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Candidates who are vile c*nts.


EXPLODED TIM! (Help me!!!)
Let's start with this.

The Labour candidate for Barking and current Council leader, Darren Rodwell, decided to sort out a constituent who had made threats. He used his influence: "I had the ways and means to do it " to get his victims address and then got his constituency office to contact the police to tell them not respond to calls from that address.

He's boasted about doing this on a podcast. I live in a neighbouring constituency and whilst my MP, Stephen Timms, is a homophobic bigot. I don't think he wants to be a Mafia capo.

I can't imagine that much if what he has confessed to is legal, so I can't see how he can continue to be a Labour candidate.

Any more criminality or sleaze which hasn't already got its own thread?
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