safe standing and cheap kids' tickets would be nice too.
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