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Canada, Alberta

The Siksika Nation museum at Blackfoot Crossing is amazing. The building itself is a true thing of beauty. Here's the view from the front.
And from the back.
The view looking out from the inside is also brilliant... though this smartphone pic doesn't really do it justice.
Well worth a visit if you're in the area.
He is!!! It's been an amazing road trip (which we've extended by another day). Tonight we're in Pincher Creek after after a day at Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump, then Twin Bute for a beer then down to Waterton National Park, looked at the lake and walked to the top of the falls. Then we drove to see the falls a Lundbrek near Pincher Creek. Pics tomorrow as the motel WiFi is a bit bobbins.
Here's a bit of info on Head Smashed-in Buffalo Jump:
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump - Wikipedia.

Here's Waterton Falls, which we climbed up. My bloody knees were killing me after.


The lakes and mountains there are really beautiful. Here's the Wikipedia page: Waterton Lakes National Park - Wikipedia

As I said, we stayed overnight back in the prairie in Pincher Creek, a nice little town. There are some beautiful Falls outside of town. Pic later.
We did see a moose outside Drumheller!!! It was just galloping about by the river, doing its thing. Talking of wildlife, we were really lucky to see a bald eagle fly over us at Lundbreck Falls.

Anyway, it's been a fantastic road trip. Alberta is such a varied place, from the Rockies to the foothills, the plains and the badlands... and Calgary itself, it's all pretty amazing. The people we've been meeting are all incredibly friendly too. Everywhere we go, people have been keen to chat to us, listen to our stories and tell us theirs. It's not something I'm used to back home.

So we finished up the road trip with a really lovely circular walk around Beauvais Lake in the foothills (about 9km), just talking bollocks about anything and everything. And that's been the best thing really, catching up with our kid (who I hadn't seen since before the pandemic, apart from on WhatsApp).

Here's Lake Beauvais:

Aye, and this is just a part of Southern Alberta, which seems to consist of multiple varied biomes. Couple of days ago, it was bone dry and over 20° and last night it rained a bit and then snowed overnight.

The rain is a good thing. A couple of days ago, this Siksika guy on the reserve was telling me they were praying for rain. I told him, as a Mancunian, I was hoping to bring the spirit of piss wet Manchester with me. So hey, looks like it worked... er... probably :thumbs:

Anyway, it'll be a quieter this week, as our kid is back at work, working from home mostly. So it'll be mainly bars, early evening trips out and meeting his mates, with occasional trips to Crown land to make things go bang.
So yesterday evening, our kid took me off to crown land to do some target shooting with various rifles and shotguns.


The last time I did this sort of thing was when I was a kid with an air gun. But some of these really did go bang. Anyway, it was a good laff and no animals were harmed (though I got a slight shoulder impact bruise and suffered a few mosquito attacks).

On the way there, we stopped at the Okotoks Erratic which is very interesting. Hopefully yo can read the small print to save me from explaining things beyond my ken.


All in all, a good day out.

Tonight is another trip to the Blues Can with friends, and tomorrow we're off to Banff for the weekend :thumbs:
So yesterday evening, our kid took me off to crown land to do some target shooting with various rifles and shotguns.

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The last time I did this sort of thing was when I was a kid with an air gun. But some of these really did go bang. Anyway, it was a good laff and no animals were harmed (though I got a slight shoulder impact bruise and suffered a few mosquito attacks).

On the way there, we stopped at the Okotoks Erratic which is very interesting. Hopefully yo can read the small print to save me from explaining things beyond my ken.
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View attachment 322492

All in all, a good day out.

Tonight is another trip to the Blues Can with friends, and tomorrow we're off to Banff for the weekend :thumbs:
It’s gorgeous! Remember to stay bear aware. Make lots of noise. It’s the time of year when momma bear has her cubs.
Nah. Our kid is keeping it as a souvenir of his dadarchist.

Eta: the stick is a thing of beauty, with an Eagle carved in it with a compass on top. If some furry bleeder comes at me, it'll get it rammed up its ursine wheeto.
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Gotta say, Banff is truly stunning! Yesterday we went to the fabulous Lake Louise.

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Then later, our kid had me trekking along Johnston Canyon.


It was uphill most of the way and we got as far as the upper falls... but by then, my knees and ankles were a bit knackered and I had to limp back to the car. Earlier in the thread, someone mentioned the ink pots. These were another 3km uphill along the canyon, so for me, it was a case of fuck that for a game of soldiers. That said, I'd have loved to have seen them. Oh to be a few years younger again and not so fond of the old chippy tea :D
Last day in Banff, at the Cascade Ponds in the morning:


Then a trip to Banff town, which is a kind of half Blackpool and half Disneyland. I stocked up on souvenir tatt to take home.

Then off to Lake Minnewanka (fnar fnar) which is really beautiful.


I'll be lying down tomorrow, resting my knees and aching feet... phew!
It really is an amazing place klang and I'm very fortunate that my son lives here and can show me around all these beautiful places and meet all his lovely friends. But even without family here, coming for a holiday would be well worth it. I got a return flight from Heathrow to Calgary for under £600. Considering it's an ocean and a few more timezones away, that's very cheap. Dunno what car hire prices are like here, but I suspect it'll be cheaper than in Blighty. If you have the opportunity and can afford it, then definitely do it. It's a trip of a lifetime.
I have a bit of a thing for youtube clips of adventurers canoe-ing Labrador, Lake Supreme, Little North etc. I've done similar in Swedem, but Canada is in a different league!
On another road trip. Stayed at Lethbridge last night, where we had a good laff with locals. Then today, on to the wonderful Writing on Stone Provincial Park. It's a really beautiful magical place with lots of ancient petroglyphs, some of which are about 1000 years old while the most recent indigenous art is of model T Ford's in the 1920s!


plus tons of hoodoos to wander round and climb about

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The nearby Milk River, camp site and visitors' centre is lovely. We also listened to an older indigenous chap telling stories and singing songs there in the evening. We met some really great people camping there too and had beers with them round the fire.

I've loved the mountains and the prairies here but the badlands, especially Writing on Stone are really special for me.

Right now, we're staying in Coutts on the US border and tomorrow it's off to Medicine Hat and the giant tepee plus Red Rock Coulee and the weird rock formations, then Cypress Hills. Busy busy.
Yesterday we were driving along the southern Alberta boonies. At one point I don't think we saw another vehicle or human for over an hour... though we did see a line of tornadoes forming. Fortunately they came to nowt. Anyway, we found our way to Red Rock Coulee which has all these red spheroid concretions. It's like another planet. Here's me being ambushed by a weird alien.


After that, we went to Medicine Hat, saw the world's biggest tepee, then off to slouch around the town with nice local beers and good nosh.

Today, is the last day of our final road trip. Our kid tells me it'll include more dinosaurs. More later.
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