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Candidates who are vile c*nts.


EXPLODED TIM! (Help me!!!)
Let's start with this.

The Labour candidate for Barking and current Council leader, Darren Rodwell, decided to sort out a constituent who had made threats. He used his influence: "I had the ways and means to do it " to get his victims address and then got his constituency office to contact the police to tell them not respond to calls from that address.

He's boasted about doing this on a podcast. I live in a neighbouring constituency and whilst my MP, Stephen Timms, is a homophobic bigot. I don't think he wants to be a Mafia capo.

I can't imagine that much if what he has confessed to is legal, so I can't see how he can continue to be a Labour candidate.

Any more criminality or sleaze which hasn't already got its own thread?
Here's another one called Darren - is it a coincidence or something more sinister?

Tory candidate linked to pastors accused of homophobia

The Conservatives have selected a parliamentary candidate with links to preachers accused of homophobia and Islamophobia. Darren Millar, who is currently a member of the Welsh Parliament, has been selected to stand for the new parliamentary seat of Clwyd North in North Wales. Mr Millar has previously attracted controversy for his association with a pastor called Yang Tuck Yoong, who was criticised for homophobic views. Mr Yoong said homosexuality was an “abomination” and a “sin” and was reported to police in 2013 after saying it was “far more rampant, militant and organised than most of us actually believe it to be” in a sermon titled ‘The Sin of Sodom'.
Beaten to it !

Just like to agree that the list of not being a vile c*nt is likely to be shorter.
Being a politician, particularly for the nasty party, seems to have that as a protected characteristic / requirement.
Let's start with this.

The Labour candidate for Barking and current Council leader, Darren Rodwell, decided to sort out a constituent who had made threats. He used his influence: "I had the ways and means to do it " to get his victims address and then got his constituency office to contact the police to tell them not respond to calls from that address.

He's boasted about doing this on a podcast. I live in a neighbouring constituency and whilst my MP, Stephen Timms, is a homophobic bigot. I don't think he wants to be a Mafia capo.

I can't imagine that much if what he has confessed to is legal, so I can't see how he can continue to be a Labour candidate.

Any more criminality or sleaze which hasn't already got its own thread?
Surely this is a figure close to 650?
Is it ever possible to have a candidate who isn't a vile c*nt, and if not why not, and what is to be done about it?

OK, I admit, I've never really understood how anarchism runs the railways.
And, yeah, I reckon most urbs would put me in the non-thinking category.

But I have a vote.
Let's start with this.

The Labour candidate for Barking and current Council leader, Darren Rodwell, decided to sort out a constituent who had made threats. He used his influence: "I had the ways and means to do it " to get his victims address and then got his constituency office to contact the police to tell them not respond to calls from that address.

He's boasted about doing this on a podcast. I live in a neighbouring constituency and whilst my MP, Stephen Timms, is a homophobic bigot. I don't think he wants to be a Mafia capo.

I can't imagine that much if what he has confessed to is legal, so I can't see how he can continue to be a Labour candidate.
Of course he can. He's right wing.
Sadly, there are masses and masses of people whom nothing will make think.
Disagree. They do think, they just don't give a shit about the poor, the ill, the unemployed, those that are discriminated against...they just agree with scapegoating refugees, all the above along with trans people, trade unionists and socialists rather than looking at the real reasons we don't have a properly funded NHS, decent council services, enough schools and teaching / support staff, enough housing etc.
And tbh, no organisation on the left is either taking up these arguments or has the political pull to make a difference atm
More of a certifiable fruitcake than a vile cunt, but let's take a moment to remember Aidan Powlesland, a Ukip candidate in the 2017 general election.

A Ukip candidate wants to spend more than £1 billion on building an interstellar colony ship and mining asteroids for platinum.

The right wing party is normally focused on immigration but Aidan Powlesland, who is running for parliament in South Suffolk, has different priorities.

If he wins his seat he wants to offer a private company £1b if they can figure out a way to mine the asteroid belt in the next ten years, which he thinks will give the UK an advantage after Brexit.

This will be on top of a £130m investment into designing an interstellar colony ship and nano-probe fleet, which would retrieve the platinum.

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