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Canadians taken hostage in the Philippines

They still are holding at least 24 people including two Canadians, Malaysians a Norwegian, Japanese and a Philipeano women. I know that Canada and Britain don't pay up but try and arrange third party payment which has been successful before. Horrible horrible and I wont watch the videos. I am so so sorry for you Argonia.
They still are holding at least 24 people including two Canadians, Malaysians a Norwegian, Japanese and a Philipeano women. I know that Canada and Britain don't pay up but try and arrange third party payment which has been successful before. Horrible horrible and I wont watch the videos. I am so so sorry for you Argonia.
I wish I could unwatch the video to be honest so I can understand your policy.
I wish I could unwatch the video to be honest so I can understand your policy.

Oh no! If you can get out some of the happy photos that have fond memories for you. Read about the activities that made him happy and what he loved. Your probably in a state of shock and you may just have to quietly sit with that and the grief. Don't bother yourself with any media and I do hope there is someone you can be with---talking or not. I'm sorry.
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