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Bush lets the truth slip?


the truth don't care
I've taken a lot of flak on these boards for suggesting that the WTC was pre-wired with explosives. So maybe it will come as a surprise that no less an authority than the President of the United States appears to concur!

Bush speech about how wonderful torture is

Here's the section transcribed from the White House website:

For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.

Notice the pause also when he realises he's put his foot in it, then decides he better just carry on?

Or is it of course that he's simply hopeless, can barely tie his shoelaces without assistance so how can he remember that planes crashed into the WTC?

You decide!
But it doesn't reference the WTC and it specifically says that he (Khalid SHeik Mohammad) is describing "planned attacks" on US buildings - not the attack on the WTC.

Not sure this really says anything at all.

As usual.
Jazzz said:
You decide!

I decide that you're spouting sly, dishonest conspiraloon nonsense again.

Taken in context (which I understand is difficult, if not impossible, for you and your tin foil-clad chums) the piece that you've quoted is clearly a reference to attacks post-dating the information given by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was captured in Pakistan in 2003. What he told the Americans could only have been any use in preventing future attacks. Therefore what he told the Americans about attacks on buildings clearly relates to future attacks and not the September 11th attacks.

I detest Bush and all that he and his cronies and controllers stand for, but criticism from people like you is so wide of the mark, it actually detracts from the more coherent and correct criticisms which are made of his behaviour. :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
yep fair point. Still, sounds an awful lot like 9/11.
FFS. Why can't you research things properly before posting up your laughably wide of the mark conspiraloon shite?
aylee said:
I detest Bush and all that he and his cronies and controllers stand for, but criticism from people like you is so wide of the mark, it actually detracts from the more coherent and correct criticisms which are made of his behaviour.
Exactly. Jazzz and his gang of fact-free fools do more harm than good with their idiotic claims.
Ignore the bombshell, why don't you ...

The first bill will allow us to use military commissions to try suspected terrorists for war crimes.
You ... f-ing ... what?
any article found anywhere said:
blah blah blah bomb blah blah blah blah blah brought down blah blah blah blah....
several pages later
blah blah blah WTC blah blah blah etc

Conspiraloon: "There you are, proof the WTC was blown up". :eek:
"He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping."

WEll, thats clearly talking about the WTC - what else could it be about?

However, I thought the conspiracy theory had it that the US put in the bombs, no?
brixtonvilla said:
OK. You're talking total shit as usual. Night!
It's entertaining, better than talking about women and children being maimed on a daily basis in Afghanistan. Come to think of it, it's what the US govt had planned all along
Bush is talking about torturing people. About justifying torture with fantasy confessions relating to t9/11, implied not inferred.

And all you (usual suspects) can do is talk about fucking lizards. And I'm not talking about Jazz, either, even though he's wrong. Bush is implying 9/11. Not because it's a fact...but to justify the torture of people held in illegal prisons by relating it to the events of 9/11. I mean....WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK AMERICANS HEARD when he said that? They were the target audience, weren't they?

Of course that wouldn't come up with you lot. Bring on halloween. As the philosopher said..stare into the abyss long enough...

the information obtained by the central intelligence agency by questioning men like...
entirely passes you by.

Becks would appreciate this.
DexterTCN said:
Of course that wouldn't come up with you lot. Bring on halloween. As the philosopher said..stare into the abyss long enough...
Sorry? Are you assuming that because we're ridiculing Jazzz's latest bonkers conspiracy yarn that somehow equates to a lack of interest or an absence of disgust at Bush's illegal treatment of 'suspects'?

Jazzz's thread has been treated with all the disdain it deserves
Just like the Becks thread you binned the other week then? Disdain seems merely to come from saying 9/11...from that point all logic goes out the window.

Bush was talking about 9/11 , as I said.

Not because it was a conspiraloon delight, but to justify torture.

Just because Jazz is wrong about the reasons Bush was doing it doesn't mean Bush was not doing it.
Blimey, this must be the weakest connection yet. "It sounds very vaguely like my theory about What Really Happened On Nine Eleven, or it would if he had been talking about that at all, which he wasn't."
DexterTCN said:
Just like the Becks thread you binned the other week then? Disdain seems merely to come from saying 9/11...from that point all logic goes out the window.

Bush was talking about 9/11 , as I said.

Not because it was a conspiraloon delight, but to justify torture.

Just because Jazz is wrong about the reasons Bush was doing it doesn't mean Bush was not doing it.
Of course he was talking about 9/11, he does it in every speech he makes to try to justify whatever bullshit he wants to promote by association. But this thread is in fact a distraction from that.
Total fucking bollocks copied from some cunt loon website once again.

You going for an olympic medal in bullshittery, Jazzz?
lostexpectation said:
this is an interesting picture I've never seen before,http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/pictures/9-11/wtc-collapse-01.jpg

belies the floor by floor explosives, although I always thought that it did drop straight down, and didn't topple at all, although that was probably the other tower we always see...

How do you know that picture hasn't been manipulated ?

The darker smoke looks a little false to me, although this lcd panel I'm viewing it on isn't the best, so I stand to be corrected.
pk said:
Total fucking bollocks copied from some cunt loon website once again.

You going for an olympic medal in bullshittery, Jazzz?
To be frank Jazzz's been making a whole lot more sense than DexterTCN up there :confused:
DexterTCN said:
Just like the Becks thread you binned the other week then? Disdain seems merely to come from saying 9/11...from that point all logic goes out the window.

Bush was talking about 9/11 , as I said.

Not because it was a conspiraloon delight, but to justify torture.

Just because Jazz is wrong about the reasons Bush was doing it doesn't mean Bush was not doing it.

Well to be fair, if you do a search for 9/11 in the transcript, it comes up 11 times. If it wasn't about 9/11, you could be forgiven that 9/11 was on the President's mind.

I personally am sick to death of it and would happily never hear those numbers again.
okay - look I saw this on another site at some stupid hour in the morning when I was dog tired but couldn't sleep. I'll hold my hands up, I didn't check it properly. I will stand by stuff I post and believe in but I agree, there's nothing here of any substance so I'll admit that too.

I expect of course that some posters will take a delight in this post and pile in for afters - they should grow up.
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